I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 906 Sinful Two-Winged Demon

Chapter 906 Sinful Two-Winged Demon
Almost all the resurrection points of the team led by Kyushu Supreme are set on the bridge deck. If the group is destroyed, it will be the rhythm of returning to the city collectively, and it will be a catastrophic consequence!

King Frieza hurriedly went to look for the Kyushu Supreme, preparing to warn the Kyushu Supreme of the current situation.

In fact, Kyushu Supreme was crushed to death in the crater by the huge green impact just now.

He was obviously also aware of the critical situation. After being resurrected, he didn't dare to stop at all, and quickly said: "It's not good, it's not good, the situation is very dangerous."

"Brothers must cheer me up! Keep going!"

"Hold on, use our resurrection numbers to consume opponents, at all costs!"

"To protect our position, we must maintain the depth, brothers in Kyushu, resurrect faster, hurry up, hurry up!"

Kyushu Supreme is really anxious at this time. If he loses the position on the east bank of the bridge so quickly, how long can the remaining bridge deck and the position on the west bank last?

If neither side is defended, all troops are withdrawn to the bridge deck and the narrow areas at both ends.

Then his entire troop will become like sardines huddled together, unable to perform due to the narrow space.

Troops without deep space can only be easily slaughtered.

At that time, let alone the 20 people around me, even if I stuffed 200 million people by myself, it would be useless!

No depth, surrounded on both sides, no matter how many troops there are, they will all be killed!
Once the group is destroyed, all the brothers will die and return to the city, and they will have to regroup and start again, which will affect the progress of the entire activity.

Once that happens, it will be the biggest fiasco of his commanding career.

Moreover, the difference in this battle is that there are tens of thousands of other people in the team.

Not only the players, but all the dead will return to the city to regroup and start again.

There are also tens of thousands of noble troops, adventurers, volunteers, etc. who fought with him.

Once defeated, they will also wipe out the entire army, that's a big joke!

Kyushu Supreme, decided absolutely not to let such a fiasco happen to him!

The revived Kyushu Supreme took his brothers and rushed outside resolutely.

Constant fighting, constant resurrection, fierce fighting, never give up any position.

But looking at the last remaining bridgehead position, Kyushu Supreme couldn't help feeling desperate.

The depth became less and less, and the brothers were all pressed to their backs against the cliff.

However, the Red Duke's offensive continued unabated, advancing steadily.

Sure enough... is it too late to recover?
At this moment, the Supreme Lord of Kyushu remembered the Duke of Ravenna who led the imperial army to attack the Kingdom of Iron Hill before the Battle of the Maginot Line.

The mighty imperial army, 200 million main forces were lost in the Maginot Line.

Was their commander, the Duke of Ravenna, feeling the same as himself at that time?

The Battle of the Maginot Line, one of the worst defeats in the history of the Empire, was met by the Duke of Ravenna.

And now, could it be said that one of the most tragic failures since the establishment of the Tieqiu Kingdom was about to be born in his own hands?

While fighting mechanically, Kyushu Supreme was very worried about the consequences of defeat.

Too bad luck, too depressed!

I didn't expect the damn Red Duke, the one who used mass destruction magic just now, the damn Red Duke.

He was not on Niu Dingtian's side, but on his side!

I actually encountered the Red Duke himself and the real main force led by him!

It's on the muzzle!
If you have encountered annihilation of the entire army and given a defeat to the 20 army in vain.

It will definitely be used by the bulliest people to crazily process and promote it.

At that time, I will really be overwhelmed by Niu Dingtian.

His hope of becoming the largest guild in Kyushu, which he deserved, would probably come to naught.

All in all, Kyushu Supreme can never tolerate the failure of this battle.

Although it looks like it's going to die soon, but we still have to go all out!

"Brothers, gather again! The world of Kyushu, shout!"

"Charge! Kyushu! Forward! Forward 100 meters!"

"Kill all these trash little zombies!"

Kyushu Supreme led his brothers to fight desperately. At the same time, there were more and more players, and they also realized the seriousness of the situation.

Knowing that the most critical moment has come, if the position is smaller, there will be no room for a comeback.

All, not only the people from Kyushu, but also the players from other guilds who followed along, all entered the state of going all out one after another.

Some players who were paddling and playing soy sauce in the past are also fighting with their lives at this time.

Coupled with other indigenous soldiers, they were even more courageous in order to save their lives.

With all the brothers going all out, the decline was finally stopped, and even pushed back more than 100 meters at one point, regaining the depth of the position a little.

The situation is temporarily deadlocked, and both sides are fighting for endurance and will.

On the Kyushu Supreme side, they wanted to take advantage of the infinite resurrection ability of their brothers and fight for consumption, so as to withstand the current powerful offensive of the Red Duke first.

As for the Red Duke, he, who has countless undead legions, seems to have the ability to continue exchanging.

Just when the Kyushu Supreme thought that the situation was stabilized by himself, and the next wave of head swaps could be performed first, the Red Duke was the first to attack!

After the huge crashing noise, everyone saw a tall giant appearing behind the Red Duke's army.

The giant is about 20 meters tall, with a pair of strangely shaped demonic horns on his head.

Behind the demon giant, there is a pair of huge flaming wings, and you can see continuous green fire dripping from the demon's wings.

Under the giant's feet, there was a green flame circle, and several small zombies near the green flame circle were directly burned to ashes.

And the most conspicuous thing about this demon giant is the machete in his hand that exudes golden and green flames,

Being hit by such a machete, even a god would be hard-pressed!

There are some members of the Holy Cult in the team. When they saw the appearance of this big demon giant, they said in surprise: "Ah... this..."

"That's the Sinful Winged Demon!"

A two-meter-tall machete, a respectable middle-aged machete brother priest holding a pure black machete, closed his eyes and meditated for a few seconds.

Then he said solemnly: "That's right, this kind of overflowing evil energy must be the power of a creature at the level of a great demon in the demon world."

"The existence of a great demon in the Demon Realm would not be controlled logically, but now that the Red Duke has betrayed the Demon Realm, how can the Great Demon work for the Red Duke?"

"Strange, strange! But, be ready to accept the challenge, the sinful double-winged demon is not easy to deal with."

(End of this chapter)

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