I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 74 Map Opening Up

So Flynn appeared with Molson and said to the players who were working hard: "Fellow brave men, today I finally spent a huge sum of money to hire the long-awaited retired mercenary Mr. Molson!"

In Flynn's gesture, Molson, who was clearly not lame but limping, appeared in front of the players.

"He was once a very outstanding mercenary with rich adventure experience, but later he was hit by an arrow in the knee and withdrew from the front line."

"I invited him to preside over the soon-to-be-completed Brave Hall."

"He will provide various tasks for the braves, from small daily tasks to help the villagers to large-scale outdoor adventure activities. These are the scope of tasks provided by Mr. Momsen."

"At the same time, Mr. Molson will also provide item storage services. A storage unit only costs 1 copper coin per day. If you have anything you want to temporarily store in the future, please contact Molson directly."

"This lord's warehouse will no longer provide services for storing items for the braves."

"In addition, because Mr. Molson has rich experience in wild survival, for example, Mr. Molson knows exactly what insects smell like chicken and what kind of leaves are crunchy."

"If you have any adventure-related questions, you braves can ask Mr. Momsen for advice. This kind of adventure course is charged in the capital, but here, I help all the braves pay the tuition fee, and you can ask for free advice. question."

The players who were working stopped one after another and looked at the new NPC Mohsen - from the appearance, he did look like a capable middle-aged mercenary.

"Hello, Mr. Morson, I am also a mercenary, active in Syria, and I will go to the battlefield tomorrow."

"Okay, does that mean I can take on small tasks? Nowadays sometimes I feel a little confused when I don't have any tasks to do. I feel like I'm just playing around."

"Isn't it good to play blindly? Isn't this the high degree of freedom that everyone is pursuing?"

"I will be free when I want to be free, but I don't want to be free now. I want to follow the mission. This kind of freedom to be free when I want to be free, and the freedom to follow the mission when I want to be a mission is also a kind of freedom."

"Is the warehouse function also charged?"

"What a rip-off! Fu... Dog... Boss, it costs money to save things now? In other online games, warehouses are free. In "Superman Chronicles 2", you need money to eat, drink, and buy weapons. , it costs money to maintain weapons, and now even warehouses cost money."

"It's hard to move forward without money! This game is so real. I won't talk about it anymore, I'll just continue to make money by moving bricks!"

"Stop complaining! This is a real game. Since it is a real game, the lord will keep your items for free. Is this true? Flynn is the lord, not your warehouse manager!"

"Mr. Molson, I want to ask a question, why every time I encounter a deer in the wild and want to shoot, the deer always detects me in advance?"

"Brother, tell us your adventure story about the arrow in your knee?"

Flynn asked the old mercenary Mohsen to start trying to work, and he came to the farmland outside the village.

Previously, the villagers of Tudou Village only cultivated a small part of the farmland near the village. Because safety was not guaranteed, no one dared to farm the land slightly further away from the village.

But it's different now. With Flynn's protection, the safety of the villagers has been improved to a great extent.

In particular, the largest tribe of Tulsing Goblins in this area was destroyed, and other small groups of Goblins were probably frightened by the news.

Under such circumstances, villagers are very willing to cultivate new land.

Flynn originally planned to reclaim new land and gradually expand the territory of Tudou Village.

So Flynn organized the enthusiastic villagers to start opening up new farmland in the northern wasteland of Tudou Village.

In this feudal era, farming was too important for a lord.

Even though Flynn seems to have a lot of food in his current warehouse, it seems that he does not need the indigenous villagers to farm and pay public grain to ensure sufficient food supply.

But these food sources are basically obtained through unstable risks.

Maybe the brave men can bring back a few tons of food today, but maybe tomorrow the brave men won't be able to find even a single grain of rice.

As a lord, especially as an ambitious lord who wants to significantly expand his territory.

It is necessary to ensure that there is enough arable land, enough food, and the food production capacity to survive safely even if it is blocked by the outside world.

Therefore, despite the fact that Flynn is not short of the villagers' public food and the money for public food, Flynn still attaches great importance to the work of land reclamation.

Flynn took the eager village representatives out to explore the farmland, and humbly asked the senior farmers for relevant knowledge.

At the same time, the villagers' desire for new farmland is compatible with their own Tudou Village development plan.

After setting aside new commercial areas, industrial areas, residential areas, etc., as well as a large amount of additional blank land, Flynn divided new land for the villagers a little further away.

The indigenous villagers who had rented new farmland from Flynn were naturally grateful.

In particular, Flynn promised to absolutely ensure the safety of the villagers. Secondly, although the land was leased to the villagers, as long as the villagers did not violate his rule, the leased land could be leased forever.

The meaning is very simple: If you don’t rebel, this land will be your family’s ancestral inheritance!

The villagers began to reclaim new land one after another, and each one of them worked enthusiastically. Their energy was no worse than that of the brave men with unlimited physical strength!

In fact, these lands are not theoretically Flynn's territory.

The vast area north of these Tudou Villages is terra nullius, and there is no clear legal document stating that these lands belong to the lords of Tudou Village.

But now, Flynn has mentally designated hundreds of kilometers north of Tudou Village as his own.

As the lord of the human kingdom in the north, he has the final right to interpret any land north of the human kingdom.

After inspecting the surrounding farmland of Potato Village, Flynn noticed that even after he reserved commercial and industrial land, reserved homesteads, reserved many functional areas, and allocated some farmland.

On the outskirts of Tudou Village, there is still a lot of fertile land suitable for farming.

However, the number of indigenous villagers is limited after all, so these potential cultivated lands can only be put on hold for the time being.

We can’t let players farm the land, right?

Flynn felt that this was a pity.

Farming, farming, so much fertile land left uncultivated is simply a blasphemy to farming!

Ever since, Flynn now wants to expand his population.

Not only does it want to expand the number of players, but it also wants to increase the indigenous population under its jurisdiction.

Comments and messages have been restored one after another these days. Everyone is welcome to complain, and I will read it.

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