I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 143

Chapter 141 .Wolves gradually revealed

Before Shen Herong was in Yuanming Mansion, he noticed a martial arts master flying by in the sky.

The person she found was Mu Hongyuan.

However, Mu Hongyuan never showed up after a battle in Qishan.

Seeing someone obstructing Qingxia Villa’s hunting of the dragon, Mu Hongyuan didn’t intervene, quietly hiding from the side to observe.

In order to avoid being discovered by Yun Mo, the owner of Qingxia Villa, Mu Hongyuan did not approach.

So he couldn’t see the details of the battle between the two sides.

However, Mu Hongyuan heard the word “Chang’an” that Yun Mo said earlier.

“Did Chang’an catch that Magic Dragon?”

Mu Hongyuan quietly followed behind everyone at Qingxia Villa: “Unfortunately, I couldn’t determine whether it was a real magical dragon or a person who practiced the magic way.”

His eyes became deep.

Murongting, the kid, cares about people or dragons, and who cares about the magical dragon in the end. What is the intention?

Gao Yu controlled the former hidden pavilion.

Although his cultivation strength and related talents are limited and not enough to convince the public, he can still control the dark pavilion.

In addition to Murong Ting’s assistance, it will not delay the error, the rumors that he is the illegitimate son of the Tang king, the old Ziri, Mu Hongyuan and others in the dark pavilion have also heard a little.

Although it is difficult for them to verify, at this time they would rather be trusted than they are.

Because Gao Yu was in charge of the dark pavilion, everyone gave King Tang a bit of face.

But now that Gao Yu died, and Murongting was promoted by the Tang king to become the new head of the dark pavilion, Mu Hongyuan secretly thought about it.

In the previous three major consecrations of the dark pavilion, the old Ziri demon and the one demon Gu Hechuan were planted outside, leaving only Mu Hongyuan alone.

Although Murong Ting was above Gao Yu in strength and talent, Mu Hong originated from the fact that the opponent could not overpower him.

Gao Yu is of Tang Wang’s blood, he is not easy to fight, Murongting is different.

Especially the other party’s command regarding the magic sky dragon was strange.

On the surface, Mu Hongyuan agreed, but in fact he had his own thoughts in secret.

“After I find out what the **** are you doing, your good days will come to an end.” Mu Hongyuan thought in his heart, and followed.

He lurked to the side, looking for opportunities, and also hoped to stop Shen Herong and others before they returned to Chang’an.

However, the little monk Huiming is in the light, and Shen Herong is in the dark. With cooperation, although the people in Qingxia Villa cannot be completely thrown off, Yunmo and his party cannot keep them.

After everyone went around Xinyuan County together, Shen Herong and others turned around and returned to Chang’an.

“It seems that I can only wait for your birthday and try again.” Shen Herong looked at Ao Ying and said.

She said not only to Ao Ying and Huiming, but also to Zhang Dongyun of Chang’an City.

Chang’an City, in the Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun is not optimistic.

This method can only be said to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Judging from the fact that Ao Ying couldn’t find her father at the moment, it was difficult to tell what was going on with Ao Kong.

When he was in Yechuan County a few months ago, Ao Kong was lost in moving the mountain demon ape’s blood, was out of control, and lost his reason.

Now he puts his daughter down again, obviously still in the wrong state.

Now Zhang Dongyun and Shen and Rong can only pin their hopes on Ao Kong’s current state, which is intermittent and reversible.

Or maybe, Ao Ying’s position is really important in his mind, so that even if his mind is lost, he will still go to Ao Ying’s birthday appointment.

In the hall, Zhang Dongyun sat alone, leaning back on the back of the chair.

He looked up at the top of the hall, and thoughts flooded in his mind.

In Ao Kong’s current state, even if there were fragments of the fairy trail, they may have been lost now.

Of course his line cannot be broken, but currently Zhang Moucheng is mainly looking for the fairy trail fragments, and may still have to land on the traitor Yang Li first.

Speaking of Yang Li, recently there was news from outside that Gao Yu, the former pavilion of the East Tang Dark Pavilion, was killed while pursuing the remnants of Dahe Longmen.

The person who presides over the dark pavilion is Murong Pavilion newly promoted by Wang Wang.

But Zhang Dongyun had tried his prisoners, so he knew that Dahe Longmen and even his father Ancheng were in the wrong.

In fact, Li Yihuo, His Royal Highness of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, together with Situ Jinsheng, Murongting and others, killed Gao Yu.

The Taoists of Wangzhen Guanzhichen had already surrendered to Chang’an at that time and were lurking among the people of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

Gao Yu suffered multiple fatal injuries and fell into a river with no bones left.

Li Yibing had the attitude of seeing people alive and seeing corpses when he died, so Murong Ting continued to search.

Now it seems that Gao Yu is really dead?

After his death, Murongting, the real manager of the legendary dark pavilion, took the opportunity to take the place?

Zhang Dongyun looked up at the top of the hall, his frowned brows suddenly stretched out, and even laughed.

He had previously speculated that Murongting might be “Sirius” Yang Li hiding in the secret pavilion, deliberately keeping a low profile, and pushing Tang Wang’s illegitimate son Gao Yu to the front.

But conversely, it is also possible that the imaginary is the real, and the real is the imaginary. Gao Yu is the “Sirius” Yang Li. He deliberately hid his clumsiness so that the outside world thought he was a puppet, but instead focused his attention on Murongting behind him.

Both are possible.

But one thing is impossible.

Zhang Dongyun didn’t believe that Yang Li, the dignified “Sirius” of the past, was murdered by Li Yi and several people.

Of course, of course, what if Yang Li really capsized in the gutter?

This is not impossible, but now that the enemy is strict, Zhang Dongyun is still inclined to Yang Li not dead.

Then things are simple now.

Gao Yu and Murongting brothers, whoever is still alive is more likely!

Even if it wasn’t before, he is now at this moment.

Zhang Dongyun straightened up and let out a breath.

Everything just now was based on the fact that Yang Li was indeed in the hidden pavilion.

However, among the groups of people who originally watched the subject and forgot the truth and watched the changes in the Sirius Secret Cavern, now only the Jingyuelou family was ruled out.

In addition to hiding in the dark pavilion, Yang Li may also hide in Qingfu Palace and the royal family’s children.

In terms of speaking, the last time Yechuan County moved the mountain and the magic ape made a big noise, let alone mention it, this time the magical dragon is making trouble, will Yang Li also send someone to secretly pay attention?

The three houses of Qingfu Palace, Dongtang Royal Family, and Dark Pavilion, whoever stared at this magic dragon, was most likely to be related to Yang Li.

On the other hand, if Yang Li learns that Chang’an City is looking for the Magic Sky Dragon and the Moving Mountain Demon Ape, he might also doubt Chang’an, right?

Or, already suspected…

Zhang Dongyun thought while projecting Mr. Wuyun.

Mr. Wuyun came to the Heaven Punishment Hall.

His Royal Highness set up a dungeon with no sky.

The dungeon is specially designed to integrate the power of the invincible city. Any prisoner held here has no room for resistance.

In one of the cells, an elderly man was being held.

Mr. Wuyun appeared in front of him: “Did you think carefully?”

“Ziri, I would like to descend to Chang’an.” The old man replied.

Because of the shackles of the invisible power of the dungeon, the originally mad and bloodthirsty old Ziri demon was calm and calm at the moment, and his sanity was normal.

However, even if it was not normal, the old demon Ziri had been taken care of by Zhang Dongyun, and he did not dare to be agitated at all.

He did not have much loyalty to the Eastern Tang Dynasty. It was only because the Eastern Tang Dynasty sheltered him that he lived in the hidden pavilion, became a hidden pavilion, and contributed to the Eastern Tang Dynasty if necessary.

If Chang’an City can accommodate him, he is naturally willing to play for Chang’an.

After all, the mysterious city lord at the beginning moved mountains and seas, and his magical powers really left a deep impression on the old demon Ziri.

Moreover, after he calmed down, he couldn’t help but think of the changes of Old Blood Shadow.

At that time, he was still in the seventh stage of the Devil Dao, and the blood shadow old demon who had not yet cultivated into a demon soul could actually fight him in the eighth stage for a long time.

The old blood shadow demon did not have this ability.

Although I haven’t seen it in more than 20 years, the opponent’s strength should have improved somewhat, but the old demon Ziri can vaguely see that the change of the old blood shadow demon originates from his magical skills.

Compared with the advanced magic skills created by the old blood shadow demon, the old demon Ziri prefers to be taught by Chang’an.

The martial artist of the Chen family that Shanshita saw at the beginning also looked the same, indicating that it was not a coincidence.

Chang’an City really has excellent collections of different categories.

The old blood shadow demon can stand here, and the old demon Ziri also has a chance to ask himself.

It may not be impossible for him to get superior magic power.

Only for this, the old demon Ziri was also willing to surrender to Chang’an.

“In Chang’an, we must abide by Chang’an rules.”

Mr. Wuyun said indifferently: “If there is an order, you can’t refuse any, even if it is to ask you to go back to work.”

Thinking of the days when the dignified eighth-level practitioners were doing coolies, Old Demon Ziri’s expression was slightly bitter.

But he still nodded: “The old man is willing, if he violates it, he will accept any punishment!”


Mr. Wuyun waved his hand, and the torture instrument on the old demon Ziri fell off automatically.

The old demon Ziri took a deep breath and held his mind: “Thanks to the city lord Longen, Mr. Xie is kind.”

He followed Mr. Wuyun, and he stopped talking.

“What’s the matter, frankly speaking, it doesn’t matter.” Mr. Wu Yun did not look back, but he seemed to know that Old Demon Ziri had something to ask.

“Sir, dare to ask Xueying that he is in Chang’an, and he is practicing in the magic way…” the old demon Ziri hesitated and asked hesitantly.

Mr. Wu Yun said indifferently: “Bloodshadow and the old man are all loyal to your majesty, and your majesty grants him the “Phoenix Blood Book”, so he has made great progress in cultivation.”

Hearing the words, the old demon Ziri started to breathe quickly.

“For those who make meritorious deeds in the city, the old man will guide him to practice one or two.”

Mr. Wu Yun continued: “If you want to be enlightened by your majesty, it probably depends on your majesty’s mood. If you make great contributions to the world, you may have a little hope, but in the end, it depends on your majesty’s mind.”

The old demon Ziri took a deep breath: “The old man understands that he must work hard for Chang’an and strive for more credit.”

After he paused for a while, he continued: “Mr. Nengde will give me advice, and the old will be satisfied.”

The old demon Ziri was eager and wanted to make contributions.

It’s a pity that a few days passed and there was no chance.

Just as he waited anxiously and turned around, suddenly an order came.

And, not from Mr. Wuyun, but from the legendary Majesty!

Five people, Blood Shadow Old Demon, Purple Sun Old Demon, Han Zhe, Gu Hechuan, and Hu Yinghua, came to the Daming Palace together.

The whole group knelt down in the courtyard.

In the hall in front of him, a phantom and majestic voice came out:

“Blood shadow led the team and went out of the city to pick up Ming Yixue and Huiming back.”

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