I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 111

Chapter 110 Give up

Hearing what the elder son Li Hong said, Lu Meng frowned slightly:

“The old minister remembers that his name is Murongting?”

Li Hong nodded: “Lu Xiang might as well pay attention to this person.”

Lu Meng looked at Li Hong: “Since this is the case, why don’t Your Highness talk to this person?”

The dark pavilion directly obeyed Tang Wang Li Xuan’s heart, and Lu Meng certainly did not suggest that the son Li Hong win over the true core figure of the dark pavilion.

But at least, relax the relationship with the other party and don’t keep fighting against Li Hong.

Although the antagonism between the dark pavilion and the prince son mansion was created by the king of Tang to a certain extent, the proper grasp of it was always in the hands of the dark pavilion principal.

Don’t ask the other party to show kindness, at least don’t dig secretly.

Ange had already broken Gu Hechuan, a master of the seventh realm, but the result was kept secret and did not report it to the son Li Hong.

He even used Li Hong’an’s eyeliner in the dark pavilion to pass false news to Li Hong, saying that Chang’an had no masters and only relying on the poisonous fog to solve the Tang army’s siege.

Mr. Mingxi Cheng Jingyuan and others were trapped in Chang’an. To a large extent, it was because of this problem that they underestimated the enemy. They thought that a few seventh-level practitioners could take Chang’an together. As a result, the entire army was wiped out and none of them returned.

Although it proved afterwards, Changan’s strength was still stronger than expected.

But at the beginning, the hidden pavilion dug a hole for the world’s son, but it was also real.

“Little touched, but didn’t dare to make big moves.”

Li Hongyan said: “After all, you have to worry about your father’s thoughts.”

Lu Meng nodded lightly: “His Royal Highness is old-fashioned. It’s not bad. It’s just that the Prince Muping has become more aggressive these days, and he is getting closer and closer to the dark pavilion.”

Li Hong’s expression became more serious: “I understand.”

Li Yi, the king of Muping County, was the second son of Li Xuanxin, the king of the Tang Dynasty, who was brave enough to covet Li Hong’s eldest son.

He broke through last year and reached the realm of the eighth martial arts Guixiong. He was even with Li Hong, and his attitude became more arrogant and domineering, and he often clashed with Li Hong.

The head of the dark pavilion, Gao Yu, has always been tit-for-tat against the elder son Li Hong. In recent years, he has become close to Li Yi, the king of Muping County, and has become a serious concern for the elder son Li Hong.

The king of Tang tabooed the elder son to reconcile with the dark pavilion, but he closed one eye to Li Yi’s actions, making the elder son Li Hong’s heart heavier.

In the previous attack on Chang’an, Li Dang, the fourth brother who had always supported him, was compensated.

“Lu Xiang rest assured, I will pay attention.”

Li Hongping said calmly: “My father has orders and started to cut off the Chang’an Wing Olympic aid. It is larger than Helongmen and Tingshan Academy is weaker, so let’s put it first.”

Lu Meng smiled slightly: “Ting Shan Xiang has a rebellious intention and is not in harmony with the gentleman, but the king is magnanimous and cherishes the gentleness, so they are left.

Now that they have to make an inch of it, they walk with Chang’an instead, and make Sven sweep the ground, which is the way to self-destruction.

Here, leave it to the old minister. ”

“It’s hard for Lu Xiang to go out in person. With you, you will surely be successful.” Li Hongyan said: “The soldiers and horses around you, all are waiting for your dispatch.”

“His Royal Highness.” After Lu Meng bowed, he set about arrangements and left the royal capital Luyang that day.

As he set off to Tingshan, under his gate Songjiang Academy, some Confucian practitioners were notified to leave.

The Tang army around Tingshan also began to mobilize.

Lu Meng arrived at the foot of Tingshan, looked at the mountain in front of him, and smiled slightly.

The appointment of the dean of Tingshan Academy was killed by Dongtang.

The reason was that Tang Wang Li Xuanxin wanted to surrender and divide the scholars here for his own use.

However, in the past few years, Tingshan Academy still has few students entering the DPRK as officials, and most of them study behind closed doors.

For Songyang Academy and Lu Meng, this is naturally the best.

It seemed that Wang Wang finally lost his patience this time.

Lu Meng instructed the general Tang Jun to his side: “The king has orders. Tingshan Academy colluded with the Chang’an Rebellion Party to rebel. The law cannot be pardoned. It will be shut down immediately. Everyone in the academy will take it. Those who resist will be killed.

“Follow the king’s order.” The general responded, then raised his arm and waved forward.

Everyone around the mountain began to attack immediately.

Lu Meng and the Confucian practitioners at Songyang Academy next to him all stared at the green hills in front of them.

The practitioners of Tingshan Academy resist, and they will personally take action to help the army suppress it.

At this moment on the mountain, in a quaint academy, the head of the academy, Li Zhibin, told all the students:

“For his own benefit, Li hurt the entire academy. He was ashamed of everyone and he was to blame for his death.

Everyone who is willing to defect to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, let’s go, Moyin Li lost his life. ”

A group of students hurriedly stepped forward and helped Li Zhibin up: “Sir, don’t say that. Scholars of my generation are so mighty and can’t bend. How can they bow down because of the sword?”

“Yes, sir, Brother Li has been studying with us for more than ten years. He is your son and our classmate. We will only be happy if he can be saved.”

“Dongtang is tyrannical, how can your husband be blamed on yourself?”

A crowd of students talked about each other.

Li Jun was grateful and ashamed.

An old man next to him helped Li Zhibin and his son up: “I want to succumb to the swords and spears of Tang Jun. Just like Songyang Lu Meng and others, we all succumbed to the victim. Why should the teacher die in vain?”

Li Zhibin shook his head and sighed: “If it weren’t for Jun’er and me, everyone could at least study in the mountains for a few years.”

The old man is Wan Li, the current dean of Tingshan Academy.

He patted Li Zhibin on the shoulder: “You can study anywhere. I am not waiting here to wait and die.”

He turned his head and said to everyone: “East Tang is not benevolent, we have to leave Tingshan, break out, and study elsewhere. What do you think?”

“Good!” everyone shouted in unison.

Some people even shouted: “Mr. Li and Brother Li both said that Chang’an is pretty good, so we just went there.”

However, some people hesitated: “Dongtang accused us of colluding with Chang’an, but we didn’t…”

“Dong Tang is tyrannical, and it’s the opposite!” said a student next to it: “Now it seems that it is Chang’an that is most likely to succeed in anti-Tang. There is more emphasis on culture and education, far better than other places.”

Dean Wan Li raised his hand to stop everyone from discussing: “Before you break out of the encirclement, let’s start with speed, keep everything simple and don’t delay time.”

He asked Li Zhibin and another seventh-level instructor to take them down the mountain first: “There are some things in the academy that are not easy to take away, but they can’t be left to the Dongtang and the old people will be dealt with.”

“I’ll go together too.” Li Zhibin said, “It happened to be something about Chang’an, which I didn’t talk about before.”

Wan Li frowned, but did not object, only urging the other students to leave.

When the others were almost gone, Wan Li looked at Li Zhibin: “Lao Xu is the dean of the academy.”

Li Zhibin nodded calmly: “So, it is your time to lead everyone to a new world.”

The two were tacitly aware.

Outside there is a talented and talented man, at least a great scholar of the eighth level.

Most of it was Lu Meng, the dean of Songyang Academy who came in person.

With him, someone must break the queen, otherwise no one can leave.

I didn’t talk about it just now, I was just afraid of hurting the morale of others.

“You just reunited with your son, so leave as soon as possible.”

Dean Wan Li smiled slightly: “The old man is alone, childless, and dying. There is not much time. At the beginning, he took over as the dean because he was good at making things easy and perfunctory.

You are not as good as you in terms of knowledge, virtue, and old age. You are prosperous and prosperous, and you have a great future. The state of governance is only a matter of time for you, and there is no hope for the world. ”

“From the time I put the college in danger for Jun’er, I have no virtue at all.”

Li Zhibin listened to Tang Jun shouting and killing closer and closer: “Even if I can break through, I don’t know how many students will suffer because of my father and son. How will I see them in the future?”

Wan Li’s expression also dimmed slightly when he heard this.

“When I go out, I am ashamed of the ancestors of the past, ashamed of the students who have died, and I can only hide my face and die. It’s better to be here to redeem my sins.”

Li Zhibin took off a piece of jade pendant on his body and handed it to Wan Li: “I am going to die early, and Jun’er has no relatives. Please allow me to be selfish one more time. From now on, I hope you will take care of Jun’er one or two.”

After all, he bowed to Wan Li.

Wan Li wanted to convince him again, and Li Zhibin raised his head and said sternly: “If you don’t leave, you won’t be able to leave!”

Dean Wan sighed up to the sky, took the Yupei, bowed to Li Zhibin, and ran to the back mountain to chase the others.

Li Zhibin let out a long sigh of relief, walked out of the gate of the academy, and looked at the Dongtang army that was already in front of him with a calm expression.

“Li Zhibin, the head of Tingshan Mountain, lives and dies with Tingshan today. Although Tingshan is destroyed, you should bury the jackal!”

His voice was peaceful, coming from a distance.

The rich literary talent rises into the sky, and is in harmony with the four directions.

The air suddenly became hot, as if there was invisible force, constantly rubbing.

The next moment, a fire ignited in the mountains.

The fire quickly spread across the entire Tingshan Mountain and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

At the foot of the mountain, when everyone in Songyang Academy saw this, they all put up their pens and splashed ink, and wrote a poem about the rain, the river, or the sea.

As a result, a large number of rivers, lakes and seas were transformed, and a large amount of flowing water poured onto Tingshan.

But the Tingshan fire was not only unextinguished, it was even more prosperous, and rushed towards these Songyang Academy disciples.

Songyang Dean Lu Meng waved his hand, and Wenhua’s talent flashed with brilliance and turned into a shining giant pen with a length of ten meters.

The pen is everywhere, Jiang Hai suddenly appeared, blocking the fire.

Lu Meng frowned slightly: “Wan Li, they want to run?”

He walked in the sky, ignoring the Tingshan fire and chasing after the peak.

But at this moment, the fire on the mountain went further, and the flames soared into the sky and rolled towards Lu Meng.

Lu Meng controlled the volley giant pen to sweep down, and the flame immediately couldn’t get close.

But the flame suddenly condensed and turned into a huge brush over ten meters long.

Lu Meng was shocked when he saw this.

The magical powers such as the giant pen in the rafters should be the eighth state of Confucianism.

How can Li Zhibin in the seventh realm be successful?

Lu Meng took a closer look, but saw Li Zhibing vomiting blood and writing with his pen dipped in his blood.

One by one, blood-red words soared in the fire, and finally condensed into a giant pen like a rafter, sweeping everyone in Songyang.

Lu Meng himself was stopped by him, and the other students of Songyang Academy were even more defeated.

Li Zhibin published a desperate poem, killing himself, and also killing many Tang Jun and Songyang students.

Lu Meng was furious, falling like a giant pen on a rafter, blending into the classic theory of Songyang Academy of “breaking the cliff”, and cutting the giant pen of Li Zhibin’s condensed talent almost bald.

Li Zhibin yelled, and he was also a fire.

His giant pen, such as a rafter, is also integrated into the classic theory of Tingshan Academy of “Bold and Straight Book”.

The almost bare pen barrel rushed to the sky, bounced off Lu Meng’s giant pen, and hit his chest!

Lu Meng’s tongue burst into Spring Lei’s shout, shaking the penholder like a giant wood in front of him, but he was still hit in the chest.

He spouted blood and was hit directly to the ground.

The vice-president of Songyang in the seventh stage was going to chase Wan Li and the others, so he quickly turned around to catch Lu Meng.

Everyone was shocked, and looked back to the mountain.

Tingshan was already bald, and the fire was gradually extinguished.

The mountain academy disappeared, only a scorched figure, still standing.

It seems to be part of Tingshan.

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