I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 72: Kill and Bury

He glared at Flynn weakly: "Ku, Ku, cough, cough, cough... don't worry, it's a small scene, I, I am the Witch of the New Moon! Don't underestimate me."

"It's just that I overused the magic a little bit. I need to... need to replenish the magic."

"Then I want to heal you, what should I do?"

Zhen shook his head, "Not today. I'm tired. You can take me back to the attic to rest and put me in the big cat's blanket."

Flynn took another look at the battlefield and saw that it was already one-sided, this time it was 100% as stable as a dead dog.

So Flynn felt relieved and left the battlefield with Zhen, who had fallen asleep.

On the battlefield, the Goblins were quickly slaughtered by the players.

Because they had been drained dry by the Goblin Witch Doctor, these Goblins did not even have the energy to escape.

There were only a few goblin handymen who had not been buffed by voodoo magic before, so they took advantage of the situation and ran away.

The other 400 main goblins were completely wiped out!

After this battle, the Tulsing Goblin tribe can basically be eliminated from this land.

After a hard fight, the players collapsed to the ground one after another.

There is no physical fatigue, but the psychological fatigue caused by high-intensity battles makes the players also fall into short-term fatigue.

Tired, but with excitement.

"Haha, it's so refreshing! It's so refreshing!"

"A hearty, hearty and joyful battle!"

""Superman Chronicles 2" is awesome! The battles in this game are too real."

"Well, I threw up, but I got high."

"Passion! Brothers! We won! We defended Tudou Village!"

"I have never thought that virtual war in online games can arouse people's emotions so much. Perhaps this is the unique charm of super realism?"

The players collapsed to the ground, recalling the battle just now.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of applause, and the applause developed from sparse to thick and enthusiastic.

The ones who applauded and cheered were the indigenous villagers who had been protected in the village before.

"Thank you Lord Flynn! Thank you brave men for your protection!"

"Brave adults, this is amazing!"

"I am proud that our Tudou Village has the best lord in the world and the bravest warriors in the world."

"Uncle Brave, thank you."

When the players saw the sincere eyes of these villagers and enjoyed their warm applause, many players were very moved.

"Oh, oh, oh, really, this is what I should do, so why send flowers?"

"Little sister, don't worry, uncle, I am very strong."

"What? I am the legendary Valkyrie? In fact, I am very good. I am very timid in reality, but I am more of a tomboy in the game. Don't worry, kids, I will always play games and protect you. What? You still want to hook up? Hehe, I’m so embarrassed, then I’ll just hook up with you, sister.”

"Grandma, what's going on? Isn't it just the NPC in the game bragging about me? Why am I still a little moved? Tingtang, no, no, it would be too embarrassing for me to cry."

It was a difficult battle for the players, but all the players felt happy and felt that they were protecting something worth protecting.

Even if such a thing is in the game, it is still worth protecting with all our efforts.

Of course, these are all spiritual gains.

In addition to spiritual gains, many players value more material rewards.

This time, more than 400 goblin troops were wiped out, allowing the players to get quite a lot of loot.

Although goblins are generally poor, the loot that 400 poor goblins can provide is not a small number.

Not to mention anything else, even if all four hundred Goblin weapons were sold for twenty or thirty copper coins each, the total would be 10,000 copper coins.

In addition to weapons, there are also the simple armors of the goblins and the groceries they carry with them. In addition, many goblins also go out with a little money.

These have also become trophies for players.

The players all mobilized and swept the battlefield cleanly with the swiftness of the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Then, taking advantage of the fact that the players were not afraid of getting tired, they dug a pit for the goblins a little further away. Several mages set off fireballs and disposed of the corpses together.

While digging holes for the Goblins, the players were still scolding the Goblins: "What a poor man. It took a long time to collect the loot, more than 400 Goblins, and the total loot was sold for more than 30,000 copper coins."

After being killed and buried, Flynn appeared again. Flynn first expressed his congratulations to the players.

"You brave men fought bravely to protect the people of Tudou Village and me!"

"This time the battle to defend Tudou Village has been won. I congratulate you, mighty warriors!"

"But it is better to chase the poor bandits with the remaining brave men. The Tulsin tribe still exists. Their main force has been lost. This is the time when they are at their weakest!"

"Brave men! Attack! Point your sword at the Tulsin tribe and destroy them. From now on, Tudou Village will have a smooth road!"

"And I will also prepare a large number of rewards to reward the brave men who return from victory."

Flynn has not forgotten the systematic mission he accepted - to eliminate the Tulsing Goblin tribe.

The Tulsing Goblin tribe is at its weakest now and should be vulnerable.

Let the players advance in one wave, destroy the Tulsin tribe, and complete the task. They will be rewarded with 300 grams of mithril powder.

It can also unlock important veteran mercenary NPC hiring functions.

At the same time, after wiping out the Tulsing Goblin tribe, at least there will be no more powerful enemies within 20-30 kilometers north of Tudou Village - this means that your own survival and development space will be greatly expanded. .

Therefore, Flynn waved his hand: "Brave men! March on!"

As for Flynn himself?

Mr. Fu is responsible for looking after the house!

In fact, there was no need for Flynn to give an order. The players were originally planning to pursue them directly to Tursin's lair after dividing the spoils.

The players, who were like perpetual motion machines, fought a war, divided the dirt, dug a hole, buried the corpse, and now they are rushing towards Tulsin's lair in a furious manner.

This time, although the players were in a hurry, they did not rush in headlong. Instead, they gathered on the outside and asked Blue Snake to bring a few people in to investigate the situation.

Because players have visited Tursin's lair before and know that it is very well-defended, with various defense towers, sentry holes, and the like. If you charge hard, it will not be easy to fight.

As a result, the blue snake came back and reported: "The lair of the Tulsin tribe is empty, and there is no goblin."

When the players heard this, they guessed that this goblin wouldn't be able to use the empty city strategy, right?

So Niu Dingtian took the lead with dozens of sword and shield warriors and rushed in directly.

Thanks to 20170302111221999 for the reward support.

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