I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1678: One heart and one heart?

In a few words, Wei Xiaoqiao was perfunctory, and Wei Qing immediately summoned his most trusted subordinates, holding his jade medal, and leaving the town to the place where the immortal monarchs and even the immortal kings lived, asking for their help.

When Qianhezong arrived here, if he didn't ask for help, he would not only not be able to take away the Ganges Bank's position in the Chamber of Commerce, but they might even die here.


Bai Xiaoyun took Bai Fengyu to find Jiang Chen and explained the situation in the town.

"Blocked?" Jiang Chen was drinking tea. After hearing this, his expression changed slightly, but when Su Qian was talking, he had already understood some things, so he was not particularly surprised.

"Yes, there is some chaos in the town now. There are rumors that a man named Tianfu Bank wants to take this opportunity to take advantage of the Ganges Bank. The Ganges Bank has already prepared for them. Catch it all in one net." Bai Xiaoyun nodded, and explained the whole situation outside.

"Let's watch the excitement." Jiang Chen spread his hands.

"Master, let's leave here. Now the whole town is very chaotic. Although you and Uncle are very strong, we don't need to go to this muddy water." Bai Fengyu walked to Jiang Chen. Said softly.

Saying that, in fact, the reason she most wants to leave is that she still wants to go back to see Seaman.

After several months of getting along, she completely treated Seaman as her own sister. If Jiang Chen didn't agree, she would definitely bring the little girl here.

"I have decided that I will stay in this inn without leaving the town for the time being." Jiang Chen shook his head and denied, he was still thinking about the news in the hands of the treasurer.

"Fengyu, you can rest assured here, with me and Jiang Chen, you will definitely protect your safety!" Bai Xiaoyun straightened up, a dignified fairy king, but one of the strongest strengths in this town, with enough Confidence to protect those around you.

"Elder Su Qianda of Qianhe Sect is also here. With them, we can't be in danger." Jiang Chen got up and poured out the tea, "I don't leave because there is something I want in the Ganges Bank. , The more chaotic, the more chance you will get."

"You want..." Bai Xiaoyun showed a smirk, and he immediately guessed what Jiang Chen was thinking about.

"He who knows me, too!" Jiang Chen shook his head, pretending to be a literati.

As Bai Xiaoyun said, the entire town was completely closed. All those who wanted to leave the town were stopped by the Ganges bankers. Those who have the ability to cultivate are okay. They know that no matter what they encounter, they All have the ability to save lives.

But ordinary people who work in the Ganges Bank or live in towns are extremely frightened. After learning that they cannot leave the town, they shrink back to their respective homes and dare not go out.

At this time, with the exception of Tianfu Bank, the senior members of the other chambers of commerce gathered in the manor of the big shopkeeper. The three floors inside and outside the manor were guarded, and there were even eyeliners hidden in the shadows, just to prevent Wei Qing might send someone to inquire about the news.

"Treasurer Zhou, why did the town be sealed off?" Just after sitting down, someone couldn't help standing up and asking, "Do you want to take advantage of the opportunity of the reception to kill us all at once?!"

"Haha, what are you talking about!" His words directly caused the elder to laugh, and even tears burst into his eyes.

"That's why the blockade, now that the reception is over, please open the door of the town to let us leave, otherwise we will only suspect that you are plotting wrongdoing!" The owner of another bank also said loudly.

"Everyone, calm down. Since Song Yuanzhe established the Ganges Bank, when did I act against my colleagues? This Chamber of Commerce was united under my suggestion. I will kill you today. The loss is our Ganges Bank. !" The shopkeeper pressed his hands and motioned for them to calm down.

Think carefully.

Several people felt that Song Yuanzhe's remarks made some sense.

Inside the entire Northern Region Union Chamber of Commerce.

Except that Ganges Bank and Tianfu Bank are the big heads, these banks are nothing more than to make up the number. Seen for hundreds of years, they also get a lot of benefits from Song Yuanzhe. Song Yuanzhe has never been dissatisfied with it, and even tries to satisfy him. Their requirements.

"Treasurer Zhou, please also tell us the truth, why the town is sealed off, and why not only invite Master Wei Qing from Tianfu Bank, we, we really cannot understand your approach." One of the gray-haired old men, Said in a hoarse voice.

Don't look at the appearance as if half of the body is buried in the soil, but a pair of eyes are not muddy, and even exudes brilliance, it is a general generation who can establish a bank.

"Well, since you want to know so much, then I will tell you the truth." After sweeping them, Song Yuanzhe finally let go, took a sip of the tea next to him, and said lightly, "According to what I learned, Tianfu Bank is preparing to use this wine to do something with us. In order to blew myself up, I can only lock down the town. I hope you all understand."

"What did you say?!"

"Impossible, Tianfu Bank is also a member of our Chamber of Commerce, why would you do it with you?"

"Treasurer Zhou, you can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing. Our United Chamber of Commerce has always been of the same mind and we must not fight inwardly!"

As soon as these words came out, the presidents of all chambers of commerce stood up in surprise.

"One heart and one virtue?!" The smile on Song Yuanzhe's face suddenly disappeared, and then he tore his jacket open, revealing his strong muscles, but there was a scar from his shoulder to his belly button, which added a bit to his gentle appearance. fierce.

Seeing this scar, everyone looked away and sat down.

"I didn't expect this to be said from your mouth. Six hundred years ago, when I was murdered by a treacherous man, when I was dying, I asked for your help. You didn't even send a servant. The elder Lin Baicao in the pharmacy found me, I am afraid my bones are now hard and weathered!"

Pointing to the scar on his body, Song Yuanzhe sneered twice.

"Ahem, treasurer Zhou, this is all hundreds of years ago, let's not turn over old accounts." Song Yuanzhe's words made their faces flushed, but there are still thick-skinned people avoiding Song Yuanzhe's gaze. ,say.

"Today I put my words here. If anyone dared to leave the town, I would automatically regard it as being united with Tianfu Qianzhuang, then I will definitely not leave my hand lightly!" Song Yuanzhe reached out and slid on his chest. The phantom robe blocked his scars.

"Hey!" Song Yuanzhe's firm tone made them all hopeless.

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