I have been in Pirate Town for 100 years and defended the city of advancement

Chapter 59 Advance City 2 Old

Chapter 59

In 1464 of the Haiyuan Calendar, a warship slowly docked outside the zero-level platform of the advancing city.

The young navy captain Monkey D. Karp was in high spirits and commanded the big pirate he had just caught with a bounty of 1 million baileys into the warship.

"Be careful, this guy is not a simple thing, he can release a strange electric current." A sailor reminded the jailer to pick up the ship.

"Don't worry, this is the advance city. We have detained several fur pirates."

The jailers looked relaxed, and the sailors didn't say more.As the promotion city of the world's largest prison, it has a good reputation and is a forbidden place for pirates from all over the world. There are many big pirates with a bounty of about one billion detained. It seems that the fur tribe is not new to them. .

It was the first time that Garp escorted a prisoner over, and he looked at the layout of the zeroth floor. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by the two figures that appeared in front of him.

One of them has gray hair, looks around 70 in appearance, and is extremely strong and tough, but is holding a cup in both hands and sipping the green liquid inside... tea?tonic?

The other one was younger, looking in his fifties, but the prisoners' chains were hanging on his hands, but the guards gave him the big pirate who was being escorted?
"Let the prisoner escort the prisoner?"

Garp couldn't help but muttered, and suddenly saw the middle-aged 'prisoner' with a chain take out a hand from the chain at will, scratched his head, and immediately put it back on again, his eyes were rounded... ...hanging, hanging ornaments? !

What kind of weird hobby is this? !
"Who are you saying is the prisoner!" The jailer in front of him heard his words and groaned angrily: "This is your first time to advance the city, rude fellow! That is the legend of our advance city, the strongest man in the world, The first director, Lord Figo!"

"Director... the strongest?"

"Hmph, the director's story can't be told for three days and three nights, but since you, a young sailor, want to hear it, I'll tell you!"

I didn't want to hear it.Cap smiled awkwardly and scratched his head, but the navy around him quit: "You fellow, show some respect to Colonel Cap!"


A large group of jailers glared at them.

The sailors were dumbfounded.

Karp hurriedly laughed twice: "Haha, it's okay. This first-generation director... Um, what's the name, what's the story?"

His attitude made the jailers look slightly relieved.

"It's Director Gaston Figo. The Director was the first batch of jailers to be recruited into the Advance City 50 years ago when the city was first built!"


"How old is he this year?!"

"Haha, it's not like that, the director created the seventh style in addition to the six styles, life is returned, the control of the body is extremely powerful, and the passage of lifespan has slowed down. No one can see that the director has already had enough time this year. 70 years old!"

The creator of the return of life? 70 years old?Garp was very interested this time, and the look of listening attentively made the jailer more willing to talk to him.

"I'll just say a few things, and you'll understand how powerful the director is."

"About 42 years ago, when the Director was 28 years old, he went on vacation and happened to encounter the World Government deceived the Giants by despicable means.

The world government sent a naval admiral to arrest the director, but he did not expect that the 28-year-old director has quietly possessed the strength to rival the general.After a fight, there was no winner or loser, plus the director's teacher, the then Vice Admiral Doug of the Navy Headquarters, interceded for him. "

28-year-old tied with the Admiral?The sailors were greatly shocked, and they sank in when they heard it.

The jailers were even more chatty.

"Speaking of Lieutenant General Doug now, some young people don't even know his name. Only when he learns the Six Forms will they know that he created and organized the Six Forms, and that when Lieutenant General Doug passed away, thousands of sailors saw him off. But the grandson of Vice Admiral Doug is now famous, he was promoted to Admiral a few years ago, Steel Skeleton Kong!"

"General Steel Bone Kong?"

"Ah, but few people in the world know that Steel Skeleton Kong can become a general because of the director's teaching when he was a child! The director is the only teacher of Steel Skeleton Kong!" The jailer said proudly.

The sailors were even more surprised, there were such characters hidden in the advancing city?Why haven't you heard of it?

The jailer quickly answered them: "The origin of the matter is that the director sabotaged the action of the world government against the giants. The world government failed to punish the director, and even Lieutenant General Doug, who will maintain the director, hated him. .

When Lieutenant General Doug was about to pass away, the world government had another despicable act, and even refused to let the director wait for Lieutenant General Doug's students to come to him to send him the last ride...especially the director!

The director was so angry that he left the advance city on his own. After the five old stars questioned him, he even killed the Holy Land Mary Joa alone! "



"……and then?"

The jailer snorted lightly, looking very honorable: "The 28-year-old director can draw a tie with the admiral of the Navy. The five old stars learned the lesson and directly mobilized the three generals to suppress the director! But they didn't expect that, At that time, the 45-year-old director, who had reached his peak in all aspects, was able to fight three generals alone with his own strength!

That battle was slaughtered in darkness and the Holy Land was covered in dust. It lasted for ten days and ten nights, and there was no winner!The Five Old Stars were helpless and could only ask the director for a joint discussion. The director was also completely disappointed by the government because of the accumulation of these kinds of things! "

"He is unwilling to destroy the peace of the world. Since the death of Lieutenant General Doug, he has been self-proclaimed in the advancing city. Only when he occasionally encounters a prisoner who has been wrongfully imprisoned, he will go out for a few days to seek justice for the prisoner. While in the world With the government's intentional downplay, now marines like you have gradually forgotten the existence of the great director!"

One person, fighting three generals alone? !

The sailors were somewhat indigestible.

But shocked.

Good, great!

"How can these young jailers believe your bragging so easily?"

On the way to escort the prisoner downstairs, Jin Qie, who was holding a thermos cup, said speechlessly.

"Ah, am I bragging?" Figo took out his right hand from the chain, swiped and turned his left hand, and threw it in front of the chain.

"It's a long way off!" Jin Qi shouted: "You think that those of us who have experienced it have amnesia? Three generals fighting alone? Why don't you add a marshal? Self-proclaimed to be in the advance city? Isn't this a condition for negotiation!"

As he said that, he laughed himself, and Figo shook his head and laughed. The prisoners who were being escorted in front of them felt their disrespect and decided to resist!

A strong current surged out of him, and the Hailou stone chain couldn't restrain it!Then he slammed straight into Figo, but his eyes were full of flowers, his side of his face was in pain, he fell and lost consciousness, and he didn't see the source of the attack from beginning to end.

Jin Qie kicked the prisoner lightly: "In recent years, a lot of fur-race pirates have been caught. Aren't they a very rare race? There aren't many pirates who appear at sea and become pirates."

"Who knows? Maybe it has something to do with the moony night hunter circulating in the sea, right?" Figo threw the tauren with the fur of a bull's head and horns that he knocked unconscious into the cell. , locked.

[Profit: Power of the Fur Tribe (rare) +77→2755 (Level 3 Fur Tribe)]

"I can't do it like that. The world government doesn't want everyone to know the truth. I can only process the experience a little bit." Figo said.

Jinqie is speechless, the 'new truth' that you have processed, the world government may not like to hear.

"Haha, alright, alright, Lao Jin, you can take care of the city next, I'm going out for a while." Figo said again with a smile.

"Going out again?" Jin Qie said unexpectedly.


The young Garp looked a little different from the future Garp, but Figo recognized it.

Before you know it, it's been 50 years.

Figo said with some emotion: "Lao Jin, if I go out this time, I may not come back. In the future, the position of the director will be yours."

Jin Qie rolled his eyes, too lazy to answer.

When Figo left, the 74-year-old Jinqie slowly picked up the thermos cup and took a sip of the tonic inside. You have told me the same thing for almost 40 years, and I am still the deputy director.

Believe you have a ghost!

(End of this chapter)

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