I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 548

 “It’s Leiyin Temple in the Middle Earth that had grievances with Qin’s donors in the past years, and the rest is nothing but anger.”

    Jinghua puts his palms together: “Now Leiyin Temple has long since passed, and Qin donors should also let go.”

    Lei Hanmu Seeing Jinghua for a long time: “Back then, did you get involved with the bald men?”

    Jinghua whispered: “The monks don’t talk ridiculously. In Lu Xueyuan more than 30 years ago, you never turned your back on Lei’s benefactor. Or are you now? The Ming donors and Shen donors in Chang’an, but today’s Jinghua, they are aware of the past and the dust, break through the illusion of the world, and take refuge in my Buddha.”

    She calmly and Lei Han looked at each other: “It’s better to try to let go, the world is in front of you. Open yourself up.”

    “The world doesn’t open up. The Buddha doesn’t count, I’ll count.”

    Lei Han’s eyes were calm and cold: “Although it is still unclear what the second sister is, but since you have voted for your Buddha’s Hug, then we have nothing to talk about.” After that, as soon as

    he lifted his hand, there was a heavy black mist that turned into a blood-eyed black dragon, roaring in the sky of the universe.

    Heilong opened his mouth and had reached Jinghua before he wanted to swallow it in one bite.

    “Criminal, sin.”

    Jinghua made a touch of the mark, and the Dharmakaya Buddha immediately showed the appearance of King Ming, manifesting infinite wrath, and surrounded the blood-eyed black dragon burning Leihan.

    However, Heilong completely ignored the Ming Wang’s anger.

    On the surface of its body, a dark and obscure brilliance flashed.

    Under the blessing of the original dark immortal body, Lei Han’s attack also completely ignored Jinghua’s anger.

    While the gloomy brilliance flickered, the anger surrounding the black dragon gradually extinguished.

    Jinghua’s figure floated backward in the dark universe.

    She changed one hand to make a statement seal, and the other hand to make a wish seal.

    So the Buddha Vajra and the nectar appear at the same time.

    However, he was still ignored by the black dragon.

    The blood-eyed black dragon roared forward, crushing the King Kong and annihilating the nectar.

    Jing Hua took a deep breath and pressed her palms together in front of her.

    Then, you will see the five major things, vajra, nectar, wrath, bodhi, and pure land, all present together!

    Cultivating to the peak of Buddhism Dharma Body, Jinghua’s strength has risen to a high level, far surpassing other Buddhist monks.

    In the thirteenth state, her five elements can only be presented alternately.

    But now that she has reached the fourteenth state, she can finally show the five elements.

    The five Buddhist treasures correspond to the five elements. At this moment, they all appear together, transforming into each other, forming a perfect reincarnation.

    Buddhism, and the magical powers of Lu Xueyuan, the “five-color gods and devil” of the past, have finally merged to a flawless level.

    Master Zhiyuan, who was rescued by Jinghua, saw him by the side, and was deeply impressed.

    Everyone had foreseen the Buddha Kingdom in the Pure Land of Xiniu Hezhou.

    As long as Jinghua cultivated to the peak of the Dharma Body, he would immediately become the number one master in the Buddha Kingdom besides the World Venerable.

    If you give her a little more time, and Blessed One Mahāroni has not been able to cultivate the Arhat golden body first, the position of the first master of the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom in Xinniu Hezhou will probably be changed.

    However, what makes Master Zhiyuan startle is that Jinghua is already such a clever cultivation base, but Lei Han is even more domineering!

    After the blood-eyed black dragon was blocked by the five elements of Buddhism, Lei Han’s complexion remained unchanged, and his figure flashed in front of Jinghua.

    He spread his five fingers, grabbed one claw, and combined with the claws of the blood-eyed black dragon.

    The power of the desolate god at the pinnacle of the devil’s true body “pollutes” the surrounding universe.

    At this moment, the emptiness of the nearby universe seemed to be transformed into huge dragon claws, holding Jinghua in his palm.

    The five fingers contracted, the dark brilliance flowed, and the five elements of Jinghua were also scratched.

    The five elements of Jinghua are circulating, and each other is constantly transformed and repaired.

    After learning that Lei Han has the original dark immortal body, Jinghua also struggled with the solution.

    Her five-element transformation method is not completely ineffective. Facing Lei Han, she can at least fight positively.

    But after all, he had never personally contacted Lei Han’s Primordial Indestructible Body before, and Jinghua still didn’t know enough about it.

    At this moment, although the five elements of the Buddha’s light scattered and reunited, under Lei Han’s pressure, they gathered and reunited.

    The speed of Jinghua’s reunion of the Five Elements Precious Phase was not as fast as Leihan’s destruction.

    Seeing that the “devil’s claws” were tightening more and more, she was running out of space, so Jing Hua had to sigh.

    With the sound of sigh, her five-element treasures suddenly turned into five Buddha’s.

    It is as if she has fully practiced five Buddhist Dharma bodies!

    The five dharmakayas all become the pinnacle and boundless realm.

    At this moment, the five Buddha Dharmakayas are respectively conjugating the dhamma seal, wishing seal, touching the ground, applying fearless seal, and meditation seal.

    And, they all free up one hand, stretch out the palm and push forward.

    The extremely fierce and violent amount of violence suddenly exploded in the palm of the dragon claw.

    Lu Xueyuan, the “five-colored god and demon”, is different from Ao Kong, Yang Li and others. She cultivated magical powers in the past, all of which were spells and were not good at physical combat.

    But now that she has switched to practicing Buddhism, she has to fight melee physically, which is only stronger than Master Zhiyuan in the same realm.

    Same as Su Po, Shen Herong, Ao Kong and Lei Han in front of him.

    Today’s Jinghua surpasses the former self in an all-round way.

    The five Buddha Dharma bodies slapped out their palms together, and the dragon’s claws suddenly slammed, and they could no longer tighten.

    But it was only a slight meal.

    Almost at the same time when Jinghua manifested the five Buddha Dharma bodies, the dark light on Lei Han’s hand gradually disappeared.

    Instead, it is an extremely bright and dazzling flash!

    The original dark immortal body instantly turned into a glorious immortal body, and there was no block in the transition.

    The five Buddha Dharma bodies were immediately pinched by Lei Han.

    Cracks appeared on each Buddha’s Dharma body, and they became denser and denser.

    At this moment, Lei Han’s eyes flashed suddenly.

    In the universe, a bodhi was born out of thin air.

    With Lei Han’s other hand, a gloomy brilliance appeared, blocking the Bodhi branch.

    But at the top of the branches, flowers bloomed suddenly.

    The incomparably mysterious power finally broke through the dim brilliance!

    Then, the branch continued to move forward and clicked on the dragon’s claw that grasped Jinghua.

    The dragon claw shook and had to let go.

    “Lei Shizhu’s body is indeed clever.” The

    Buddha’s light surged, and Mahaloni, the Buddha of Yanhuang Buddhism appeared.

    Buddhism Arhat in the fifteenth realm, the golden body radiates brilliantly, revealing the infinite mystery of the world.

    Leihan’s Primordial Darkness Immortal Body has finally been attacked frontally with magical powers since it appeared.

    But Mahaloni didn’t show any color on his face.

    He broke through Lei Han’s original dark immortal body because of his realm advantage.

    Mahaloni was extremely certain that when he was in the fourteenth state, like Jinghua and the others, there was nothing to do with this original dark immortal body.

    And Lei Han now has a glorious immortality.

    In his current state, he surpassed all the practitioners of the fourteenth realm that Mahārāni knew.

    The one in Chang’an City should now have a cultivation level above the fourteenth realm.

    Mahaloni wasn’t sure what this Chang’an City Master looked like at the peak of the fourteenth stage.

    But he was certain that Lei Han, who even Huiyao had also cultivated immortality, steadily surpassed Su Po, Chu Yaoguang, Yu Tianquan, Ao Kong and others he knew.

    Among the practitioners in the fourteenth realm, this pale, indifferent black man is now the strongest known in the history of the Yanhuang Realm.

    However, today is also his end.

    Mahaloni and Jinghua both looked at Lei Han’s bloodless cheeks.

    They, or forgiving Arhats, came at the right time.

    Lei Han was obviously forced to break through early.

    If you give him success, then everyone will probably face Lei Han in the fifteenth realm now.

    Now, although he has cultivated to become Huiyao immortal, but he leaves the customs ahead of schedule, not only did he fail to reach the fifteenth stage, but he even suffered damage.

    Seriously, he might be hopeless for the fifteenth level in his life.

    He is indeed tough now.

    But it is no longer possible to change fate against the sky.

    The emptiness of the originally dark universe was already bright at this time.

    More Buddha’s light is lit up.

    All the rain fell on Gao Liang and Master Zhiyuan, temporarily helping them to relieve their injuries.

    Under the nourishment of the rain, the two immediately regained their vitality. Although they did not really heal from the injury immediately, it was equivalent to recovery in a short period of time, and it did not affect their actions or fight with others.

    The Forgiving Arhat appeared in the void holding a rosary.

    His eighteen disciples followed closely behind.

    Lei Han ignored Mahaloni, glanced away, and locked on the forgiving Arhat.

    To be precise, he was staring at the rosary in the opponent’s hand.

    “My Buddha is merciful.” The

    forgiving Arhat said: “Manjushri relics are left by our Buddhism Great Bodhisattva. Please return them to the benefactor and we will send them back to the Pure Land for worship.

    Lei Han looked indifferent: “Do you ask Manjusri if he would like it?”

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