I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 162

Chapter 160 .Enter and occupy the Quartet (4th ask f

In the Tianshu Hall, Mr. Wuyun, projected by Zhang Dongyun, summoned Hu Yinghua, the head of the Hu family, and Gu Hechuan, a traitor to Qingyunguan.

“Take the Yunzhong County in the east.”

Mr. Wu Yun looked at Hu Yinghua and said calmly: “There is the new habitat of your Hu family. As for Chaohe County, you will go back sooner or later.”

“Yes, sir.” Hu Yinghua replied calmly.

The Hu family moved to Chang’an as a whole. Naturally, they hope to find a suitable place to re-establish their roots, develop their family business, and revitalize their lintels.

Previously, Hu Ming went to Hexi County to make contributions, but all the land he occupied was later transferred to others.

He himself did not take any money, only to build merits, in exchange for Chang’an to help rescue the Hu clan.

Now that the Hu family wants to gain a foothold, they have to develop and fight for it themselves.

Yunzhong County is located to the east of Chang’an, facing the inland of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

In case the Eastern Tang Dynasty had the intention of offensive, bear the brunt here.

But is there the best of both worlds in the world?

Hu Yinghua also believes that Chang’an City will not sit idly by if an enemy strikes.

“Take down Longnan County in the south.” Mr. Wu Yun said, looking at Gu Hechuan again.

Gu Hechuan nodded: “Please follow the instructions of seniors.”

In fact, more than half of Longnan County is already within the scope of Invincible City.

But Zhang Dongyun still asked Gu Hechuan to take people bit by bit.

This way, it is not convenient for the outside world to judge the truth of Invincible City.

The Hu family has two seventh-level masters, Hu Yingjie and Hu Yinghua, so the larger Yunzhong County handed them over.

“Hu’s family, take the team leading the army and Wei from the right.” Mr. Wu Yun looked at Gu Hechuan again: “You take Zuo Weiwei’s team to Longnan.”

Hu Yinghua and Gu Hechuan responded together: “Yes, senior.”

Zhang Dongyun is starting to build Chang’an Sixteen Guards, which is seeing the scale now.

The first to lay a solid foundation was the left-leading army guard, whose source of troops mainly came from the Longbei Tang army led by Du Kun and Gao Qi.

At present, he is accompanying Chen Jiezhi, Wanli and others in the battle in Hexi County.

Hexi Dongtang master and Tang Jun have basically been cleaned up.

Among them, the number of soldiers from the Tang army in Hexi has been increasing over the past few months, and many of them have gradually returned to Chang’an.

After all, as Hexi fell under Chang’an control, their hometown relatives also came under Chang’an rule.

On the one hand, Tang Jun’s soldiers had no worries for the future. On the other hand, Chang’an treated the people kindly. The news of the hometown spread to the soldiers’ ears. Everyone joined the Chang’an Army without any psychological burden.

The army guard on the right was mainly established by the descendants of the Tang army in Hexi.

Zuo Weiwei currently has a relatively small number of people. They are veterans from Hexi and Longbei, and some of them are soldiers from Tang Jun who came to Chang’an with Li Yi, Situ Jinsheng and others.

The Tang army came to Chang’an from the Heluo area after chasing the people of Dahe Longmen all the way, but the whole army was wiped out.

Most of their relatives and relatives in their hometown were still in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, so although they surrendered and became prisoners, many people still feared that they would attack the Eastern Tang Dynasty for Chang’an.

There were only a small number of them, or they were not stingy, or unconcerned, so they joined the Chang’an Army.

Zhang Dongyun did not persecute those pawns who had concerns.

Anyway, with the expansion of Invincible City, these will be the fish in the pond sooner or later.

The Hu family immediately summoned the Deli tribe, then joined the right leader Army Guard, set off together and headed east.

Gu Hechuan is not a polished commander either. In addition to Zuo Weiwei, he also brought a helper.

Earlier, his acquaintances in the dark pavilion of the Eastern Tang Dynasty planted the leader of the dark pavilion in Chang’an earlier than him, Mirage.

Phantom has been doing coolies in Chang’an for about half a year, and now she is learning to worship Gu Hechuan and the old demon of Ziri in her dark pavilion, and surrender honestly and instead serve Chang’an.

Being born is not as good as being familiar, so Gu Hechuan and Phantom, who served together for the Dark Pavilion of the East Tang, now form a pair again, and together with Zuo Weiwei’s troops, they leave Chang’an City and head south.

The deep mountains of Longling block the two counties of Longbei and Longnan, and the two places are also named.

For practitioners, it may be possible to fly over, but for ordinary people, this is the sky barrier that blocks the two places.

However, since it is now the back mountain of City Master Zhang’s house, that road naturally needs to be repaired.

Anyway, there are so many large-scale machinery under his hand.

Although the road is still a bit rough, it can still accommodate many people.

So Gu Hechuan and the two of them led Zuo Weiwei’s army through the city walls outside the city all the way, out of the city gate, and set foot on the land of Longnan County.

Zhang Dongyun looked at all this with satisfaction and nodded slightly.

Then, he projected Mr. Wuyun again and came to the Palace of Heaven Punishment.

This time, I didn’t have to go to the abyss dungeon, but to a side hall in the hall.

In the hall, there is a person standing.


Mr. Wuyun passed by him, and then took the lead.

Only then did the people who were standing waiting take a seat under him.

“Junior returns to Qingxia Mountain, picks up the insider, and hopes that the senior will not consider the predecessors and come to rescue.”

That person was Yun Mo, the owner of Qingxia Villa. He held a fist to Mr. Wu Yun and said, “Senior, but he has his life, and the younger generation will do their best.”

“Since I have promised to give you a reincarnation pill, the old man will not break his promise.” Mr. Wu Yun said calmly: “You, don’t forget what you said.”

“Thanks senior!”

Yun Mo said goodbye and got permission all the way to leave Chang’an City.

Looking at the Wanli City Wall that had surrounded the entire boundary of Qinzhou Mansion, Yun Mo felt as if he was about to suffocate.

He tried to settle down, left Chang’an and headed southeast.

As a martial arts master in the eighth stage, he was alone, deliberately hiding his whereabouts, and immediately returned to his home Qingxia Mountain without disturbing anyone in the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

Zheng was delighted to be able to reunite with his wife and was worried about his wife’s hurt. Before approaching Qingxia Mountain, he suddenly felt dizzy.

At the foot of the mountain, many people gathered.

He was familiar with all kinds of people waiting.

After careful observation, it was discovered that it was actually some sect forces around.

In the past, Qingxia Villa was the co-owner of these places.

But right now, they dare to surround Qingxia Villa?

Yun Mo was furious.

But he was worried about his injured wife and disciples on the mountain, so he didn’t want to waste time with the small but unimportant trash fish under the mountain.

The cloud desert flew directly into the mountains.

Then, he saw warriors of various factions surrounding Qingxia Villa.

It must be said that these sects are not weak in cultivation base, and the leaders have the sixth stage cultivation base.

If there were no such big powers as the three schools, four realms, five schools, and six schools, the sects led by the sixth-level practitioners could all lead a county.

After all, the commanding general of Dongtang guarding the Quartet, that is, the sixth stage, needs to mobilize troops and horses to suppress these schools.

But such a sect, even if several companies join forces and want to challenge the behemoth Qingxia Villa, it is still useless.

Unless, like now, something went wrong inside Qingxia Villa.

The owner of the eighth realm, Yun Mo, is away and won’t return for a few months.

The wife of the owner of the seventh stage was seriously injured and lying in bed.

Most of the elder masters of the other sixth level in Zhuangzhong followed Yunmo to round up the mountain demon ape and the magic dragon.

There are not many masters left in Zhuangzi.

Qingxia Villa inherits exquisitely, and the disciples can meet these sects at present, and it is enough to have more than one enemy.

However, the opponents have joined forces with too many masters, and they have prepared a large number of crossbow attacks.

Really responded to an old saying:

I can hit ten of the waste wood like them!

But they have twenty…

At the time of weakness, Qingxia Villa had some double fists that were difficult to beat four hands.

“Mrs. Yun, you don’t have to be bluffing. There have long been rumors that the owner of Yunzhuang died in Chang’an, and you can’t wait for him to come back. It’s better to surrender early, everyone is safe from harm and peace!”

However, only a blue light responded to him.

The head of this faction pulled a knife to resist, and the knife in his hand was directly drilled by Qingguang!

He evaded quickly, lest he end up with the sword.

“This lady’s strength is weaker than before, besiege them!” the man shouted loudly.

Everyone around shouted in unison.

Seeing this, Yun Mo had a cold face and was about to make a move, but his expression changed slightly.

Between the sky and the earth, there were flashes of colorful lights.

As a result, everyone present, Qi Qi fell into a sluggish state.

The cries came to an abrupt end, and everyone opened their mouths together, but there was no sound.

Their eyes are also dull, their eyes looking forward, losing focus.

Yun Mo’s expression was still serious and did not relax, his eyes were staring into the sky.

There, there is a cloud of auspicious clouds, and a Taoist priest sits on the cloud.

“Nightmare Technique…”

Yun Mo slowly said, “The master of the dust has the magical skills, and the meeting is more famous.”

Taoist priests are those who forget the truth and observe the Lord, and hold the Taoist people.

He smiled and said, “Pan Dao has long heard of the name of Yun Zhuang Zhuang.”

Yun Mo noticed that everyone who besieged the villa below was restrained by the nightmare technique, but none of the people in his Qingxia Villa suffered a spell attack.

This gave him a sigh of relief.

Yun Mo seemed to think of something, and stared at the Taoist Zhichen: “I have heard that the Taoist leader also participated in the battle against Chang’an before?”

“Pan Dao became Chang’an earlier than Yun Zhuangzhu.”

The Taoist priest said with a faint smile: “It was just to avoid Guanli being retaliated by the Eastern Tang royal family, so he kept secret and lived in Chang’an.

This time it was entrusted by Brother Wuyun Dao to help the Master Yun to protect Qingxia Mountain, so it has been nearly two months in the mountains secretly.

However, I would like to ask Yunzhuang Master to forgive me. In order to prevent the news from being transmitted to the ears of the Eastern Tang royal family, Pang Dao still does not want to show up, but today these people are too eager to attack the mountain, so they have to act.

It’s a pity that I didn’t realize that Zhuang Master Yun had returned, otherwise Pang Dao would not show up. ”

Yun Mo was stunned for a while, and then gave a salute to the Taoist Advocate: “You have worked hard, Yun Mou is grateful.”

“The owner is polite.” The Taoist Zhichen smiled slightly: “I implore the owner to keep a secret for the poor Dao, and the poor Dao will retreat well.”

“This is natural.” Yun Chen said, with a shot in hand.

Then, the sky filled the sky, like a heavy rain, falling down.

The invading enemy standing outside the villa is like a wheat field that has been hit by a torrential rain lying down.

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