I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 633

Chapter 630 Break the line

After listening to what Yuan Ping said, Zhen Yuan Xiangyuan and the two Buddhist arhats were frustrated, and finally reduced a little.

There is always a way out…

Qu Yuanwen stopped and left. Seeing everyone was embarrassed, he unexpectedly turned around and regained hope.

But having said that, this is Qu Yuanwen’s departure. Otherwise, after hearing what Yuan Ping said, what she would think would be difficult to explain.

Yuan Ping said better now that he asked outsiders to help preside over justice.

To be ugly, it means colluding with outsiders to commit chaos.

The position of queen bee of the bee demon clan naturally changes, and Qu Yuanwen may not mind.

This together with outsiders came to overthrow Pharaoh. If Pharaoh is not obviously unscrupulous, it is hard to say what the Confucian sub-sage would think.

To some extent, it may be that Qu Yuanwen left but the real person Xiangyuan arrived, and Yuan Pingfang opened this mouth.

“Your goal is Chang’an Chinese, please don’t embarrass my people.”

Yuan Ping said: “As long as the clan king decides the final victory, everyone will obey the new king.”

What she said is true.

The other worker bees in the colony are naturally close to and loyal to the queen bee.

To be precise, everyone’s allegiance is to the throne, not to a specific Tian Yuanfeng.

Therefore, in the dispute between the new king and the old king, all the workers are on the sidelines, and the new king and the old king will not involve the people.

The only people in the group who can help the old king are the drones that belong to her.

Drones are naturally the queen bee guards.

If Lao Wang was defeated and banished, these drones would also be the only clan she could take away.

However, whether it is loyal to the end depends on the drones’ own thoughts.

As long as the new king does not care, they can also be called the guards of the new king.

Therefore, the queen bee changes, and ultimately it will be the new king and the old king himself.

Yuanping naturally hopes to save other worker bees.

“This is natural, so you can rest assured.”

Xiangyuan Zhen said: “It is Mr. Taiqing and Huanxia Butterfly King, as long as they don’t help Ancheng, for us, there is no hatred.”

Kongshan Arhat asked: “I don’t know what exactly the donor plans to do?”

Yuan Ping replied: “I will first help the real person to solve the formation of this place, and then ask the real person and two masters to preside over the situation. The clan has a fair fight and decides where the queen bee belongs.”

Dinglin Luohan said: “Breaking the formation is tantamount to provoking Mr. Taiqing. He didn’t plan to do it, and he may have to do it.”

Yuan Ping said: “Waiting for the interception outside the formation, they see it badly, they must retreat back to the formation as soon as possible, and if they want to break into the formation after all, facing Mr. Taiqing, if they don’t break the formation, I’m afraid…”

Kongshan Arhat and Dinglin Arhat looked at Xiangyuan Zhenren.

Madam Xiangyuan nodded slightly.

Although he did not enter the battlefield, with his Taoist Tianzun realm cultivation base, just standing outside the battlefield and observing, he could see that the formations here conceal the mystery.

To be honest, this formation is currently inferior to their Taiyimen’s own four-image good fortune formation.

After all, the Four Elephants Good Fortune Array was created by Taiyimen’s ancestor Hongqing Daozu in the past years, with an extraordinary foundation.

But the real cultivation strength of Xiangyuan Zhenren can’t be compared with their ancestor Hongqing Daozu either.

The big formation set up by Mr. Taiqing in front of him is already quite large. With the cultivation strength of the real person of Xiangyuan, it takes a lot of hands and feet to break the formation.

Compared with Mr. Taiqing’s current cultivation level, it is really rare.

Especially Xiangyuan Zhenren could vaguely see that this formation has not yet been changed, and it will definitely be further improved and improved in the future, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

“Too Shanghua” Li Shulou is indeed well-deserved.

As the elder of the Taiyi Sect, the leader of the Eastern Cangtian Taoist Sect, Zhenren Xiangyuan also secretly praised the other party for being better than the Taiyi Sect descendants. He is probably the most outstanding rising star of the Taoist in the East Cangtian in recent years.

Yuan Ping was right. If they couldn’t get the players out of the battle in the first place, they could return to the Yaogu Grand Formation.

Speaking of fear, this Taoist Tianzun certainly wouldn’t.

But Mr. Taiqing was guarding the big formation, he was not sure enough that he would be able to attack.

It should be said that after breaking the big formation, he confronted Mr. Taiqing in the fifteenth stage with the respect of the sixteenth stage.

It is best to follow the words of Kongshan Arhat and Mr. Taiqing not to take action.

If the opponent takes the shot seriously, Xiangyuan Zhenren needs to put aside his face and compete with Mr. Taiqing more in the form of procrastination and procrastination.

After all, their first goal right now is to win Su Po and Shen Herong, not Mr. Taiqing himself.

Not breaking the line is not enough to ensure that this goal is achieved.

After breaking the formation, Yuan Ping decisively fought Tian Yuan Queen Bee, and Xiang Yuan Zhenren personally confronted Mr. Tai Qing.

The remaining Kongshan Arhat and Dinglin Arhat only need to deal with Huanxia Butterfly King One Demon.

The only problem is that in the future, Mr. Taiqing may be the enemy completely, and this time he is not sure that this hidden danger will be solved.

But the matter has come to this point, Zhenxiang Yuanzheng and the two Buddhist Arhats put aside their worries and no longer look forward to the future.

“The city of Chang’an in the Yan and Huang realm itself may be aided by masters.” Dinglin Luohan said.

Master Xiangyuan said slowly: “Pan Dao contacted all the same sects, intercepted at the periphery, and asked the two masters to contact the two great pure land monks.”

Kongshan Arhat nodded: “That’s good, in case we have an accident here, we need to prepare more on the periphery.”

Yuan Ping quietly listened to the discussion of the three people, and only then re-opened: “Then I will go back to Yaogu first, and ask the real person to prepare outside and work with me inside and outside.”

Xiangyuan Zhenren said: “I have work.”

He is not like Qu Yuanwen who can accurately distinguish between what the other party said is true and false, but as a Taoist Tianzun, he observes the changes in the formation outside the formation, and it is clear at a glance whether it is a trap or not.

Even if it is a trap, he at least has the certainty of getting out of it, and it won’t have too serious consequences.

Yuanping immediately changed the original form of Tianyuan Bee and then returned to the World of Medicine Valley.

Xiangyuan Zhenren and Kongshan Arhat and Dinglin Arhat waited quietly outside.

They did not wait for Su Po, Shen Herong, Huanxia Butterfly King, and Tianyuan Queen Bee to come out first.

It was a big cloud and mist, which changed first.

Upon seeing this, Xiangyuan Zhenren immediately pinched a sword tactic.

The Taiyi Pure Sun Sword passed down by the Taiyi Sect, turned into a giant sword that cut the sky and cracked the earth, and it was a huge sword that was not long enough to smash into the front of the eyes.

The same technique of imperial swordsmanship was used in the hands of the real master Xiangyuan, which was different from the real masters such as Du Qingzhen and real Shaoqing.

Under a sword, to the sun, it seemed that this universe was going to be cut open by him.

The large array of clouds and mists, no exception, was immediately cut through by the pure white sword light.

However, when encountering an attack by an external enemy, the big blast suddenly changes, showing that the eight trigrams of sky, earth, wind, thunder, water, fire, mountains, and Ze appear together, and then the four phenomena of the sun, lunar yin, shaoyang, and shaoyin are changed.

Later, it turned out to be a return to the innate, the return to Liangyi.

Upon seeing this, Xiangyuan Zhendao really followed the same path as the Sixiang Good Fortune Array.

In this way, it would be more convenient for him to dismantle the formation.

But the more important thing is the formation change itself, showing a bit of stagnation.

This is the result of the internal action of the formation, and it is Yuanping’s credit.

The extremely tough and domineering Taiyi Pure Yang Sword attacked from the front, while the yin to soft Taiyi Xuanyin Sword shot, like a Ding Ding solution of a cow, splitting the texture of the formation.

The huge formation covering the entire world suddenly cracked.

The mist is rolling, and the medicine valley with thousands of sights and sights is directly present in the universe.

Master Xiangyuan couldn’t care to lament the infinite mystery of this world, so he saw a stream of light, and quickly fled out.

A big demon in the sixteenth realm of the little sage among the demon sages.

It was Yuanping who had been suppressed for a long time because of his strength, and now he finally unblocked him and soared to be able to compete with the old Queen Bee.

It’s just that Yuan Ping is fleeing the medicine valley world quickly at this moment.

A purple qi chased after her, if the real person Xiangyuan broke through the formation so quickly, she would have died in the formation first.

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