I Have Drawn A Bet With The Gods To Set Up A Corpse-Hunting Inn!

Chapter 191

Chapter 189 When The Three Rises A Day, The Day When The Yin And Yang Inns Converge

Under the Qingcheng Mountain.

The most immortal mountain in Sichuan Province should be Mount Qingcheng. The main peak here is 1,260 meters, surrounded by undulating peaks, and the trees are lush and green.

One of the major cultivating holy places in the Dragon Kingdom, among which is Mount Qingcheng, where there are many folk stories.

The most familiar one is Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

But folk tales are not groundless after all.

In the past, you may think that these are all stories made up by our ancestors to pass the boring life.

But now, when Zhang Qilin walked in the green forest of Qingcheng Mountain with a corpse behind him, he not only thought to himself.

Are the folklore and stories heard in the past really just legends and stories?

Before he came to Yin Yang Inn, he didn’t quite believe in ghosts and gods. Although he had seen zongzi, he only regarded zongzi as a kind of monster.

In fact, zongzi belong to the corpse after corpse transformation, which is essentially a monster.

I heard from Han Tang before that, in the common sense, monsters are beasts that cannot be named by themselves.

But in the eyes of their Mr. Yin and Yang, the monster has a special explanation.

That is outside the six realms, not in the five elements.

All such people are monsters.

From the perspective of Mr. Yin Yang, the existence of monsters is reasonable.

But in the same way, the existence of ghosts is equally reasonable.

It’s just that Zhang Qilin and the others have not been in contact before, so they don’t believe it.

Just like the legends left over from ancient times, because it is too exaggerated and outrageous, few people believe it.

Zhang Qilin glanced at the quiet mountain forest to the left and right, the mountain forest path under the night light looked particularly eerie, and people with less courage would not dare to walk on such a road.

After walking for a long time, Zhang Qilin came back to his senses, did not think about Bai Suzhen, but rang the yin-yang corpse bell in his hand, and then gave a long shout.



“Yin people go on the road, Yang people return!



“The sprites retreat, don’t disturb the returnees!””



Of the five corpses, four had already been returned, and the last corpse left was the Daoist Red Lotus of Qingcheng Mountain.

If it was in the past, Zhang Qilin would never be distracted when he was on his way.

But now that he has mastered spiritualism very familiarly, it is very easy to use spiritualism as a prerequisite to drive away corpses.

As long as you control the remnant soul in the yin and yang chase corpse bell, then the corpse behind him will not do anything out of the ordinary.

When he was halfway up the mountain, Zhang Qilin suddenly stopped, then turned around and glanced at the corpse, frowning slightly.

“Where is the problem?”

“According to Wu Xie’s understanding of the magic trick, I shouldn’t have done any wrong step, why…?

Along the way, from time to time, Zhang Qilin prayed to the gods with the body of Han Tang, a learner.

But he found that when he was in the inn watching Han Tang and the judge Meng Po fight, especially when he saw Han Tang praying to God with a corpse, it felt very simple.

But is it so difficult to operate?

None of the five corpses along the way were able to successfully invite God.

This can’t help but make Zhang Qilin feel a sense of frustration.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Zhang Qilin frowned and muttered.

“We will arrive at Qingcheng Mountain Taoist Temple in two hours.”

“When the body is returned, there will be no chance for experimentation.

“Take advantage of it now, try again, maybe you will succeed.

After speaking, Zhang Qilin nodded slightly. Anyway, he secretly took the Qingcheng Mountain Patriarch to practice the exercises. No one would know what he didn’t say.

So he took out three incense sticks from under the cloak, ignited them, and put them in the hands of the corpse, followed by Zhang Qilin’s eyes narrowing slightly, looking at the corpse of Daoist Red Lotus and muttering words.

“The laws of the sky are clear and the laws of the earth are lingering!

“Heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, earth soldiers and grounds.

“Heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, earth soldiers and grounds. 39

“God soldiers and generals, officers and soldiers, officers and generals 々||.””

“Five thunder gods, listen to me!”9

“Please God!

Then I saw a flash of light on the body of Daoist Red Lotus, but the British Championship disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

This scene can’t help but make Zhang Qilin feel a little puzzled.

Obviously the corpse is responding, but why is the reaction time so short?

After all this time, he couldn’t figure out what went wrong?

Looking at the dead body again, Zhang Qilin shook his head silently, sighed and turned around to continue walking towards the Taoist temple on the mountain.


“The shopkeeper’s stunt is really not that easy to learn.

“If you want to fully understand how to use a corpse to invite God, you can only go back and ask Brother Han Tang.

on the other hand.

In the Qingcheng Mountain Taoist Temple, all the Taoist priests in the temple did not rest, but all guarded the door of the ancestral hall with different expressions on their faces.

“What’s the matter? Recently, the ancestral hall has always made strange noises. Another time, I don’t know if it was a coincidence, I even saw the shadow of the ancestors appear in the ancestral hall!”

“You must have read it wrong. The portrait of our ancestor was painted by an expert. It is hung in the ancestral hall. Every time when the moon is overcast and the sun is overcast, the moonlight looks for the portrait, and the ancestor will appear. Master’s shadow.””

“It turns out that there is still such a saying about the portrait of the patriarch? Then why are we staying here now?”

“Haven’t you heard? Yesterday morning, before dawn, a black cat appeared in the head’s house!”

“Black cat? Why are you so familiar?”

“It was the black cat that appeared before the rain of coin in our Qingcheng Mountain last time. 55

“Why did it come again?”

“I heard that it seems that a letter was sent to the head, saying that the body was delivered today, and that we should prepare in advance to take the ancestor back to the mountain. 35

“What? Is Grandpa really coming back?”

“You don’t know yet, the ancestors of Longhu Mountain, Wudang Mountain, Emei Mountain, Kongtong Mountain, and Kunlun Mountain have all returned to the mountains!

“My God, I’ve heard this news all the time, but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

“You don’t know yet? After the ancestors of these major sects just returned to the mountain, those sect masters made breakthroughs one after another. Now, except for our sect master, who has not yet made breakthroughs, other sect masters have already made breakthroughs. 99

“My God! Is there such a benefit for the ancestors to return to the mountain? This is too powerful, isn’t it?”

“Shh… the boss is here!”

At this time, the front of the ancestral hall was full of disciples from Mount Qingcheng.

When the priest in red walked past the disciples, he could also hear some of their whispers.

In fact, the gossip they circulated, as the head of her, was known earlier than everyone else.

However, if you know it, you will know it, but you can’t help but feel anxious.

Especially when I heard that the sect masters of other sects had made breakthroughs, I was even more eager to think that the ancestors could return to the mountain earlier.

Unfortunately, as the farthest mountain from Yin Yang Inn, Zhang Qilin just came here.

At this time, the Taoist girl in red shook her head slightly, and she couldn’t help slandering in her heart.

In fact, the strength of the other sect masters has been stagnant for many years, and Daoxuan Zhenren has been stagnant for nearly fifty years.

It’s not that they haven’t cultivated properly.

When it comes to cultivation, each of them has reached the peak of cultivation in their own realm.

But what prevented them from breaking through was that in the last step, no one could find an opportunity to break through.

It’s like Fatty Wang entered the product. If Han Tang didn’t take him to the spiritual world to experience it, Fatty Wang would never be able to enter the product in his entire life.

Because he has never even had a sign of entering the product.

The same is true of several major sect masters. Now I heard that Zhao Tianshi of Longhu Mountain has made a breakthrough, and the sect master of Emei Mountain has also made a breakthrough. The red-clothed Taoist girl can’t help but be more convinced that the return of the patriarch to the mountain can not only change the luck of the sect, but also bring her She has been looking for a breakthrough opportunity for many years.

Today, the ancestors can return to the mountain.

Just when the Taoist nun in red fell into deep thought, suddenly an ethereal and strange voice came from outside the Taoist temple.



“Yin people go on the road, Yang people return!”



“The sprites retreat, don’t disturb the returnees!”

66 when!

“When! 55

After this voice and the shouting sound were combined, the red-clothed Taoist girl was shocked, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she was full of ecstasy.

“Could it be… Could it be that the walking master has arrived?”

The Taoist girl in red immediately waved her hand, and then shouted loudly to the disciples.

“All the disciples of Mount Qingcheng obey the order!”

“Follow me to the entrance of the Taoist Temple to welcome the Patriarch back to the mountain!”

As soon as the words fell, the Taoist girl in red couldn’t care about anything else and hurriedly walked towards the main entrance of the Taoist temple.

In less than a few minutes, the red-clothed Taoist nun and the sect disciples came to the door of the Taoist temple in a mighty manner.

Only the door of the Taoist temple still did not see any figures.

Just as the sect disciples began to whisper in doubt, suddenly two figures appeared on the mountain road in front of the Taoist temple.

Both figures were wearing black cloaks.

It is not enough that one person walks and one person dances.

Every time the bell rang, the person behind him jumped a step after him.

It was not until the two figures came to the door of the Taoist Temple that the person in front gave a cold cry.

“In the name of the treasurer!

“Yin Yang Inn Zhang Qilin! 35

“Come to send the corpse of Qingcheng Mountain’s patriarch, Honglian Taoist aunt.”

The ecstasy in the eyes of the Taoist nun in red at the entrance of the Taoist temple became even more intense after hearing the words of Yin Yang Inn, and she hurriedly took two steps forward before asking.

“I’ve seen the foot-walking master!”

“The foot master has worked hard on this journey!”

“Please also enter the Taoist temple to rest.”

Zhang Qilin nodded slightly, because these people had been to the inn before, and had seen the battle between Han Tang and the judge.

Everyone knows the power of the inn, so now I am very in awe of the inn.

Therefore, on the way, several major sect masters were very polite to Zhang Qilin.

At this time, Zhang Qilin did not refuse, after glancing at the crowd, he said coldly.

“`. There are too many people, and the yang energy is heavy, and it is easy for the corpse to change into a corpse.

“Let the unrelated people go away.

The Taoist girl in red nodded when she heard the words.

I also thought that this would show more respect for the ancestors returning to the mountain, but I didn’t expect that it would cause trouble.

So he turned around and waved to the crowd, then said.

“Go to the ancestral hall and wait.”

“From today onwards, within three days of bathing and burning incense, and within seven days of chanting scriptures and fasting, all disciples will come to the ancestral hall to worship every day!”9

“Go down. 99

I saw that the sect disciples looked at each other and responded.

“Yes! 99

Following the door of the Taoist Temple, there were not many people left, and Zhang Qilin then rang the yin-yang corpse bell, and then took a step forward.



When he reached the threshold, Zhang Qilin let out a low voice, and the corpse behind him jumped forward.

After jumping over the threshold, Zhang Qilin nodded slightly, then swept around the Taoist temple and asked.

“Where is the shrine?

The Taoist girl in red looked at the corpse behind Zhang Qilin in astonishment, secretly thinking that the patriarch was so obedient to Zhang Qilin.

He is indeed the walking gentleman of Yin Yang Inn!

This kind of ability, it is estimated that there is no second person in the world.

After all, Zhao Tian from Longhu Mountain said that he was no match for any of these corpses, let alone chasing the corpses, even if he escaped alive, he was lucky.

And from the time he saw Zhang Qilin, he had already felt the suffocation and yin emanating from the person behind Zhang Qilin.

And the deadness she was all too familiar with.

That was the deadly training that the judge had beaten on the Heavenly Soldier and was absorbed by the ancestors.

In such a comparison, compared to the person behind Zhang Qilin, he is indeed his grandfather.

Nodding, the red-clothed Taoist nun pointed to the west, and then said.

“The foot-walker (Nuo Zhao) Fu, please come with me.”

After he finished speaking, he took Zhang Qilin and walked towards the ancestral hall.

This night, the Taoist Temple in Qingcheng Mountain was brightly lit, and everyone did not notice that the moon was no longer shining, and it was not deeply obscured by dark clouds, but a lunar eclipse phenomenon occurred.

At this time, it happened to be a cloudy moon and a cloudy day.

When Zhang Qilin came to the ancestral hall with the body of the red lotus nun, the red-clothed nun next to him suddenly screamed in surprise.


I saw a shadow full of fluorescence in the ancestral hall slowly disappearing, but at the moment of disappearing, the shadow turned to look at the corpse behind Zhang Qilin.

After half a breath, the shadow disappeared.

The Taoist nun in red also looked up at the sky in doubt, then frowned and said inexplicably.


“There was no moonlight just now.”

“How did this shadow come from?”

Zhang Qilin glanced at it briefly, and then said lightly.

“There is the remnant of your ancestor in this ancestral hall.”

“You are lucky.”

“If there are more remnants of your ancestors, the luck of Qingcheng Mountain may be better.”5

The Taoist girl in red smiled slightly, and then nodded gratefully to Zhang Qilin.

“Thanks to Mr. Yin Yang’s help, and thanks to the hard work of the walking master!”

Zhang Qilin didn’t say much, and walked directly to the ancestral hall with the corpse, lifted the cloak over the corpse’s head, and then said softly.



“The corpse walks in the underworld, and people respond in the underworld! 39



“Don’t delay when the corpse arrives, and don’t make taboos!

Then he turned to look at the Taoist girl in red.

“The body has been delivered.

“The shopkeeper asked me to remind the headmaster that it’s best not to forget what he promised him. 99

“When three liters a day appear in seven days, go to Yin Yang Inn to meet.” Ju.

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