I have been in Pirate Town for 100 years and defended the city of advancement

Chapter 396 Lucifer's Recovery

Chapter 396 Lucifer's Recovery

Those who are above the king can feel the tense atmosphere pervading the whole lamp spark recently, but for most people, they still live the same life as before, at most they are worried that the demons will attack them.

They don't know the slightest information about the end of the starry sky, the spirit of lights. Sometimes ignorance is a blessing, but a big movement like the cracking of the entire sky naturally alarmed everyone.

Panic and unrest continued.

It wasn't until someone nearby who mastered the sky tried to fly, and told everyone that Deng Martian's banning power was completely lifted, and that they could enter the starry sky, and let everyone know that it wasn't a collapse of the sky, that the riots gradually subsided, and many people had their reasons again. The sense of tension that comes from connecting with the starry sky, curiosity and exploration of the starry sky.

In the end, someone remembered that the ban on Deng Mars was completely lifted. Is the legendary demon king Lucifer about to recover?

Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, Lord King of the Starry Sky and His Majesty the Great Emperor will definitely be able to kill him.


Unlike the human race, half-demon race and other races, the remnants of the demon race finally waited for this day to come, and their hearts were naturally filled with ecstasy.

Toligne and Ors Road, the two remaining five-lamp kings of the Demon Race, almost shed tears.

To meet Lucifer's recovery and return to the starry sky under the leadership of the king, this is what the demons have been looking forward to for thousands of years. There are many twists and turns and blows in the middle. I have been reduced to this situation step by step in the past few years, but I am lucky enough to meet the king alive.

Will the king blame us for our incompetence?
How powerful will the resurrected king be?

The king should have seen everything in the sky, will he choose to take us into hibernation, or will he compete with Gaston Figo, the king of the stars?Or go and kill that old traitor in Baal first?
Diverse thoughts swirled in his mind, and at this moment, suddenly, an explosion mixed with a terrifying heat wave rose in the distance and swept across!


"what happened?!"

Xinwang found out, and at the same time, some subordinates shouted and reported: "The human race is here!"

What?Damn it!We were immersed in the joy of the King's imminent recovery, but we were touched so close?Can't fall short in the end!
The two people who were terrified immediately thought that the gecko would ensure its own survival first, and then look for a chance to avenge the tribe after welcoming the king.

But when the Xinwang searched carefully, their expressions froze again, as if...the Kings of the Five Lanterns were not there?By the way, the information from an hour ago was that they gathered in the capital of Capri inexplicably!
"The guy leading the team..."

"He is the Admiral of Qinghai, the king of the starry sky, named Sakaski, the best of the four lamp kings, and one of the commanders of the Star Air Force. In recent years, he has slaughtered our people quite a lot."

"He... doesn't know we're here?"

The two looked at each other, Toligne's long face added a touch of ferocity, and the house burst into pieces!

Among the splashes of gravel and sand, his figure shot like a rocket, shooting straight into the distance, turning the coast into a sea of ​​magma and burning it, causing the patrol guards of the demon clan to scream screaming red dogs!
As soon as Akainu punched a demon warrior into ashes, there was a gust of wind behind him, distorting his body made of magma.

His response was only a soft hum from his nostrils, and then he turned around abruptly.

While turning around, his body suddenly swelled and expanded. The giant with magma rolling on his body was like a ghost, and the raised arm was flowing black magma that was extremely red!
It's you who are waiting!
The bright stream of light expanded, turning his face from ferocious to terrified Torine engulfed him!
Originally, Olslu, who was at the side and wanted to wait for Toligne to succeed in one blow, would sneak up on Akainu without martial arts, and the two five-lamp kings who didn't speak martial arts besieged one person was also shocked, and hurried forward.

But a silver light suddenly entered the peripheral vision.

A powerful swordsman slashed at a tricky angle, blocking his way forward.

The arm covered in red and black armor collided with the blade, and the sword glow pierced the ground full of holes.

"Swordsman of the Three-Eyed Clan, I know you, the number one swordsman in the starry sky, Qi Dannei."

"It's already gone." Zidane looked solemn, and Sakaski really couldn't persuade him. With such a lineup, it would be too difficult to fight against two demon five-lamp kings at the same time.

Two more figures separated to the two sides behind Qi Dannei, a man and a woman, both swordsmen, wearing navy uniforms.

Admiral Taotu of the Navy Headquarters.

Vice Admiral Shiliu of the Navy Headquarters!

Shiliu of the Rain used to be a member of the prison guards of the advancing city. At the highest level, he was the director of the No. [-] advancing city. His status was only lower than that of Kinche Magellan, and his strength was also quite strong. Moreover... he was Figo's fanatical admiration pink.

Worshiped to do the same thing as Figo did in the advance city, releasing prisoners to fight with himself, honing his sword skills, but due to lack of strength, sometimes 'killing' prisoners by mistake, which annoyed Jin Qie.

Several times of confinement couldn't cure the problem, and finally Figo gave the order-let him enter the navy, and Sakalski will take him.

Now he is subdued by Akainu.

And he and Taotu, both in the forefront of the lieutenant generals in the Navy headquarters, lit four lamps, and under the leadership of the stronger Qi Dannei, they were able to barely participate in the battle with the King of Five Lanterns.

Hmm, barely.

During the confrontation, at the other end, the fire gradually extinguished. Toligne was severely beaten by Akainu. At this time, he was half kneeling on the ground, exuding a burnt smell from his body. He was very embarrassed, but Akainu only retreated a few dozen Step, the blood is a little churning.

"Underestimate this guy." Toligne opened his mouth and exhaled a puff of black smoke.

Olslu glanced at the red dog in the distance and the three swordsmen in front of him who were trying to entangle him, and snorted coldly: "These guys seem to be underestimating us...quick battle!"

They know that in the territory of the human race, if you can't win quickly, you will lose!

A fierce battle kicked off.

Thousands of miles away from the battlefield, Luffy and the others stood on the coast of the practice island, looking in the direction of the battlefield... Who is fighting?

The battle on the other side has just ended.

Getting out of the battlefield wasn't too strenuous. The first-class star, Blue Fravo, stopped chasing after a certain distance. Obviously, the spirit of the lamp was afraid of being besieged after pulling the kite. It was not around, and his only first-class star encountered a crisis of destruction.

The kings who blocked the sea also returned to the seven Figo one by one.

"What's the situation? Why retreat?"

"Who was fighting against the Star King just now? That... a first-class star?"

"Is it really a strong man at the same level as the Star King? Who is it?"

Except for Roger, who was reversely excited, all the kings were a little uneasy. They had agreed to fight desperately, but the battle ended just 10 minutes before they even joined the battle.

More importantly, a strong man of the same level as Figo really appeared, bringing a very heavy fact-even if Figo is as powerful, he failed to resist the spirit of lights once!
Who can be at ease?
Fortunately, it only failed once.

If there are ten or eight first-class stars, then you can simply despair and wait to die.

"He is not my opponent, I can kill him within half a day." Figo first reassured everyone: "The retreat is because we have obtained some critical information. will be higher.

In addition, Lucifer, the king of demons, should have been revived in a certain corner of Denghuo Mars. The spirit of Lantern is too rough and thick to kill in a short time. We have to solve Lucifer first. "

Lucifer still has a lot of benefits!

The Holy Demon King said: "According to the existing intelligence analysis, the original sealing power of Lucifer probably came from the spirit of lights, so the current spirit of lights only has the ability to block our sealing ability, but if Lucifer is solved, maybe it We can ban our lights. Have you thought about this, what should we do?"

"I've thought about it, so we can't kill Lucifer, I'll... capture him alive!" Figo said.

The Holy Demon King's expression froze for an instant.

All the kings were shocked.

captured alive? !
The Demon King is the biggest enemy that Xing Kong and Deng Mars have been guarding against for thousands of years. At first, everyone planned to risk their lives, but after Figo appeared, they gradually felt safe.

But this safety, I just think that Figo can win and kill Lucifer, but capture alive...

With the identity of the Demon King and the power that once ruled the starry sky, capturing him alive is at least ten times more difficult than killing him, right?

Can such a thing really be done?
And at the same time, the lamp sparks somewhere.

The purple-eyed demon clan with a flirtatious and handsome face and a tall stature appeared between the heaven and the earth out of thin air.

The long black hair swayed with the wind, and the revived Demon King raised his hands and looked.

"Finally the day has come again."

"This time, am I in the strongest state?"


PS: (Recommend this book to everyone, "Pirate Convicted", a new book by an old author, the quality of the writing is guaranteed, and it writes angles that I can't write - catch Reiju at the beginning, a dozen chapters will be deleted by the whole chapter at once Subtract the paragraph three times, how to convict, cough, I understand everything, haha.

There is a direct link below. )
(End of this chapter)

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