I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 46 If You Are Not Really Poor

Chapter 46 If You Are Not Really Poor

Players who can afford the new weapons from the blacksmith are naturally only a minority, and most players can only look at it enviously.

Players without money drooled at the new weapons, while players who paid money finished the change on the spot.

The players equipped with new weapons were all happy to try out their new weapons, and expressed their experience one by one.

"It's worth it! This balanced iron long sword has a full 600 ​​points more damage than the previous 2 copper coins! Awesome!"

"I have to say that the disadvantage of expensive weapons is that they are expensive, but they are really comfortable to use. The wooden stick I have held on to for so long is worth it. I save money and use buckles and ropes. Saving money is for today."

"It's a coin! I don't have enough copper coins, wait for me to collect some copper coins."

Players who changed their costumes eliminated their old weapons one after another, and these old weapons also flowed into the market.

Other slightly poorer players, as well as those newcomers who have just entered the game and have little money, are the main consumers of weapons that have been eliminated.

Many newcomers spent RMB to buy copper coins from old players as soon as they entered the game.

The rich Mengxin is naturally the best to buy the best one in one go, but most ordinary players still want to make a transition with inferior weapons first.

Of course, one day these most basic inferior weapons will not be appreciated by any players.

But there is no need to worry about these weapons being wasted, the blacksmith Ainbo is buying these outdated weapons.

Of course, the purchase price will be relatively low, very low, very low.

After buying it at a low price, let Gorges resell it outside, collect materials at a low price for a weapon, sell it to players at a high price, and sell it to others at a low price.

Isn't that flattering?

While the players were choosing their favorite weapons, the blacksmith Ainbo said to the players: "My lords, the first batch of armor is under production, including scale armor and chain mail."

"Because my personal production capacity is limited, and I have to give priority to building weapons and grocery store orders, so the number of armors is not much."

"Players who need armor and defense, please pay attention at any time. If you miss it, you will have to wait for my next batch."

Many players, especially players like Niu Dingtian who like to charge forward and be the first to serve as tanks, are very concerned about the new armor.

After hearing the blacksmith saying that the armor will be on the market soon, these melee meat shield players finally let go of their hearts - otherwise it would be embarrassing to spend copper coins in their hands.

Since the sale of armor will start immediately, those players who want to support themselves just need to be patient and save money.

Flynn inspected in the distance, and observed secretly by the way.

After observation, Flynn felt that the blacksmith shop seemed to be running well, and it had already generated tens of thousands of income in just a few minutes.

Seeing that the deal was completed, Flynn seemed to hear the sound of copper coins flowing into his pocket.

It is pleasant to appreciate the blacksmith's business, but Flynn's life not only smells of copper in front of him, but also smells of wheat in the distance.

So Flynn went to the bakery.

The business here is not as hot as the blacksmith shop, but there are also a few players who have started to spend here.

A little blacksmith in Los Angeles: "Hey, Prime Minister Cao, weren't you reluctant to eat bread before? Why did you order 10 bread this time?"

Your wife and I raised it: "Hey, if it's not really poor, who would want to be a salted fish waiting to die?"

"It was a small fight before, so it's okay for me to save money, right? Now that the goblins have come to the door, and the main quest has started, the battles in the future will definitely become more and more intense. Consumables like bread and milk I can't save my money!"

After observation, Flynn noticed that the number of players who bought bread was actually a small number. More players, after learning about the new product milk syrup, chose to buy milk syrup.

The price of milk sugar water is 5 copper coins like wheat bread.

Milk syrup with 5 copper coins can increase the player's attack skill attribute by 8 point within 1 hours.

The strong strike is a skill that is directly linked to combat damage.

In other words, drinking milk can increase the player's output.

At present, most players are taking the melee output route.

For mainstream output DPS players, milk sugar water is even more important than wheat bread.

Output is king!

Many players who come to the bakery will buy a few cups of milk sugar water, and then fill them in the kettle they bought from the grocery store.

As for the problem of deterioration, players will not think too much about it.

Generally speaking, it’s okay to leave the milk sugar water for two or three days. Even if it really goes bad, as long as the taste hasn’t changed, the player doesn’t care.

Anyway, I can't die.

The popularity of the bakery's milk sugar water is actually expected by Flynn, because Flynn also knows that most players value DPS more than meat.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the milk sugar water that can improve the player's output will be more popular than bread.

But in terms of bread sales, Flynn did not expect that the new grape bread would be more popular than ordinary wheat bread.

This kind of bread with raisins has the same properties as ordinary bread.

It just tastes better.

For the added raisins, players need to pay an extra copper coin, that is, to buy grape bread at a total price of six copper coins.

Flynn thought that most players would buy ordinary bread to save money.

Unexpectedly, the more expensive grape bread is the best seller.

Well, Flynn can only say that he is not a professional businessman after all, and sometimes it is normal to make mistakes in market predictions.

But Flynn estimates that the popularity of this new bread should not last long.

After players get rid of the freshness of grape bread, they should still choose to buy cheaper and more practical ordinary bread.

Observing this interesting phenomenon, Flynn came to the site of the two instructors after thinking about it.

The two instructors' own houses have not been repaired yet, but Flynn has planned a vacant lot for each of them, and is waiting for the engineer Bilding to come to repair the house and training facilities.

Flynn guessed that combat instructor Alain's popularity should be very high.

And actually...

It is true that combat instructor Alain is more popular.

There are already seven or eight players on Al Ain's side learning, while on the guerrilla instructor Robin Hood's side, there are only two players consulting.

On the one hand, Alain is a beautiful female elf, and on the other hand, it is because Alain is a beautiful female elf.

Pooh!wrong!On the other hand, it is because players are currently mainly playing melee combat.

 Thank you for your votes, the book will be launched this weekend.At that time, I hope everyone can continue to support, collect, vote, reward and invest, and help me break through!

(End of this chapter)

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