I Have Drawn A Bet With The Gods To Set Up A Corpse-Hunting Inn!

Chapter 218

Chapter 216 Yin City Leads The Soul, The Yellow Chicken Leads The Way

Chapter 216 Yin City leads the soul, the yellow chicken leads the way

Seeing Tie Zhu like this, everyone was stunned.

Lao Xu shook Tie Zhu’s body in disbelief, but Tie Zhu did not respond at all.

Tie Zhuniang sat on the ground in a panic for a while, and then her mind went blank and cried.

At this time, the room was filled with Tie Zhuniang’s cry, and the villagers who were gossiping also closed their mouths instantly, looking at the poor Tie Zhuniang and Lao Xu with sympathy in their eyes.

Tie Zhu stared at Tie Zhu in a daze, unable to believe that the scene in front of him was real, so he hugged Tie Zhu and looked around, thinking that there was still a real master sleeping in the room, so he couldn’t be polite or rude, directly to the next house.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Han Tang had squinted his eyes and sat up. He must have been awakened by the sound just now, and he was indeed no longer drowsy.

Seeing Han Tang get up, Lao Xu was full of iron pillars at the time, so he knelt directly in front of Han Tang without thinking, and then said sincerely with a crying voice.

“Master, please save my child!~”

“My child must have been given by the yellow skin – revenge!”

“Otherwise, how could you get such a strange disease?”

Wu Xie walked to Han Tang’s side, and after briefly talking about what had just happened, Han Tang patted the bedside and motioned Lao Xu to put Tiezhu on the bed.

Immediately after, he touched Tie Zhu’s pulse, frowned slightly, and then said.

“There are still signs of life.”

“Go and get me cinnabar, the blood of the yellow dog, you don’t need too much, a few bottle caps are enough.”

“Take two more cloves of garlic and mince it into minced garlic.

After hearing Han Tang’s request, Lao Xu ran out to prepare the materials without thinking.

Cinnabar is a common thing in the past, but it is rare now.

But Lao Xu knew that there was a little bit of cinnabar in a treasure gourd specially designed to ward off evil on the beam of the house. That was when he was a child. He committed Tai Sui one year, and his mother went to the Taoist temple to get it for him.

Now I don’t care too much, I poured out the cinnabar, went to the next yard to ask for some yellow dog’s blood, and added the garlic paste just made in the kitchen, all ready to be delivered to Han Tang.

After Han Tang took the good materials, he lifted Tie Zhu’s clothes to reveal Tie Zhu’s chest, and first poured all the garlic paste into Tie Zhu’s mouth.

Then he closed Tie Zhu’s mouth and said.

“Don’t swallow it, just hold it.

I don’t know if Tie Zhu can still hear it now, but Han Tang’s words made the surrounding villagers look suspicious.

Immediately following Han Tang, he drew a Great General Talisman at the position of Tiezhu’s heart, and then painted the word ‘Amnesty’ at the position of his lungs.

After doing some things, Han Tang muttered.

“Xuanzong of heaven and earth, ten thousand qi is the root.”

“Cultivating hundreds of millions of kalpas and proving my supernatural powers.””

“All gods saluted, and made thunder. 55

“Ghosts and demons are terrified, spirits and monsters die!

“The laws of the sky are clear, the laws of the earth are lingering, and the golden light is divine incantation, dare to forgive all evil spirits!

Han Tang raised his palm, and suddenly a fierce light burst out of his eyes, and he shouted loudly as he looked at Tie Zhu’s chest.

“Get out of here!

Then Han Tang slammed a chapter on Tie Zhu’s chest.


I saw Tie Zhu coughed suddenly, and two bulging bags rose from his chest and began to move toward his neck.

After moving to the neck, Tie Zhu’s neck became ashen. At the same time, Tie Zhu suddenly grabbed the sheets on the bed with both hands, with such force that he shredded the sheets directly.

After the two big bags on Tie Zhu’s body disappeared, Tie Zhu’s complexion began to turn darker. Although he closed his eyes, he could see through his hideous face and jealously twisted body that the current Tie Zhu’s very painful.

Seeing Tie Zhu’s appearance, I remember that Tie Zhu’s mother next to him kept asking.

“Master, how is my son?”

“Why does it seem to me that Tie Zhu is more painful?”

“Is he all right?”

Old Xu, who was beside him, quickly grabbed Tie Zhuniang and scolded her.

“What do you girls know?”

“Say less, don’t affect the master’s practice!

Han Tang ignored the two at this time, stretched out his fingers, tapped on Tie Zhu’s chest, and then began to massage upwards, dragging it all the way to Tie Zhu’s neck, and then to Tie Zhu’s lower jaw.

Immediately after that, I saw Tie Zhu closed his eyes and frowned, suddenly stopped, and suddenly spurted out a mouthful of black blood.

The black blood mixed with the garlic paste that had just been contained, giving off a stench.

But after this mouthful of black blood was spit out, Tie Zhu’s face gradually returned to normal.

And gradually began to breathe.

But unfortunately, he still closed his eyes and still did not wake up.

Seeing that Tie Zhu’s face improved, Lao Xu and Tie Zhuniang both widened their eyes in delight, then turned to look at Han Tang and asked.

“Master, is my Tiezhu okay?”

Han Tang breathed a sigh of relief, and after re-dressing Tie Zhu, he patted Tie Zhu on the chest and said.

“Not quite yet. 35

“I can only say that it gave him a little life.

“This demonic energy has been stuck in his body for too long. If it is a little later, this child’s three souls and seven souls will be dissipated.”

“When his three souls and seven souls are scattered, this child will become a puppet of Huangpizi like the corpse outside, and Huangpizi will also get into his body and continue to use his body to commit crimes everywhere. 99

“Looking at the technique, it should be the yellow-skinned man you provoked.

“Although this child has saved his life now, it can only be said that he is not a corpse, but a dead person.”

When ordinary people hear the dead, they think that this person is really dead.

But in Yin Yang Inn, the definition of dead is still a bit different.

Just as Han Tang explained to Zhang Qilin and the others at the beginning, after death, people will go to the underworld, and only after they receive the ghost cards of the underworld can they go to the underworld.

Before receiving the ghost card, they can only be said to be dead.

After receiving the ghost card, the soul is called a ghost, and the body is called a corpse.

Lao Xu didn’t know this, and thought that Tie Zhu was helpless, and suddenly his face changed and he asked anxiously.


“What does this mean? I don’t get it. 99

“Isn’t my iron pillar already healed? 99

Knowing that Lao Xu didn’t know what was going on, Hao Xie explained some of the differences between the dead and the dead.

Following Han Tang, he continued.

“According to the time, this child has not yet reached the underworld.””

“There is still hope of salvation.””

“It’s just that you’re going to be a little more troublesome.”

When Lao Xu heard that there was still hope, he nodded and said quickly.

“No trouble, no trouble, as long as it can save my son’s life, I can say anything!”

“Master, I beg you to be merciful, and you must save my son, even if it is exchanged with my life!

Han Tang waved his hand and followed.

“This child now has three souls and seven souls, one soul and one soul.

0 asking for flowers…..

“If there is no accident, it should have passed in the direction of Yinshi.

“I will inform the little ghost in the underworld and refuse to give him a ghost card after he arrives.”

“But he’s going to spend a year in the underworld. 99

“However, the road between Yin and Yang is not the same, this child may not be able to find the way back.

“So at this time, someone needs to bring back his soul.”

“The way to bring it back is also simple. You just have to take an old hen, put your sister Tiezhu’s birthday on his neck, find a crossroad, and wait at the crossroad before noon tomorrow. 99

“After the chicken crows three times, you start to carry the chicken home, and don’t look back when you meet anyone along the way, let alone stop.

“Until I got home, I put the chicken by Tie Zhu’s side.

After speaking, Han Tang looked at Tie Zhu and continued.

“Our day is equal to a year in the dark city.

“I will inform the kid in Yinshi, and let the kid tell Tie Zhu that at this time next year, a chicken will come to pick him up.

“As long as he can come to the chicken’s side after three crows, then his soul can follow the old hen back.


“Similarly, this child cannot turn back on the way, nor can he stop himself.35

“Because not only you and I know that his soul will come back, but also the yellow-skinned child, so the yellow-skinned child will definitely interfere with one of your father and son.

“Now we don’t know the position of this Huangpizi, and it’s not easy to take action against him. Once he successfully interferes with the two of you, Tie Zhu will really not be able to come back.

“Old Xu, you have passed the age of confusion, but I believe that you will not be tempted.

“As for Tie Zhu, it depends on his will.”

Hearing what Han Tang said, Lao Xu remembered everything in his heart.

But when he thought of Han Tang’s advice at the end, he couldn’t help but worry that Tie Zhu would be tempted by Huangpizi on his way back, so he asked quickly.

“Master, if my Tie Zhu is really tempted by that yellow-skinned man, what should I do?”

Han Tang shook his head, “This can only mean that this child’s life should be doomed and he can’t be saved.

“Okay, it’s useless to think about anything else, hurry up and prepare.

“It’s best to find where this yellow skin is, he should be not far from here.”

“At least when the child had an accident, the yellow-skinned boy was definitely nearby.”

After Lao Xu heard it, he hurriedly turned to look at Tie Zhuniang and asked.

“Tie Zhu motherfucker, where did you see Tie Zhu?”

Tie Zhuniang’s anxious face fell into contemplation, and then said.

“Beside the small yellow stream outside the village.

“I also heard from the old king who came back from chopping wood, and only knew that Tie Zhu was there.”

Han Tang nodded slightly, then looked at Lao Xu and said.

“If there is no accident, the Huangpizi should be in that area.

“However, this beast is cunning by nature, and may have deliberately gone to other places to harm your children.

“Whether or not this yellow-skinned man is nearby, it’s best to look for it.”

“Bring a yellow dog when you look for it. Huangpizi is most afraid of this thing.”

When Old Xu heard this, thinking that he would be less distracted when Tie Zhu came back, he had no choice but to kill the yellow-skinned man first.

So he hurriedly knelt down in front of the rush, kowtowed a few times loudly, and shouted loudly.


“You are really my benefactor!” Mouth.

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