I have been in Pirate Town for 100 years and defended the city of advancement

Chapter 350

Chapter 350
A funeral ceremony for ascension to heaven, involving a total of 17 senior elders, came to an end in this way.

Every scene that happened at the funeral quickly spread to the entire Lantern Mars through Internet bugs.

The follow-up impact on a wider scale is still unknown. Just looking at the people gathered on Ulamio Island, the impact of this funeral is still very deep.

Countless people were moved by Wan Gang and the seniors who entrusted the future to young people, and decided to join the Light Army and participate in the war.

In twos and twos, in twos and threes.

Many kings who didn't know each other before, because of the same idea, they walked together, rushed to the sea, and rushed to Capri.

In Wangang's mansion, the corpses of Wangang and 16 elderly people are being restrained.

"The teacher explained before his death that this island and the boat that belonged to him will be disposed of by you after his death..." Wan Gang's eldest disciple is also nearly 600 years old, with gray hair and some vicissitudes of life. Said these words to the Skeleton Emperor without hesitation.

"I see."

The Skeleton King made a pun.

Although Wan Gang has a selfless personality, he is not unreasonable. He is more likely to choose to leave these things to his disciples and members of the Lantern Fishing Group.

Because this is not his wealth alone.

But when Wan Gang's disciples said this, it should be their joint decision, and the Skeleton Emperor pretended not to know, and fulfilled them.

He continued, "What are your plans for the future?"

"Of course, follow the teacher's will and join the Lantern Army, please arrange."

The Skeleton Emperor said: "Is that so? Then you will form a single army, take the Meuti, wait for the arrangement, and go to the Demon Clan Sea to join the battle."

The Meuti is the big ship of the Wangang Fishing Lantern Group, one of the largest ships in the Lantern Mars!

Wan Gang's disciples looked at each other and understood Skeleton Emperor's intentions, and respectfully bowed to Skeleton Emperor: "It's all up to your arrangement."

"Let's go together later and escort Wan Gang and the other 16 to Capri." The Skeleton Emperor said again: "Iwan Gang's character, he may let you bury his body in the sea of ​​lights, but as his My old friend, I want to bury him in Capri more, please do it."

"Of course, you're exaggerating."

"Thank you, let's get ready."

The Skeleton Emperor waved them away, and just as Wan Gang's disciples walked out of the room, they met Figo head-on, and Qiqi greeted them: "King of the Starry Sky."

"Well, sorry. The lamps and wicks that Wan Gang and I got out of fishing for lamps two days ago should be stored in your warehouse. You can also dispose of my share for your own use, or distribute them to those who need them. It will be all right."

"Thank you for your gift."

After a brief exchange, Figo walked into the room where the Skeleton Emperor was alone, and shook his head at the skeleton: "I didn't find it, but... After getting closer, my spiritual foresight reminded me of the danger, which is a level six There is no doubt about the sea beast.

What needs to be considered now is whether it is a sea beast that has been hiding all the time, or a certain sea beast that was originally powerful has been promoted in recent years, and why it reacted to the funeral of Ascension, do you know anything, Barre Lu. "

"Yes." The Skeleton Emperor said: "In my palace before, there was an incident that I didn't remember. I just recalled that this mysterious sea beast may be related to it."

"Huh?" Figo sat next to him.

The Skeleton Emperor raised his palm, and the red and black bones moved: "A king with five levels of body lighting, borrows various bloodline lights, and uses all methods to prolong his life. Under normal circumstances, the limit life span is only about 2500 years.

Bailey among the Celestial Dragons lived to nearly 3000 years old through a certain fruit ability that allowed him to sleep and reduce consumption. His actual age was only about 1500 years old.

And Wan Gang, who has a part of the blood of the barbarians, has a longer lifespan than me, and has obtained the fruit that can prolong his life, so he can survive for nearly 3200 years, setting a record.

I don't have any of these, so over 600 years ago, I was really close to dying. "

He explained: "Everyone thinks that my current state is caused by the human fruit-phantom beast-skeleton form, but it is not completely.

In cooperation with the fruit ability, I ignited a rare lamp—the bone lamp, and abandoned my body, so I finally survived. "

Figo asked unexpectedly, "Skeleton lights?"

Can anything really light up?
The Skeleton Emperor nodded: "The bone lamp is my sixth lamp, but I don't count as having lit six lamps, because shortly after the skeleton lamp was lit, my body lamp went out.

But after all, I had a short period of coexistence with six lights, and during that time, I once felt a crisis from the outside world. "

"From outside?"

"Well, the outside world."

The Skeleton King confirmed: "The one who caught the crisis seems to be the ship spirit who entrusted his will to me 3000 years ago, our close partner—Seheer."

"The ship spirit...is the ship spirit again." Figo looked thoughtful and asked, "Has the Holy Demon King ever accepted the will of the ship spirit?"

"Of course." The Skeleton Emperor: "Why, what did he say to you when you met him before? I lit six lamps at the same time for a very short time, and after the lights on my body went out, the feeling disappeared completely. Gone, if not for what happened today, I might not be able to recall this perception 600 years ago.

But if the Holy Demon King also has it..."

Figo affirmed: "It seems that there are two conditions for detecting the sea beast, one is to light the six lamps, and the other is to have been entrusted with the will of the ship spirit.

And that sea beast has been at least a level six sea beast for 600 years! "

What kind of sea beast, why there are no traces these years?
"Find it somehow."

Figo said: "It just so happens that I'm going to the Mermaid Kingdom next time, so I can see how many hidden magic generals there are in the Mermaid Kingdom."

"Magic general... Will this sixth-level sea beast also have something to do with Lucifer?"


The two discussed for a period of time. Of course, the head-on battlefield and war scheduling with the demon clan should be carried out by the Skeleton King, while the search for the demon generals and the exploration of the sixth-level sea beasts should be handled by Figo, which can be regarded as a clear division of labor.

After confirming each other's thoughts, Figo took a step away and found Lingling and the other three.

Bai Xing's condition has been adjusted, Ulamio Island's affairs are over, and they can't help in the end, Figo is going to take them immediately to the second destination of this trip - the Mermaid Kingdom.

Before leaving, Figo took them to meet the four of Luffy. The four children had just bid farewell to Xin's body, and their eyes were red. Figo asked them: "Are you sure you want to participate in the war?" Yet?"

"Yes!" They answered firmly.

"Well then, be careful."

Without more exhortations and persuasion, the average 20-year-old youth has the ability to be responsible for his own choices.He left Manoka's mansion with Nami and Shirahoshi who were curious about Luffy and the others.

Leave Ulamio Island.

Go to sea again, to the mermaid kingdom!
(End of this chapter)

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