I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 145

Chapter 143 .You two are still working hard (the thi

When the old blood shadow said, Chen Xingwen was shocked.

He did not expect that he helped capture Mu Hongyuan, but the other party still had to do it.

“The old man has no intention of being an enemy of Chang’an!” Chen Xingwen shouted in a deep voice.

But the old blood shadow demon ignored him and looked at the old demon Ziri.

The old Demon Ziri took advantage of the cloud desert to be disturbed by the ink on his body, and when Zheng was gaining the upper hand, he was first taken aback when he saw it, and then he couldn’t believe it.

“What are you doing in a daze?” Old Blood Shadow asked coldly.

“……it is good!”

The old demon Ziri was so angry that he wanted to refute, but he suddenly remembered something and finally took a sigh of relief.

He immediately left the cloud and desert, turned into a purple light, and rushed to the northern Qi martial artists such as Chen Xingwen and Mu Hongyuan in the distance.

Upon seeing this, Yun Mo immediately wanted to cover the retreat of his Qingxia Villa disciples.

But even though Old Demon Ziri had gone, there was a rain of blood falling in the sky.

The blood phoenix flapped its wings in mid-air, and one after another **** arrows covered all the warriors of Qingxia Villa like a downpour.

Anyone who had been drenched in the rain of blood suddenly disappeared.

A small drop of blood suddenly turned into a huge blood red vortex, swallowing a Qingxia Villa martial artist on the spot.

One person after another was swallowed by dirty blood, and only one huge blood cocoon remained in the air, flashing red light and beating, like a lot of strange hearts.

On each heart, there is a blood line, like a blood vessel, connected under the wings of a blood phoenix.

But after a few breaths, all the martial artists of Qingxia Villa were captured by the old blood shadow demon.

Only Yun Mo could resist, the blue light flickered, and the blood line was cut.

But more blood lines, as if endless, kept surrounding him, tangling tighter.

Yun Mo was determined to fight, but the ink on his body once again dragged his feet, often interfering with his activities.

The old blood shadow demon practiced “Phoenix Blood Book”, and his strength was even higher than that of the purple sun old demon, and soon gradually forced Yun Mo into desperation.

It is easy for him to defeat Yun Mo, but difficult for him to capture him alive.

But with the help of the ink marks left by Shen Herong earlier, Yun Mo’s slow step is slow.

Had it not been for the purpose of capturing him alive, Old Blood Shadow would have solved him long ago.

But now it is only a matter of time.

The old blood shadow demon even had energy and looked at the old demon Ziri.

The old Ziri demon turned into a Purple Sun Jiao, with purple flames lingering all over his body, and rushed in front of everyone at Wutian Peak.

Chen Xingwen is still waiting to argue with the other party, but the old Ziri demon, who just suffocated in the old blood shadow demon, couldn’t help but say that it was a thousand rays of light, which shot down like a rain of arrows.

Chen Xingwen had no choice but to unfold a cloud-like sword light to resist the purple flame light rain.

“The plan won’t work, Brother Chen, you go first!” Mu Hongyuan also took out his sword, and together with Chen Xingwen, he resisted the attack of the Purple Sun.

Hearing what he said, the old demon Ziri sneered, and Chen Xingwen almost exploded his lungs.

“This friend, Chen really has no intention of being an enemy of Chang’an. You stay aside. After the old man captures the traitor, he will go to Chang’an with you.” Chen Xingwen shouted.

The old devil Ziri ignored it, and the Zi Ri Jiao circled and flew, taking the initiative to rush into the rain and fog of the sword light.

The scales of the dragon’s whole body opened and closed, and the purple light flickered, resisting the sword light from the surroundings that was killing him.

Chen Xingwen shouted: “I don’t want to do anything anymore, let me grab Mu Hongyuan’s servant and return to Chang’an with you.”

After all, he straightened the sword into its sheath.

However, what greeted him was a purple dragon with claws.

“Honestly, just grab it and go back with us.” The old demon Zi Ri grinned, and under the influence of the demon blood of Zi Ri Jiao, he showed a crazy posture again.

Chen Xingwen flew away and sighed.

Although he was ready to bear the burden of humiliation, as one of the many masters of Wutian Peak, the martial arts powerhouse of the eighth stage, forbearance never included grabbing with one’s hands and letting the opponent handle it.

This kind of insult, it is better to kill him simply.

“You have to keep an inch, the old man has to be offended.” Chen Xingwen spoke, and the long sword was unsheathed again.

His sword light flashed, and his whole person seemed to be shrouded in clouds and mist, and even the old demon Ziri couldn’t see through it for a while.

Between the feet and claws of the purple sun flood, it seemed to grab the endless purple flames, condensing and compressing them, as if grasping the purple sun.

It fell with one claw, tearing through the clouds.

But Sikong was empty in the clouds, and Chen Xingwen’s whereabouts were not seen at all.

Just as the old demon Ziri was stunned, suddenly the fog in front of him cleared, leaving only a little light.

But this little light directly occupies the entire vision of Old Demon Ziri.

Chen Xingwen’s sword light had already reached Jiaolong’s eyes and was about to hit the dragon’s head soon.

This is the unique and unique knowledge of Wutianfeng, which is a lost thought.

Only the core of Wutianfeng’s direct biography can be practiced, and Gao Jun’s identity is subtle and has not been taught.

The warrior emphasizes the power of the physical body and blood, from the outside to the inside, exercises the spirit, is not afraid of the enemy’s attack on the spirit, but rarely assists the enemy with the help of the spirit.

Wutian Peak’s fascinating thought, but the sword light and sword intent were combined with his own spirit, affecting his opponent.

The mist turned by Jianguang made it difficult for the enemy to find out the truth.

However, Chen Xingwen seized the opportunity, the fog was exhausted, and all his spiritual energy was concentrated in this sword, which was invincible and fast as lightning.

Wutianfeng swordsmanship has always been known for its illusion and change, but the final change at the thought of the sky will turn the complex into simplicity, and all the changes will merge into one sword, and the fog will turn into electricity, which is unstoppable.

When the opponent is being affected by the fog, he is doing his best with one sword and one move.

When Old Demon Ziri noticed it, the sword light had already reached his eyes.

Zi Sun Jiao could only let out a loud roar, and the purple flames gathered in front of him, and he fought against the opponent’s sword in a panic.

But he was caught off guard, and the purple flames were not condensed enough, and Chen Xingwen’s sword was immediately broken.

Jian Guang kept on stabbing the Purple Sun Jiao.

Fortunately, Zi Yan delayed for a while, and the huge flood dragon quickly took the opportunity to dodge.

But his neck was still rubbed by sword light, scales and purple blood swayed in the air.

Chen Xingwen forced the old Ziri back with a sword, and did not pursue him. He immediately pulled away: “I will visit Chang’an next time, it is offended!”

He was about to run away when a blue thunder suddenly fell in the sky.

Chen Xingwen had no choice but to hold back his sword.

A furious dragon chant came from behind, and the old demon Ziri was almost mad, chasing Chen Xingwen fiercely.

Chen Xingwen looked at Mu Hongyuan again and saw that the other party was taking the opportunity to escape.

However, a blue thunder fell immediately and blocked Mu Hongyuan’s path.

“Old Demon Ziri is crazy, let’s not talk about it, Gu Daochang, don’t you think about your old friendship?” Mu Hongyuan shouted.

In the middle of the thundercloud, Gu Hechuan’s voice came: “If the wooden layman is thinking about friendship in the past, it is better to fulfill the merits of the poor Dao today. The poor Dao has no intention of letting the layman live, so he only invites the layman to return to Chang’an.”

“Unfortunately, Mu doesn’t have the habit of catching with his hands.” Mu Hongyuan’s figure also flashed suddenly, hiding in the mist.

“It’s no wonder that Zi Ri suffered a lot before. When everyone had friendship, Ju Shi Mu never showed this trick.”

Gu Hechuan’s tone was relaxed, but he didn’t care at all. He only surrounded the mist with a sea of ​​yin and yang and thunder.

Qing Lei kept blowing up the fog, but the fog reunited immediately, and Mu Hongyuan was never seen.

On the other side, Chen Xingwen is also using the method of fascinating to deal with the old Ziri demon.

He does not seek to defeat the opponent, only to get rid of the opponent.

Under the influence of the mist, the old demon Ziri really lost Chen Xingwen.

Zi Sun Jiao was furious and cast down Long Yin again and again, shaking the earth.

Hu Yinghua and Han Zhe arrived, and they also had nothing to do with the fog.

Chen Xingwen could escape at the sight, a voice suddenly rang in his ear:

“You two are still working hard.”

Chen Xingwen was stunned, feeling that he was not talking to himself.

But the old demon Ziri recovered his calm, and Gu Hechuan reacted after a brief stupor. It was the voice of the majesty in the Daming Palace.

They hurriedly responded: “The younger generation has offended God’s grace and has known a big mistake, and now sincerely repent and submit to your Majesty!”

Zhang Dongyun smiled slightly in the Daming Palace in Chang’an City.

He was stuck in time and distance, and asked the blood shadow old demon and others to set off.

However, Yunmo, Chen Xingwen and others have limited knowledge of the true coverage of the Invincible City system.

As a result, not long after Shen Herong and the others entered the boundary of Qinzhou Mansion, the Old Blood Shadow Demon and others arrived.

And here, it was already within the invincible range of City Lord Zhang.

In the Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun sat on a chair, stretched his fingers forward, and then tapped slightly in the air.

Hundreds of miles away, Gu Hechuan in the thundercloud suddenly shook his whole body.

He couldn’t help but Yuan Ying came out of his body.

Then the thundercloud rolled, and a large amount of thunder and lightning spirit gathered together, penetrating into Gu Hechuan’s Yuan Ying.

The next moment, his Nascent Soul shined brightly, surrounded by countless blue thunder lights.

Finally, a voice that resembled thunder and a dragon chant came from the thundercloud.

A huge Thunder Dragon, poked its head from the clouds, its pupils looked down at the mist below.

Crackling electric sparks automatically appeared in the fog, jumping constantly.

Raiders roamed through the shuttle, all over the mist.

Mu Hongyuan’s figure gradually emerged.

He looked at the huge dragon head formed by thunder and lightning in the sky in shock.

It was like a mountain, floating above his head.

How could Mu Hongyuan, who had been in the Eastern Tang Dynasty for many years, fail to recognize that it was Qingyunguan’s thunder dragon pattern.

But the problem is that Gu Hechuan, who has been with his colleagues for many years, is clearly only the seventh realm of Taoism, Yuanying’s cultivation realm.

Just now, Gu Hechuan was indeed only the cultivation base of the seventh realm.

Could it be possible that Gu Hechuan broke through the realm and formed a form of Dharma in such a short period of time?

When Mu Hongyuan was surprised, suddenly a violent dragon chant came from the other direction.

Like Gu Hechuan, the old Ziri demon, who turned into a purple sun scorpion in mid-air, had a severe physical shock.

Then, everyone saw that the purple sun scorpion burst out of bright light.

In the next moment, the brilliance split and spread around.

After the brilliance was a little weaker, there was an extra purple sun flood that appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

Then, the two purple sun worms split again, dividing into four.

Then, it is divided into eight.

In the end, eight identical purple sun scorpions hovered in the sky, and they uttered dragons, shaking the earth.

Everyone was stunned.

The old blood shadow blurted out:


The Purple Sun Jiao in the sky is not an illusion, nor is its original strength reduced to only one-eighth of each.

But the demon soul formed by the old demon Ziri went further and disintegrated.

The world calls it, the ninth state of the magic way, disintegration.

After Gu Hechuan suddenly broke through to the eighth stage, the old Ziri also went further and reached the ninth stage!

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