I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 138

Chapter 136 . Eclectic to reduce talents (fourth mor

Through the blue eyes above Shen Herong’s head, Zhang Dongyun in the Daming Palace watched them leave Chang’an.

It is still difficult to determine whether that magical dragon is Ao Kong.

If so, I hope they can successfully bring each other back.

Zhang Dongyun leaned back in his chair, looking at the water wave mirrored by the blue sky.

From Longbei County, where Chang’an is located, to Xinyuan County, with Huiming’s feet, it still takes some time.

Taking advantage of their rushing effort, City Lord Zhang Da put his mind on his Tianshu Hall.

The guardian experience mission is now very close to reaching the target.

But the task of building experience is still some distance away.

Zhang Dongyun recalled the similar things on the Blue Star in his previous life, while comparing the current reality of Chang’an City in detail.

First of all, the business and tax aspects must be planned first.

Chang’an East and West cities currently have their own responsible persons.

But in addition to the East and West cities, Chang’an City should continue to develop commerce and expand its network as it expands.

In particular, Chang’an in a broad sense is not only the coverage of Invincible City, but also the more peripheral Longbei County, and even Hexi County, which is now gradually being included in the halfway.

If you have a business such as bismuth crystal or wood, you can also hand it over to someone to expand your way, without Mr. Wu Yun taking it on his own.

In terms of taxation, as Longbei County and Hexi County are brought under control, all local affairs will also be brought under their own government affairs framework.

The imperial power does not go to the countryside, this is definitely not allowed.

Of course, limited to the cost of message transmission, even in this world where practitioners have vast powers and move mountains and seas, this aspect still requires careful work to see results.

In contrast, Longbei County and Hexi County need to establish their own communication network in Chang’an.

The capillaries below were gathered up and came to Tianshu Hall, and they also needed a large blood vessel that was unique to them.

Chang’an City also needs the transportation and communication departments of the previous Blue Star.

These two departments are even extremely important for the authority to go deep into the place.

The future control and influence of Chang’an City cannot be limited to Longbei and Hexi counties.

From this perspective, agriculture, water conservancy, etc. must be upgraded.

Chang’an City initially accommodated a large number of refugees to solve the most important problem of eating. It relied on Zhang Chengzhu to relied on the invincible city to forcibly reclaim the heaven and the earth, desperately to promote the growth, massive aura as fertilizer, and even affected the climate near the heaven and earth to a certain extent. A large amount of food was harvested within a period of time to solve the problem of food for people in the city.

But this method can only be used within the Invincible City, not the vast world outside the Invincible City or Qinzhou Mansion.

Of course he can grow food and vegetables in the city without his life, and then transport them to various places.

But if time is not a last resort, Zhang Dongyun does not like this unhealthy way of operating.

… Besides, it requires him to bother himself.

The lazy City Lord Zhang still hopes to rule the majority of his people and start moving himself.

Do it yourself and get enough food and clothing.

Of course, he can provide some help at the beginning.

For example, Tiangongdian can cooperate with the agricultural and water conservancy departments under His Highness Tianshu to innovate agricultural tools, and even select and breed high-efficiency fertilizers in this world.

After the results are achieved in the city, through an efficient network, branches and leaves are spread out to various places outside the city.

Right now, these shelves need to be set up first.

With a hammer from the east to the west, City Lord Zhang groped out the departments under His Highness Tianshu little by little.

In fact, it’s okay to say that as a traveler from the Blue Star society, there is one thing that Zhang Dongyun is really worried about.


If an advanced financial system can be established, it will have a huge impact on this world with a feudal social background.

When it first appeared, it was even possible to reduce dimensionality and attack neighboring regimes.

Without force, they may not be able to destroy them.

But if the economic big stick plus the real big stick hit the Dongtang royal family, they would definitely get twice the result with half the effort. Before the opponent took the battle, he would be messed up first.

Maybe they will be beaten back to the slave society…

But the embarrassing place was that City Lord Zhang himself didn’t know how to play that game, and he didn’t know much at best.

The current talent pool of Changan does not have similar talents. After a few reminders from him, the other party immediately became enlightened and built the Bluestar financial system from scratch.

City Lord Zhang can only bury this idea in his heart first.

However, things like banks and ticket numbers have a basis for existence, and the world has gradually taken on a similar prototype.

After all, the world here is too vast and too big.

Too many metal currencies are too inconvenient for most people.

Lord Zhang Da is busy in the Tianshu Temple

The news that Tianshu Hall was about to be reorganized and expanded quickly spread throughout the city.

Everyone rushed to tell, they were all excited.

Similar departments emphasize related talents instead of relying solely on force.

This caused many mortals besides practitioners to move their minds.

Of course, there are always very few who can stand out.

After all, the practitioners who compete with them are also extremely outstanding in terms of other conditions besides force.

Magic and martial arts may not have an advantage in this respect, but Taoism and Confucianism are different.

When they are in the first stage, their actual combat advancement may not be much better than that of mortals.

But with agility and agile mind, it makes it easier for them to learn knowledge or deal with analytical affairs.

The higher the state, the more so.

In the several dynasties, the bureaucratic system above the court, most of the Confucian practitioners have an advantage in numbers, and this is the reason.

If mortals want to compete with them, they must have expertise that is different from ordinary people in certain aspects.

However, as long as Chang’an City gives hope, everyone will be eager.

Zhang Dongyun is happy to see this, but he doesn’t care whether the other party is mortal.

As long as you can help him work hard.

Do not stick to one pattern to drop talents.

Just as Zhang Dongyun was busy with the Tianshu Palace, Guo Zi, the head of the Hanshan School, suddenly sent a message.

“People from Northern Qi?” Zhang Dongyun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Guo Zi nodded: “There is an elder in this school. When he was young, he traveled north to Northern Qi and met some friends there.

As a result, this time, an old friend of his came to the door and got in the middle of the line, saying that the Northern Qi royal family intended to send envoys to Chang’an and wanted to see your opinion. ”

In the Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun rolled his eyes.

Then he projected Mr. Wuyun and ordered: “Quasily.”

Guo Zi quickly retired and contacted through an intermediary to inform the Beiqi side that Changan would welcome him.

After the news passed, Bei Qi quickly responded again.

The delegation was formed immediately and set off for Chang’an.

The North Qi mission, the deputy envoy showed up, ran back and forth, and took charge of specific affairs on the road.

Zhengshi stayed in the car all day, no one was seen.

In his car, besides himself, there was a young woman.

But the two sat opposite each other, just one pair of each other and no other to chat.

“His Royal Highness, this Chang’an is really so powerful, why don’t you let Dongtang go up and down at all?” the woman asked.

The man in Xuan Yi in front of her was the sixth son of the current Northern Qi Kingdom Lord, Gao Jun, who was also the chief envoy of the Northern Qi mission.

This time, Bei Qi’s mission to Chang’an was driven by him.

“Sister Yang, just as before, just call me brother.” Gao Jun smiled.

Yang Yulin, a direct disciple of Wutian Peak, a famous door in the Northern Qi Dynasty, smiled and shook his head: “This time, if your Royal Highness is on the mission, it is better to come by the rules.

Gao Jun smiled and no longer corrected:

“If you really want to say that Dongtang is up and down, why can’t it be a Chang’an city, it may not be.

At least, Li Xuanxin, Hong Xiao, and Qingye, the three ninth-level masters, have not yet made a move, and many eighth-level masters have not moved.

Now Li Yi and Situ Jin’s nephew are planted, saying that Chang’an is unbreakable, and it is too early.

Of course, they also proved that at least two eighth-level masters can’t attack them, and Chang’an is definitely a giant. ”

Yang Yulin nodded first, and then said: “However, the news from Dongtang may contain errors and omissions. The masters planted under Chang’an City may not be the only two of Li Yi and Situ Jinsheng.”

“Yes, so I said at least two.” Gao Jun smiled and nodded: “They are likely to have ninth level masters.”

Yang Yulin said: “It is indeed a giant.”

The internal situation of the Northern Qi Dynasty was different from that of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

The Gao family of the Northern Qi royal family is not as strong as the Li family in the Eastern Tang Dynasty in its own country.

In Northern Qi, in addition to the current ninth-level master of Qi Wang, there are also five ninth-level masters.

They are in charge of the martial arts, and they are all known as giants.

Wutian Peak is one of them.

Although the five major forces often contradict each other, they sometimes unite to suppress the royal family.

The relationship between the royal family and the five major factions is similarly divided.

The two sides have disputes from time to time, but they often have joints.

The princes of Qi, the most outstanding few, all worshipped these five schools of art.

In recent years, the situation in Beiqi has been quite strange.

Gao Jun and others are scattered among the five major factions, and the royal family supports them continuously. The strength and influence of their respective schools are getting stronger and stronger, and they almost have the tendency to seek the helm of their respective schools.

But conversely, this almost extinguished their hope of succession to the throne.

However, in the major factions, on the one hand, they prevented them from being close to the core authority, and on the other hand, they supported them to compete for the throne, and their status in the royal family continued to rise.

Both sides kept betting on Gao Jun and others, and kept secretly guarding them.

Both win and repel, hoping to take advantage of the other side, and cooperate with oneself inside and outside.

Gao Jun and others are well aware of their own situation, and they are both sides to get capital for themselves.

The entire Northern Qi Dynasty formed an extremely strange balance.

“If it hadn’t been for the second elder brother who had always been in trouble, this visit would have taken shape long ago.” Gao Jun looked out of the car.

The relationship between the Northern Qi and the Eastern Tang was good, and they often formed alliances against other dynasties.

Among them, the second son of King Qi is the key figure in the matchmaking.

With the rise of Chang’an, Longbei County is bordering North Qi.

The reason why the Beiqi reaction was one step slower than that of the Western Zhou dynasty was because the internal forces were in contention.

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