I Have Drawn A Bet With The Gods To Set Up A Corpse-Hunting Inn!

Chapter 260

Chapter 258 Is The Behemoth Like A Small Island In The Water The Water Dragon King?

Chapter 258 Is the behemoth like a small island in the water the Water Dragon King?

“Oops, bad!”

The village chief slapped his thigh and saw that the fishing boats on the river were sucked into the vortex, and immediately rushed to the riverside in a hurry.

At this time, the coffin was almost pulled to the shore by the crane driver.

Chen Wenjin couldn’t help but start to feel a little apprehensive, thinking that it might have something to do with the coffin?

But as archaeologists, the most important thing is scientific belief. If they believe in what ghosts and gods say, how can they do archaeology?

Therefore, the crane driver was not organized to continue salvaging the ancient coffin, but shouted to the construction team behind him.

“Get ready to rescue the villagers of Sanjiashan Village!

“Hurry up and call the police and say that someone is drowning here and ask them to come and help!”

After finishing speaking, Chen Wenjin also ran to the riverside. Originally, the village chief who did not want Chen Wenjin and the others to salvage the ancient coffin saw this situation, and he did not like Chen Wenjin at all, so he complained.

“I said this ancient coffin can’t move or move!

“You just don’t believe it!

“Is it okay this time 01?”

“Now it’s about to die!”

Chen Wenjin looked at the village chief and quickly comforted, “Don’t worry, village chief, this ancient coffin has already been salvaged, and even if it is put back, it will be too late. 99

“Let’s think of a way to save the villagers!

The village chief only felt a surge of anger and shouted loudly.

“How to help?”

“The water dragon king is angry, this is him punishing us!”

“Unless you put this coffin back, the Water Dragon King will definitely be angry again, and our entire village will have to die!”

After speaking, the village chief knelt directly by the river again, looking at the vortex in the river and shouted loudly.

“Lord Water Dragon King!

“You must calm down!”

“It’s our fault, we didn’t watch the dragon coffin, please accept the magical powers and let us go!”

“If you want to punish, punish those who salvage coffins!

“We are innocent! 39

Hearing the village chief’s words, Chen Wenjin shook his head helplessly again, and did not continue arguing with the village chief, but glanced at the vortex on the river, thinking that at this time, only Mr. Yin Yang can save people, right?

But where do I go to find Mr. Yin Yang now?

At this time, the construction team also began to get serious.

If this happened, even if they had documents with red heads stamped in their hands, they would inevitably be held accountable, so they all got busy, picked up the rope and lifebuoy and walked towards the river.

It’s just that the current on the river is very fast. As long as the water gets close to the vortex in the water, it is guaranteed to lose the balance of the center of gravity and be dragged into the vortex.

Want to rescue, almost misunderstood.

At this time, after the crane driver dragged the dragon coffin to the shore, he did not expect things to develop to this point. After running off the crane, he called the construction team to remove the rope from the ancient coffin, and then drove the crane closer. some.

It’s just that the crane is too far away from the vortex in the two centers. Although it is similar to the position of the ancient coffin, there is a world of difference between just now and now.

There was no such bad weather just now, so they could use the drone to bring the rope to the location of the ancient coffin.

Now that there is such a big vortex in the river, it is almost impossible to bring the rope to the center of the river.

Just when everyone had no choice, a huge wave was suddenly set off by the reward, followed by seeing that the vortex slowly recovered, and the speed of the water flow became slower.

At the center of the vortex, a huge black stone suddenly floated up, like an island, slowly surfacing.

Because the distance is too far, no one can see what it is, but it feels like it is alive, because at this time, the behemoth like a small island is slowly moving towards the shore of Sanjiashan Village opposite. move.

At this time, the village chief was stunned. After rubbing his eyes, he didn’t know if he could see clearly, so he shouted in surprise.

“It’s the Water Dragon King!

“The Water Dragon King has appeared!”

“This is definitely the Water Dragon King, it must be because it can’t stand it anymore, and it brought up the people from our village!”

The village chief did not see whether the villagers in his own village were on the island.

But the village chief didn’t care about Chen Wenjin and the others at this time. Seeing that the island-like behemoth was moving towards his village, he quickly stood up and ran around the long distance back to his village.

At this time, Chen Wenjin was stunned, because he also knew about the Water Dragon King. After all, when he came last time, he really saw that huge tortoise.

I also saw the huge tortoise bowing to Han Tang and thanking him.

So very impressed with it.

But he’s the Dragon King…

Chen Wenjin only thought that this should be a turtle that has lived for a long time, and the Dragon King or something is too much.

But at this time, seeing the tortoise shell like the island, I couldn’t help thinking to myself.

Is this turtle really enlightened?

Seeing the village chief leaving in a hurry, Chen Wenjin couldn’t help but think, this village chief can be superstitious about the Water Dragon King or something. It is.

But on the other hand, Chen Wenjin also wanted to know what the island-like behemoth wanted to do now, so she took out her mobile phone and called Dapeng.


“Hey, Team Chen, what’s the matter? What’s the situation on your side? I think all the villagers have passed by!” Dapeng who answered the phone immediately asked.

And Chen Wenjin didn’t have the time to explain so much to him now, so he said briefly.

“We’ll talk about this later. The people who came from the village just fell into the water, and now there is a behemoth like an island heading towards the shore of Sanjiashan Village.”

“I don’t know if it’s the big turtle we saw last time.

“The village chief said that the big turtle saved their people, you go and see what happened, it’s better not to be discovered by those villagers, or they can eat you alive!”

“My side is organizing a rescue, and the police are on their way and haven’t gotten here yet.”


Before Chen Wenjin finished speaking, Dapeng had already realized what Chen Wenjin wanted to say, and years of tacit understanding made him interrupt Chen Wenjin directly.

“Good good! 35

“Chen team, don’t worry, I’ll go to see, what’s going on, I’ll call you. 35

“Leave this to me. You’ll be busy for a long time. I saw a lot of people have passed by just now. If something happens, we’ll be on the news tomorrow!”

After speaking, Dapeng hung up the phone directly.

And Chen Wenjin looked at the turbulent river surface and the roaring thunder in the sky, and there was a little hope that the big tortoise could really be spiritual, and it was really the water dragon king that Han Tang said.

It can really save those villagers ashore.

Otherwise, she would be in a big disaster!

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