I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 .Subvert the Three Views

Around the mine, there are guards, mostly disciples of the Hanshan school and the Chen family.

With their realm of strength, naturally they couldn’t stop any super of the sixth state of martial arts.

Any super who wants to hide and sneak in quietly is not without a chance.

But he was sent here on behalf of Ling Xiao to form an alliance with Chang’an, so naturally there is no way to act so rudely.

Any super generous person went to the entrance of the mine and indicated his identity and intention with the guards.

If the other party does not let him in, he will just give up.

“Mr. Ren, your portrait has been passed down in the city. It is not a forbidden place for you. I will accompany you in and be a guide for you.”

The person guarding here is Cao Feng.

For any super passed, Cao Feng’s performance is not as arrogant and fierce as facing the person in the view of forgetting truth.

“Brother Lao.” Any Chao nodded and entered the mine with Cao Feng.

After walking around for a while, Ren Chao realized that this was the vein of Bisong Stone Crystal, and his heart was slightly alive.

Bissonite crystal has a wide range of uses and limited output, and the market is generally in a stage where demand exceeds supply.

The martial artist keeps his body warm with bismuth crystals all the year round, which can increase qi and blood and regulate meridians.

Melting it into the weapon’s blade can guide the spirit and energy, and have a certain restraint effect on the power of illusory magic.

The Lingxiao School is known for its martial arts and swordsmanship, and their demand for Bisongshijing is even greater than that of Dahe Dragon Gate.

After a general observation, I found that the bisonite crystal produced in Chang’an City was of good quality, and I couldn’t help but be even more excited.

Judging from the appearance of the fleet coming in and out of the team, the mining of bismuth crystals here has become a scale, and there is a stable market, transportation is not a problem.

Don’t know where the buyer is?

Will there be more Bisong Stone crystals in Chang’an City right now, sell them to the Lingxiao Pie?

This is related to the mining speed and reserves of the mines here…any Chao thinks in his mind.

He followed Cao Feng into the mine and watched a large number of miners come in and out of it.

“Right now, how many people are working in the mine?” Any Chao tried to ask.

Cao Feng didn’t conceal it, and replied casually: “The entire mine, all the mines are added together, about two thousand people.”

Any Super Micro nodded slightly.

There are a lot of people, but since the minerals mined are bismuth crystals, the daily output is probably still relatively limited…

He was thinking, and suddenly discovered that the deepest part of the mine was a bit familiar to the people who were mining the minerals.

Moreover, this mining speed is obviously not comparable to ordinary mortals.

“…Tang Jian?!”

After reading it carefully for a while, any Chao couldn’t help blurting out.

Hearing his voice, the other party looked back subconsciously, then immediately turned his back to him without making a sound.

Any over-open mouth.

The moment the other party turned his head, it was enough for him to confirm that the person who had just babbled the mining was an elder in Jingyue Tower.

The Lingxiao School and Jingyue Tower are both ranked among the “Five Schools” of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and they have also dealt with in the past.

Therefore, any super has several fate with Tang Jian.

But he had never expected that he would see each other on this occasion.

Because the Cheng family had previously inadvertently noticed that the Jingyue Tower, Wangzheng Temple, and Qingfu Palace had been secretly mediated, the Lingxiao Sect had heard about it. These three families had disciples and planted in Chang’an City.

But any Chao originally thought that those who were arrested were either killed or imprisoned. He really did not expect that Tang Jian and others would be thrown here for mining.

Speaking of punishment, it is not an accident.

It’s just that either Super had never expected that a martial arts master like Tang Jian in the sixth stage would be punished as a miner.

The main reason is that no practitioner has been punished in this way before, and similar tasks have always been performed by ordinary people.

In the concept of practitioners, this is undoubtedly a shame.

Many people would rather die than yield to this.

No matter how strange, can Tang Jian bear it willingly?

Seeing him turn his back without making a sound, pretending that he doesn’t recognize him, his face is obviously dull, as a shame.

But look at it, he must have been here for a day or two.

Either Chaoxin was strange, and followed Cao Feng a few more times in the mine.

Then, he discovered that it is more appropriate for ordinary people to be so-called miners than porters and handymen.

The hard work of real mining is all performed by practitioners.

Among them, there are martial arts practitioners and Taoist practitioners.

The powerful physical power and the graceful spells all serve the mining of jasperite crystals at this moment.

Any Chao even saw two Confucian practitioners, honestly, pen and ink calligraphy, using unique methods to dig for ore.

Everyone behaves well, even if they are reluctant, they can only work hard.

No one dared to perfuse things, and all tried their best.

Either Super was full of doubts.

He could understand the matter of mining and digging out the biscuits.

But a large group of practitioners acted as coolies honestly. This scene once again hit his blind spot of knowledge.

At the moment when Ling Xiao was appointed as an elder, he felt that his previous worldview and outlook on life were being impacted.

What makes them so submissive?

He was dizzy, and Cao Feng went out of the mine together.

Seeing the sun again, when the mountain breeze blew, Elder Ren finally recovered.

Well, now, there is no need to worry about the mining speed of the azure crystals in Chang’an City.

There are dozens of hundreds of practitioners working together as coolies, and there are many masters in the fifth and sixth levels. Isn’t that fast?

Either Chao smiled bitterly.

At the same time, there was a chill behind him.

Is it really the right choice to cooperate with Chang’an and fight against the Dongtang royal family?

Against the defeat of Dongtang, naturally there is no need to say anything.

If you are caught and do not yield, you will often suffer physical torture.

But if it falls into the hands of Chang’an, it will not only be physically tortured and punished, but it will also be thrown into a mine for mining, humiliating all aspects from dignity to personality.

Judging from their harsh methods for the captives, in the future they may be more iron-blooded rulers than the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

The Hanshan faction and Chen family, who completely surrendered here, looked pretty good.

However, it was precisely because the Lingxiao faction was unwilling to completely obey the orders of the Eastern Tang royal family, so they raised the anti-ban, and naturally they were not willing to completely surrender to others.

They are now resisting the Dongtang royal family and vowing not to yield.

But in the future, what will it be like facing Chang’an City?

Either Chao has a heavy heart.

The other party doesn’t mind if he goes to the mine, it’s hard to say whether he was deliberately giving him a slap in the face, or he didn’t care about his opinion at all.

If it is the latter, to some extent, it is worse.

Out of the mine, Ren Chao returned to his residence.

When he passed the school, he was in a daze when he heard the sound of reading inside.

The harshness under the mine is in contrast with the vigor and vitality here.

For either super, both are beyond previous cognition and are difficult to understand.

The elders of the High School feel that they are facing unprecedented challenges in their lives.

At the same time, people who are the masters of the contemporary view of Wangzheng and Chen Dao are also facing a choice.

The news of the detention of Elder Yunchen in Chang’an City has been sent back.

Daoist Zhichen did not care about scolding Chang’an to deceive others too much, and had to deal with the invasion of Jingyue Tower and Qingfu Palace first.

At the critical moment, the Cheng family came to make peace.

But in turn, the other party wanted to go to Wangzheng, Qingfu Palace, and Jingyue Tower to encircle Chang’an City with them.

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