I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 916

Chapter 916
After playing the game for so long, Niu Dingtian naturally knew that Flynn attached great importance to the death of those NPCs that could not be resurrected.

Lord Flynn, who loves the people like a child, is not joking!

The importance Flynn attached to NPCs was almost as if NPCs were not NPCs, but real beings.

Niu Dingtian, he doesn't want NPCs who can't be resurrected to confess too much in his own hands, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

Moreover, not only the native NPCs over there, but also a large number of players were also in a disadvantageous situation under the attack of the half-skeleton dragon.

If the regiment is destroyed there, it may have an adverse impact on the entire battle situation.

Niu Dingtian and Kyushu Supreme both decided to launch a general attack almost at the same time.

Niu Dingtian led the team to support the protrusion, while Kyushu Zhizun led the team to attack from the side, preparing to create another protrusion to cover the friendly forces.

Just like that, the armies of the two sides, who were originally on the probation, started a full-scale war in an instant!
On the entire battlefield, 20 players and the native army fought against the Red Duke's troops across the board.

Most of the Red Duke's miscellaneous zombies were hard to resist the attacks of wolf-like players, which forced the Red Duke not only to end the battle himself, but also commanded the Sinful Winged Demon and other elite reserve troops to join the battlefield.

Hundreds of thousands of living people and more dead people fought and wrestled together.

At this time, the damage caused by the Red Duke riding a half-skeleton dragon is very terrifying.

A wave of dragon's breath, death.

A wave of dragon-riding attacks killed another piece.

The fangs and sharp claws of the half-skeleton dragon can kill all directions.

The Red Duke on the back of the half-skeleton dragon also continuously released various high-level spells, using the power of undead magic and demon gods to call the wind and rain on the battlefield.

Under such circumstances, it is inevitable that the army is at a disadvantage.

Kyushu Supreme specially organized a wave of long-range mage teams to cooperate with some of the most elite archers to form anti-aircraft firepower.

The two waves of intensive anti-aircraft fire were launched, but it really had some effect.

But for the huge half-skeleton dragon, a few waves of anti-aircraft firepower are completely useless. At least a large amount of continuous output is needed to really form a fatal blow to the half-skeleton dragon.

However, Red Duke obviously won't give players this chance.

After realizing that he had been hit by anti-aircraft fire, the Red Duke unceremoniously sprayed two waves at the high-firing positions of the Kyushu Supreme Organization.

The elite air defense positions that had been organized with great difficulty collapsed in an instant.

Not only that, after the attack of the half-skeleton dragon, the sinful double-winged demon also stepped on the pace of denying his relatives, killing a bloody path through the Wanjun, and killed the Kyushu Supreme. The mages and shooters who survived were killed.

Including Kyushu Supreme himself, also died tragically on the spot under the ravages of the great demon.

After the resurrection, Kyushu Zhizun met Niu Dingtian who was also resurrected. Looking at the brothers who were constantly dying in the front line, Kyushu Zhizun couldn't help but sighed at Niu Dingtian: "This big boss is really fierce."

"It seems that we can only pile up corpses."

Niu Dingtian said he was noncommittal. So far, Niu Dingtian has no good solution.

In the sky, the Red Duke's deep laughter also came out: "Hehe, weak bugs, this is your eternal resting place."

"Sleep here and fight for me!"

While speaking arrogant words, the great demon let out a roar as if to cooperate.

At the same time, a green gust of wind, wrapped in the power of the demon god, blew across the battlefield, and all the resurrected troops who were blown by the gust of fel energy were further strengthened.

On the contrary, the players and the native troops suffered heavy losses, and some of the less elite native troops had already experienced a collapse in morale.

Just when Niu Dingtian and Kyushu Supreme were at a loss, there was a melodious sound of horns in the sky.

In the roar of the horn, the entire sky began to become dark and dull from the dense clouds.

First it darkens, then turns red, and finally broad day turns abruptly into wasteland-style dusk.

The whole world became dark and dull.

And in the dark sky, an extremely huge mysterious building peeked out from the clouds.

What appeared at the beginning was something similar to a dragon's head. People couldn't help thinking that a super dragon with a head that was at least 100 meters long appeared.

But if you take a closer look, you can find that it is just a building in the shape of a dragon head.

After the dragon's head poked out and escaped into the clouds, the players below saw figures and limbs one after another.

Yes, a super dragon more than 500 meters long appeared in the sky.

But it's not a dragon, more like a spaceship in the shape of a dragon?
Super aircraft carrier!

The players below were stunned to see such a huge object appearing in the sky!
"What is this? Why is it so big?"

"I heard that this event is based on the plot of Kongtian City. Could it be that this is Kongtian City?"

"It's not that I haven't seen Kongtian City, brother, don't lie to me, this is a hammer Kongtian City."

"How big is this aircraft carrier? It's a few hundred meters long? Is the visual displacement based on 50 tons?"

"He is flying in the sky, tell me about the displacement, brother, I suspect you have a problem here!"

"Hey, look, what is the glowing green area on the dragon's body?"

"It seems that something has come down?"

What the players observed was correct, there were indeed many things that fell from the super dragon-shaped spaceship in the sky.

To be precise, it is not a thing, but a dragon warrior.

These soldiers with dragon heads and human bodies covered with strong dragon scales came from the devil world.

In just a few minutes, thousands of dragon warriors descended from the sky.

These dragon warriors are tall and strong, with fierce eyes.

And the green light overflowing from their eyes, palms, legs, etc. fully shows that these dragon warriors are definitely affected by the power of demon gods.

In other words, they are soldiers of the Demon God!

If it was before, the Demon God's soldiers must have been the Red Duke's reinforcements.

But now?

Turned face ah!

These powerful demon soldiers reversed the situation on the battlefield as soon as they appeared on the field. It stands to reason that the three forces on the battlefield at this time are all hostile to each other, and they should be fighting chaotically.

However, due to the Red Duke's assassination of the disaster demon god Alecto, the Red Duke now has a high hatred for the demon god.

In fact, the demon god elite troops of the aircraft carrier in front of him were specially sent to attack the Red Duke.

The Red Duke's sneak attack really annoyed the demon god Alecto, and it was inevitable that his subordinates would come back to take revenge on the Red Duke.

(End of this chapter)

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