I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 902

Chapter 902
"The Red Duke's castle is not strong, but he has raised an extremely powerful army of zombie aristocratic knights, which has infinite power when charging."

"If we want to destroy the Red Duke, we must be able to defeat the Red Duke's guards."

The Kyushu Supreme nodded and said, "According to the information I have, the main force of the Red Duke has all gone to Niu Dingtian."

"Let that group of idiots follow Niu Dingtian to suffer, and we, the lucky Kyushu army, are going to attack the Red Duke's castle."

Kyushu Supreme has the information of 007, and knows that there are at least hundreds of thousands or even more zombie army, including a large number of zombie cavalry, special biochemical monsters and so on.

Visually, the Red Duke's elite main force was engaged in a cruel encounter with Niu Dingtian.

After a little analysis, the Kyushu Supreme estimated that the Red Duke's troops are limited, and he should now concentrate his superior forces to destroy Niu Dingtian, and then attack himself to form individual defeats.

As for the Kyushu Supreme, he planned to take advantage of the opportunity of the Red Duke's main force to fight Niu Dingtian first, and was ready to take advantage of it.

Leading his brothers, he went directly to the Red Duke's lair.

Kyushu Supreme reckoned that Niu Dingtian was so good, he shouldn't be able to last long in the face of the Red Duke's main force.

After the Red Duke wiped out Niu Dingtian's troops, he would come to fight himself.

As an excellent commander, I must grasp this time difference.

And Kyushu Supreme believes that even if the follow-up battle situation is not strong, as long as he first breaks into the Red Duke's castle, he can deal a huge blow to the Red Duke's rule.

Not only can you annihilate the Red Duke's troops, but you can also plunder his wealth and collect a wave of loot.

Compared to Niu Dingtian, who was fighting against the Red Duke in the field, his side must be much more comfortable.

So the Kyushu Supreme passed on the order and urged all kinds of soldiers and horses—whether it was the player or the noble lord who fought with him, as well as volunteer adventurers, holy priests, and so on.

The whole army cheered up, not afraid of hardships, not afraid of tiredness, forced to march and prepare to fight monsters!
The army headed towards the direction pointed by the Kyushu Supreme, that is, the Red Duke's lair.

After continuing to march smoothly for a certain distance, the large army came to the edge of a cliff.

Below the cliff is the abyss. Although it is not the kind of abyss, the visual height is more than 100 meters. If you fall, you will definitely die.

The canyon is very vast, and it is estimated that at least 2 days will be wasted if you want to make a detour.

Bing is expensive and fast, and it must not be circumvented.

I want to quickly cross the canyon, reach the opposite side, and then continue to attack the Red Duke Castle.

You have to take a bridge over the canyon.

This bridge is not actually a building.

It's a head, the skeleton of a huge ancient creature.

The spine part of the unknown ancient creature is more than 10 meters wide, and the length is so long that it can't be seen at a glance.

At least hundreds of meters long!

I don't know what such a huge ancient creature is, is it a legendary god?

The skeleton of this huge ancient creature happens to form a bridge, which can be used by large troops to march,

There are still a few defenders of the Red Duke on the bridge, but the number is not many, only a few hundred.

Such a weak bridge guarding force was easily wiped out by the vanguard sent by Kyushu Supreme.

Kyushu Supreme, let the army station on this side of the cliff, waiting for news.

Soon, the vanguard troops passed the bridge and wiped out the troops guarding the bridge on the opposite side.

Then they came back and reported to Kyushu Supreme, saying that the bridge had been completely occupied by them.

After confirming the safety of the opposite side, Kyushu Supreme began to lead the main force to cross the bridge.

The mighty army, stepping on the skeleton of a huge ancient creature, crossed the canyon one after another from the bridge of the spine of the big monster.

Soon, nearly half of the people passed the canyon smoothly.

Seeing that his team marched so smoothly, Kyushu Supreme couldn't help but said cheerfully: "According to my information, Niu Dingtian is still fighting hard, and the cavalry brigade of the Red Duke will not let it go."

"And we, after crossing the bridge and walking for half a day, we can take down the castle."

Many people are very happy when they hear the words of the Kyushu Supreme. Sure enough, following the route of the Kyushu Supreme is a good choice!
Just as Niu Dingtian's team continued to fight hard and Kyushu Supreme's team was enjoying themselves, there were rumbling sounds in the distance on both sides of the bridge.

The dust all over the sky, combined with the sound of shaking the earth, made everyone's faces tense.

Kyushu Supreme roared: "Grass, it really won't be that simple, everyone be careful! Get ready to fight!"

"Brothers in Kyushu, take the battle position!"

"Arm along the bridgehead."

"Move fast! Posture is cool!"

Kyushu Supreme stood on a small high ground, looked into the distance, and saw endless black dots connected into a line.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, Kyushu Supreme saw a mighty army of undead appearing on both sides of the bridge.

Ordinary little zombies staggering, undead skeleton soldiers wearing armor, huge tauren zombies with green light on their bodies, giant scorpions making scalp-numbing rubbing sounds...

All kinds of zombie armies, in great numbers, seemed to have sealed off both sides of the battlefield.

If the other zombie troops were still expected by Kyushu Supreme, Kyushu Supreme saw a large group of knights carrying the Red Duke's banner appear.

His face instantly became very ugly.

Could it be that those cavalry are the Red Duke's exclusive zombie knight unit?

In other words, the Red Duke's main force is not actually on Niu Dingtian's side.

The main force of the Red Duke is actually here with me?

Kyushu Supreme wanted to spout wildly, but Kyushu Supreme held back, but pretended that everything was under his control: "Well, it's exactly as I expected!"

"Brothers, prepare for a bloody battle!"

"Eat big meat!"

The sharp-eyed I will yell as soon as I shoot, and I see a zombie general in red armor in the center of the enemy army, constantly giving orders.

So he shouted: "The one in the red robe in front is the Red Duke! Kill him!"

But this is just verbal shouting. In fact, the players are powerless to attack at this time, and can only stick to the two ends of the bridge.

In fact, the players will not be cowardly, but the main reason is that the current position is too bad!

There are 20 people in Kyushu, nearly half of them have crossed the bridge, and the other half have not crossed the bridge.

The rest... are crossing the bridge.

The Red Duke's army that suddenly appeared at this time was a standard half-cross attack, and it got stuck at a very uncomfortable time for the Kyushu Supreme.

Obviously, the Red Duke has a strong ability to seize opportunities!
(End of this chapter)

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