I Have Drawn A Bet With The Gods To Set Up A Corpse-Hunting Inn!

Chapter 87

Chapter 85 Died Of Trespassing At The Yin Yang Inn?

“You go and put on your bulletproof suits, and when you arrive at the door, be careful.

At this time, the people in the conference room nodded to each other, but still couldn’t help reminding.

“Staff Liu, I think this is still a bit wrong, why don’t we let them enter the military area first and find a place where there is no possibility of a killer hiding?

“Yeah, and the nine-headed bird is a well-known killer organization in the world. It has assassinated politicians in many countries. If they are suspected, we must be careful! 35

“In short, it’s impossible to be a corpse carpenter. This profession has disappeared for hundreds of years, right?”

Liu Zhenming pressed the remote control at this time, turned off the projector lamp, and then buckled the notebook, and then said.

“Old Xu is right, no matter who is on the other side, be careful, let them in first, tell the soldiers standing guard at the gate, and take them to the front of the cafeteria.”5

“There are buildings all over the place, and there can be no snipers, unless that person has a bomb on him and wants to drag us down.35

ten minutes later.

Soldiers patrolling at the entrance of the military district saw two Kyoto jeeps driving towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

The Kyoto jeep is the kind of car without a carport and only a front windshield, so whoever is sitting on the car can see clearly.

At this time, the patrolling soldiers saw that the car had driven past, and they talked softly.

“Hey! Look, it’s Chief Liu and the others!”

“I’m going, they are all cadres above the legion level!”

“With such a large lineup, what are they going to do? Isn’t this too grand?”

“Looking at the direction, it looks like a canteen?

“Let’s go to dinner together? Impossible, right? During dinner at night, I saw Staff Officer Liu.

“It looks like they are in a hurry, do you want to follow?”

“If you want to patrol the past, you have to go by the next team, we can’t pass, there’s no drama!

“By the way, did you see it just now? It seems that there is a corpse driver at the door. You said, did Staff Liu go to this corpse driver?

“Who did you hear?”

“Hi… Wasn’t the old man from the third shift standing guard just now, didn’t you hear his call?

“The corpse carpenter? I seem to have heard this word? It should be a profession of transporting corpses in ancient times, right? It should be long gone by now!

“So, the origin of the corpse driver is unknown? The Chief of Staff, shouldn’t they be in danger?

“Whether there is any danger or not, you have to go and see, you didn’t see the car just now, all the big leaders are sitting on it, if they have an accident, no one will be healed!

“Take a walk, go back and have a look, and treat it as another patrol!”

At this time, two Kyoto jeeps had already driven to the gate of the military district, and then five middle-aged men in 050 military uniforms got off the cars one after another.

Among them, the man walking in the middle was 1.8 meters tall. Compared with others, he was more burly.

This person is Chief of Staff Liu Zhenming.

When Liu Zhenming saw Zhang Qilin, he glanced at the few people wearing cloaks behind Zhang Qilin.

At this time, the sky was dark, and it was almost midnight, even though the light was always on at the gate of the military district, the sight was not good.

And because Zhang Qilin and the others were wearing black cloaks and couldn’t see the hood, they couldn’t tell whether it was a human or a corpse.

Moreover, Staff Liu and his party saw that they were all standing, so they instinctively thought that they were all living people.

After all, in their impression, even if there is a corpse carpenter, it is only a profession of transporting corpses, and transporting corpses of course requires carrying, so how could the corpse still stand and walk by itself?

So he frowned and asked.

“Are you… here to deliver the corpse?

Zhang Qilin nodded and said nothing.

“Where’s the corpse?” Staff Liu asked in a deep voice, at the same time taking two steps back silently with all the leaders who came.

If Zhang Qilin was regarded as a nine-headed bird, they would never suspect that these people had bombs on them, so it was best to keep a safe distance.

Zhang Qilin pointed to the corpse behind him and said.

“They are.

“They?” Liu Zhenming looked suspiciously at the corpses behind Zhang Qilin, and couldn’t help but think suspiciously.

Standing corpse?

how can that be?

At this time, the soldier next to him came to the side and softly echoed in Liu Zhenming’s ear.

“Except for this person, they all jumped over just now.

Liu Zhenming narrowed his eyes, looked at Zhang Qilin again, and then deliberately asked.

“You told the guard that I called you here?”

Zhang Qilin shook his head, “It’s Lu Xiaolong.

Liu Zhenming took out his mobile phone directly, then stared at Zhang Qilin and said solemnly.

“I’ll give him a call.”

At this time, Liu Zhenming really took out his mobile phone, and dialed Liu Zhenming’s communicator, while observing Zhang Qilin’s expression all the time.

It was found that Zhang Qilin was very calm.

It seemed that Lu Xiaolong had asked him to come, which made Liu Zhenming even more puzzled.

Seeing his unhurried appearance, it doesn’t seem like he’s lying.

But if it’s not a lie, is it possible that there really is such a skillful corpse hunter in this world?

Can these corpses really come across mountains and mountains?


At this moment, the phone rang twice, and then came Lu Xiaolong’s voice.

“Hey, Staff Officer Liu! I’m Lu Xiaolong!”

Hearing Lu Xiaolong’s voice on the phone, Liu Zhenming nodded slightly, then glanced at Zhang Qilin, and found that Zhang Qilin was still calm.

So continue to ask.

“A master came from the military area and said that you asked him to bring the corpse here?”

Although Lu Xiaolong had told him about this before, but now Liu Zhenming still intends to pretend he doesn’t know.

Because now I am not sure who Zhang Qilin is.

Immediately, Lu Xiaolong’s voice came over the phone, “Yes, Chief of Staff, have they arrived?”

Liu Zhenming nodded, “Well, a young man in a black cloak is here now, saying that you asked him to come?

“Is he 1.8 meters tall? Very thin, but he looks very strong, with a long knife on his back, taciturn?

Liu Zhenming couldn’t help being secretly surprised. Could it be that he really came to deliver the corpse?

Are there really corpses in this world?

If it was placed in an underdeveloped society before, he believed that there would be such a profession.

But now that the transportation is so convenient, how many people still go for a walk?

But I didn’t see the vehicle that transported the corpse!

Nodding, Liu Zhenming said solemnly, “Well, that’s right.”

“Then he should be the second gentleman of Yin Yang Inn, whose name is Zhang Qilin, Master Zhang.”

“Chief of Staff, should the body be delivered?”

Liu Zhenming looked suspiciously at the few people standing behind Zhang Qilin, then shook his head and said softly.

“I didn’t see the body, and he didn’t come by himself, but with several people.

At this moment, Lu Xiaolong was stunned for a moment, and he couldn’t help thinking in astonishment.

How many people?

Immediately afterwards, the scene he saw at the Yin Yang Inn appeared in his mind.

When Lin Jiu was chasing corpses in the inn, those corpses were jumping and jumping like people, but they would never walk like normal people.

It stands to reason that if the chief of staff sees the corpses, he can immediately know that these people are dead, but he does not know why, as if the chief of staff has not recognized it yet.

Could it be that the people at Yin Yang Inn made some decorations on the corpse?

So Lu Xiaolong asked on the phone.

“Chief of Staff, do those people jump when they walk? And every time the bell rings, they jump a step?

Liu Zhenming gave an “en” and then asked, “What’s going on?”

Lu Xiaolong understood as soon as he heard it, so he said quickly.

“Chief of Staff, this is the unique method of their walking master to drive away the corpses. They do not use vehicles, but rely on this method to let the corpses from Fengmen Village to the military area.

“This person is guaranteed to be the walking master Zhang Qilin.


Hearing this, Liu Zhenming was stunned for a moment, but still felt a little unbelievable.

Let the corpse go all the way from Fengmen Village to the military district?

The fact that they traveled such a long distance is difficult for their soldiers to do. Although it is not comparable to the Long March, it is really not something ordinary people can do to travel such a long distance in just a few days.

What about corpses?

Could it be that there really are walking masters in this world?

People in their military region should know the Dragon Kingdom the most, and they will be the first to know about any mysterious organization in the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, this is official, what else can we hide from the country?

But now they find that it seems that they have never heard of people who are still engaged in this kind of industry.

foot master?

This is a profession that has been broken for hundreds of years.

Now it actually appeared in front of (abdj) their eyes!

This shocked Liu Zhenming.

However, Lu Xiaolong had already proved that the person in front of him was indeed here on his entrustment, so he said.

“Okay, got it.”

After speaking, Lu Xiaolong hung up the phone directly, then looked at Zhang Qilin and asked.

“Are you the walking master of Yin Yang Inn?

Zhang Qilin glanced at Liu Zhenming lightly.

“Are you the Chief of Staff of the Military Region?”

Knowing that the other party was indeed here to serve their military region, Liu Zhenming also changed his previous attitude.

After all, there should be a difference between treating an enemy spy and treating one’s own people.

Liu Zhenming smiled and nodded, “I am Liu Zhenming, Chief of Staff of the Central Military Region. Before you came, Lu Xiaolong already told me.”

“It’s just that I don’t believe it, but now there really is a walking master!

“I’m really sorry, but I also hope that the foot master will forgive me! 35

After speaking, Liu Zhenming glanced behind Zhang Qilin and frowned when he saw the people wearing black cloaks behind him.

Is this the corpse of the nine-headed bird?

Although he still couldn’t believe it, and couldn’t figure out why the corpse would stand up and move around by himself, the fact was in front of him, and he had to re-understand it.

Although it is rare to hear rumors of walking foot masters now, it is not guaranteed that there will be inheritance left.

As for those corpses…are they really those of the Nine-Headed Bird?

Lu Xiaolong is so sworn that he shouldn’t lie.

“That’s right! 35

At this time, Zhang Qilin nodded, and now that the body has been delivered, as long as he has a handover with the people in the military region, his mission will be completed.

After all, Han Tang was still waiting for him to go near the Yellow River, so he couldn’t delay.

Therefore, Zhang Qilin had no intention of chatting with Liu Zhenming at all, but just made sure that the other party was the chief of staff, so as not to hand over to the wrong person.

So he turned around and walked to the side of the corpse, raised his wrist, and then rang the corpse bell in his hand.



As the crisp bell rang, the body behind Zhang Qilin began to shake again.

Followed by Zhang Qilin, he shouted.

“The dead go to hell, listen to my orders!”

The shouting sound was accompanied by the rich night color and the cold wind blowing through the night.

Staff Liu looked at each other with puzzled eyes, and then looked at Zhang Qilin.

“What is this going to do?”

“I don’t know, listening to Liu’s staff, it seems that this person is really a corpse carpenter!

“Could it be some kind of ceremony to do before the corpse was driven out?

“Who knows this? It’s a bit like an ancient sacrifice?

“No, it’s like doing things!”

“Don’t say anything, just watch it!”

In the eyes of everyone’s astonishment, Zhang Qilin rang the corpse bell again and shouted.

“There is no way in the world, don’t delay when the corpse arrives.”


For the first time, the chanting sound made the military region full of iron and blood feel a bit more gloomy.


When the last bell disappeared, all the corpses dropped their arms.

Then Zhang Qilin walked in front of one of the corpses and lifted the cloak of a nine-headed bird corpse directly, revealing that terrifying face.

Then he turned around lightly and looked at Liu’s staff and said.

“The body has been delivered. Come and collect the body.””

After speaking, Liu Zhenming glanced at each other and saw surprise in their respective eyes, and then hurriedly walked towards the corpse.

The body of the corpse exudes a strong stench, which is also strange. When they just put on the black cloak, they did not feel abnormal, nor did they smell this unpleasant corpse odor.

But as soon as the cloak was lifted, everyone felt it was a little difficult to breathe, covering their noses and frowning at the nine-headed bird corpse.

Immediately after that, everyone saw that the expression of the corpse was extremely frightened and hideous.

It was as if they were all scared to death, and the expression on their faces was still the terrified expression before they died.

Just seeing their expressions, everyone felt a tingling in their scalps.

“Looking at the armband and the clothes, it seems that they are really the members of the Nine-headed Bird’s Assassination Organization! But I don’t know if someone pretended to be the Nine-headed Bird and put on their costumes. 99

“Look again, maybe there are people we know among these people!”

“Look, this armband is exactly the same as the nine-headed bird’s armband, and their guns are all pistols imported from the United States. If you use special magazines, this pistol is no different from a submachine gun.”5

“With such advanced equipment, even if he is not a nine-headed bird, he is still a big man.

“It shouldn’t be wrong, it’s the people of the nine-headed bird.”

At this time, Zhang Qilin had already lifted the cloaks on most of the corpses, and when he opened the last corpse, Liu Zhenming was shocked when he saw the corpse’s eyes wide open.


“This turned out to be a boss! 35

Hearing this, everyone looked at the last corpse. Although each corpse was extremely ferocious, when the boss appeared in front of everyone, it was very easy to recognize it.

Because the person they are looking for these days is the boss!

“I learned that they had quietly entered the Dragon Country a week ago, and then they disappeared without a trace. I didn’t expect them to be dead!”

“If this is the case, then the explanation is clear, and I will say that we have worked hard and have not found the whereabouts of the boss. 35

“Yes, the whereabouts of a living person is not difficult to find, but the whereabouts of a dead person are completely impossible to find, and it is no wonder that we have been kept in the dark.

“It seems that Lu Xiaolong didn’t talk to me at that time…”

At this time, Liu Zhenming shook his head and muttered.

“There’s something wrong!”

“How did they die? 55

Liu Zhenming looked at Zhang Qilin with a puzzled face, hoping to find the answer here.

“Please also tell the foot master.

And Zhang Qilin answered succinctly:

“Breaking into Yin Yang Inn and getting killed by zombies.””

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