I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 644

    Fu Tianshu was not the target of covering the old demon.

    Cihang Bodhisattva and Doushi Academy are the only ones.

    Old Demon Gai must retain some confidence for himself.

    Of course, in this way, the favor he sold to Chang’an City is naturally lighter, and there is no other way.

    “You mean, Fu Tianshu is about to break through to the sixteenth realm after the first battle with the old four and become the ancient emperor of martial arts?” Ao Kong asked.

    Beyond the fourteenth realm of martial arts, above the emperor of martial arts, it is called the god of war.

    The fifteenth realm is a god.

    The sixteenth realm is the ancient emperor.

    The seventeenth state is the emperor, the pinnacle of the god of war.

    The reason why the sixteenth realm is called the ancient emperor is that the martial arts powerhouses who can reach this realm are basically extremely old, and they are the testimony of their respective times.

    Fu Tianshu’s current practice in retreat is to seek a breakthrough from the fifteenth state to the sixteenth state of the martial arts emperor.

    Such emperors are naturally different from ordinary Wuhuang emperors.

    If Emperor Wu is still in the world, then the ancient emperor and the human emperor have all jumped out of the original world and are looking at the past and the present from the perspective of time.

    With Fu Tianshu’s talent, if he breaks through to the sixteenth stage, his cultivation strength will definitely be no small thing.

    Although Old Demon Gai had been famous for many years, he did not dare to be big.

    At this moment, we clearly inform Chang’an City and hope that Chang’an City will pay attention to it and concentrate its efforts on attack.

    After all, Fu Tianshu is now in retreat and may leave at any time.

    It may take more than a year or even several years or decades of effort.

    It may also be in the next moment.

    Ao Kong watched Old Demon Gai for a long time before he said, “How can I find you?”

    Old Demon Gai replied, ” Just follow this picture, and I will wait for you.”

    The disciple of the Sword Palace that he possessed raised his hand and took out a map.

    The paper used for the map was pitch black, with a few white dots flashing on it, moving on the black map as if there was life.

    After passing the map to Ao Kong, the black spots on the female disciple’s face disappeared.

    A black air steamed up, flew out from the woman’s face, then slowly rose into the air, and finally disappeared in the Unknown Realm.

    Old Demon Gai did what he said, really just to spread the word, and did not leave any traces on the disciple of the Senluo sword palace, unlike what he did on Long Shetuo.

    He did so naturally to express his sincerity.

    Ao Kong raised his head, quietly watching the black air disappear without blocking.

    After the black qi left the body, the disciple of the Sword Palace Lady suddenly softened and lost consciousness.

    She couldn’t float in the air like before, and then fell directly below.

    However, just as soon as her body moved, another woman’s hand held her next to her.

    “How?” Fu Yuting looked calm and looked at Ao Kong.

    Ao Kong nodded: “It should be okay now, but the due vigilance should not be relaxed.”

    “I understand.” Fu Yuting nodded, without saying much, and left with the younger generation from the same school altogether.

    Ao Kong was still standing on the spot, his feet in the air did not move, and he just asked as if talking to himself: “Hurry up and go there?”

    Although he is not afraid of powerful enemies, the situation is no better than others at the moment, so don’t increase yourself artificially. It’s difficult.

    Fu Tianshu is the best result if he simply kills him neatly.

    Regardless of other people, for this enemy, Ao Kong didn’t mean to give the other time the merits to pass the test satisfactorily.

    If he can, he will think that the other party will die in the next moment.

    “If what Old Demon Guy said is true, with his help, we can easily get things done.”

    The runes on Ao Kong’s forehead flashed brightly, and Shen Herong’s voice came out from it.

    Zhang Dongyun calmly looked at the illusion of light and shadow in front of him in the Daming Palace of Chang’an City in the Yanhuang Realm.

    In the hall, Su Po, Zong Tianxuan, Shen and Rong gathered together.

    “Big brother is now practicing in retreat. It is best to not give up halfway.” Shen Herong said: “With the help of the old demon, we are more sure to win Fu Tianshu. There is only one question left. For the sake of safety, do you want to join Quzi? Also contact?”

    Qu Yuanwen is close friends with the ancestors of Beidou.

    In Doushi Academy, she is the closest friend to Chang’an City, and this friendship was indispensable in her early years.

    With her joining the team to deal with Fu Tianshu, it is naturally more secure.

    She may even invite more top scholars in Doushi Academy to help.

    In that way, even if Fu Tianshu broke through to the sixteenth state, as long as he was prepared properly in the early stage, there was still the possibility of surrounding him here.

    The hidden danger is that, on the one hand, it owes favor to the Doushi Academy, and on the other hand, there may be conflicts between Doushi Academy and Qiongqi Mozun Gaikongwen, unable to form a joint force, but infighting.

    In that way, it gave Fu Tianshu and the others a chance.

    Of course, if you want to say that the heart is more cruel, that is, the old demon Gai sold Fu Tianshu, and they sold the old demon Gai and Fu Tianshu together.

    Communicate well with Doushi Academy in advance, first unite to solve Fu Tianshu, and then Changan will help Doushi Academy solve the old demon.

    In this way, you don’t even have to pay back the favor of the old demon, and you don’t have to consider whether you must kill the Bodhisattva Cihang.

    “If you want to contact them, you have to talk about this in advance.” Ao Kong was obviously interested in this method.

    Although Shen Herong mentioned this, she herself does not agree with this act of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

    Su Po turned to look at Zong Tianxuan.

    On the one hand, Zong Tianxuan was more familiar with Fu Tianshu.

    On the other hand, the hatred they had with each other was mainly on Yu Tianquan, and Fu Tianshu only took up a part of it, all of which originated from Chu Yaoguang.

    For Zong Tianxuan, both Chu Yaoguang and their mentors.

    It is obviously Zong Tianxuan to find the person who hates Fu Tianshu the most in this world.

    “Qingqi Demon Venerable should also be wary of this, especially the saints who are careful on the road.” Zong Tianxuan said: “If he notices that a large number of masters in Doushi Academy are approaching, it may be a bad thing.”

    Although the hatred is deep, Zong Tianxuan still maintains it. calm.

    Ao Kong, who was in Wumingjie, could hear the conversations of the people in the temple. He asked, “Can I get in touch with the Taoist Taiqing?”

    If Mr. Taiqing is willing to help, then he who has the Nine Heavens Ring in his hand, You can add a piece of insurance to the action.

    Zhang Dongyun also eagerly hopes so.

    Otherwise, he is beyond his reach.

    “I can’t get in touch right now.” Shen Herong sighed softly.

    Zhang Dongyun also wanted to sigh at this moment.

    Zong Tianxuan said: “Contact Qu Zi, but she only invites her to solve Fu Tianshu first. Qu Zi is a sincere and trustworthy person. He will not violate what he promised. After I have spared the Qiongqi Demon Venerable this time, it will be too late. How about helping her pursue the Poor Qi Demon Venerable at some time?”

    Shen Herong said: “Such a compromise method should be feasible, and avoid covering the old devil and taking risks.”

    Ao Kong said: “After you go, I will act on the spot. If Mingjie comes out, let’s meet halfway.” In the

    Daming Palace, Su Po said: “Okay, without further ado, we will set off together now.”

    He turned his head and looked at Zhang Dongyun: “Big brother has reached a critical moment in retreat. It is best to not delay. The enemies we will face in the future may be far from comparable to those of Fu Tianshu and others.” Zhang Dongyun

    smiled bitterly in his heart.

    Although that’s correct, but if you really want your elder brother to help me out, I can’t reach you right now.

    He is now more and more eager for the over-limit expansion of Invincible City.

    City Lord Zhang sighed in his heart, with a calm expression on his face, looked at the people below, and solemnly said, “Don’t force it.”

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