I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 959 Battle of the 7 Armies

Chapter 959 The Battle of the Seven Armies
More and more high-level officials within the empire began to communicate with Flynn, and they were also watching and placing bets.

The empire has been infiltrated by Flynn into a sieve.

And after learning that the empire will launch an army of unprecedented scale, it will use all its troops to crusade against itself.

Flynn not only didn't panic, but even showed a happy expression.

Of course, it wasn't that Flynn had become a perverted murderer, excited for the death of war.

It's that Flynn finally found something that can help him temporarily escape from the troubles of the ruling country.

Don't think about those annoying things for the time being.

War is coming!

To use an ad slogan on Earth, Flynn's mood at this time is: If you want to fight, I will fight. I have thousands of super warrior brothers!
Flynn happily started overnight planning, preparing ahead of time, and teaching the invaders of the empire a good lesson.

Of course, before going to war, Flynn still needs to do a lot.

One of the most important things is to contact Zhen, let her temporarily block the connection between the demon power in her body and the outside world.

In this way, the endless attacks of magic waves can be temporarily ended.

Let Flynn also use his full strength in the next all-out war with the empire.

This time, the war was fought in seven directions at the same time and was characterized by decentralization, so Flynn did not intend to go to the front line by himself.

Flynn is going to sit in the center, dispatch troops, and hand over the combat tasks to the players.

Flynn himself is only in charge of the indigenous and NPC troops, and sits in the middle and is ready to support at any time.

If an accident occurs in a certain direction, send the central reserve team in your own hands to top it.

In a sense, Flynn has even more troops than the Empire!

Due to the pressure of logistics, the expeditionary empire had only about 700 million troops.

And Flynn, even without counting the central reserve team in his hands, the number of players alone has reached the order of 1000 million.

This is a super rich battle that Flynn has never fought in eight lifetimes!
Of course, Flynn also admitted that these players who have just entered the game, due to lack of combat experience and equipment gap.

The fighting power of these new players is not as good as the regular army of the empire.

The empire quickly assembled its troops, and did not give the new players time to grow.

Although 1000 million of the 900 million brave men are newcomers.

But Flynn is still full of confidence in the victory of the battle. After all, for so long, Flynn and everyone in the world know that the brave troops are tenacious and tenacious enough to defeat any enemy.

Flynn estimated that the course of the war will not be too good.

The newcomers should have a very ugly exchange ratio.

But the battle can be won in the end.

As with so many campaigns in the past, the ugliness in the middle doesn't affect the ultimate victory.

The empire knew that the speed of the soldiers was very important, and also knew that with every day of delay, Flynn's brave men would become stronger.

Therefore, the imperial war machine was fully activated, and in just 20 days, the assembly of troops was completed, and the army was driven to the border of Flynn.

Flynn also issued a general mobilization order at this time.

"Braves! Power users! This is the ultimate decisive battle!"

"Enjoy the passion!"

Flynn's tone is relaxed and cheerful.

Soon, the two armies gradually approached each other on seven battlefields.

In the No. 100 battlefield in the northwest, there are [-] million players led by Niu Dingtian.

Among them, the number of old players is only 5, and the rest are all new players.

The ratio of old players to new players is 1:20, and the No. 1 battlefield in charge of Niu Dingtian has the biggest disparity.

But this does not mean that Flynn's troops are weak on the No. [-] battlefield.

On the contrary, the battle strength of the No. [-] battlefield is absolutely impressive.

Because the 5 old players in the No. [-] battlefield are all members of the top-ranking guild—the Dingtian Alliance.

The 5 veteran players all accepted Niu Dingtian's personal command in a uniform order, and they dared to fight and fight hard!
You know, 5 obedient elite veteran players must be stronger than 10 veteran players who are fighting on their own.

And the general of the empire who confronted Niu Dingtian was Duke Milano, the cousin of his acquaintance, the Duke of Ravenna.

This is also a battlefield veteran, so he was entrusted with an important task in this battle.

Niu Dingtian, who was defending his own position, saw the mighty imperial army approaching from a distance.

Excitedly said: "It's hard to imagine that one day I will command more than 100 million people to fight against another 100 million people."

"There are not many battles of this scale in the history of the earth."

"Although I, Niu Dingtian, only command thousands of troops in the game, the people behind the game characters are real."

"Exciting! This battle is so enjoyable!"

"Thank you, Mr. Fu, for letting me experience the thrill of commanding a million-dollar army."


Near Niu Dingtian, the professional photographer Shui You, who was in charge of recording the video, poured cold water on Niu Dingtian and said: "Brother Niu, but I heard that the Duke of Milano on the opposite side is a steady general."

"Our million-strong army is waiting here. Does the Duke of Milano really dare to attack us?"

Niu Dingtian chuckled: "The mountain people have their own tricks."

"Our strength may be similar, but mine is of higher quality and has a terrain advantage."

"In this case, if the intelligence is correct and the Duke of Milano on the opposite side is cautious in using his troops, he may not easily order a storm."

"You know, our current terrain advantage is very obvious. Even though most of my troops are newcomers, the imperial army on the opposite side doesn't know this."

"On the contrary, I know that because of the previous defeat, the empire is actually afraid of us now."

"I estimate that the opponent will not rush to attack, at least not rashly attack with all their strength."

After hearing Niu Dingtian's words, the younger brother next to him naturally asked very politely: "Then boss, what shall we do?"

Niu Dingtian said: "It's very simple, we use the empty city plan!"

With one operation, Niu Dingtian opened the gate of the barracks in charge in his defense zone.

At the same time, he withdrew all his main lineage troops.

All the players, including those on the hills on both sides, were persuaded to leave by Niu Dingtian.

And these operations were all carried out in front of the imperial army.

The empire could clearly see that the army of millions of warriors defending on the opposite side drove away in a chaotic car.

Although he didn't withdraw too far, at least he gave up the advantage of the terrain.

In war, the advantage of terrain is a very huge advantage.

Especially in a battle, the side with the terrain advantage can even be said to have won 8% of the time.

Niu Dingtian's behavior of handing over the terrain advantage to others is undoubtedly very stupid.

If Flynn was paying attention at this time, he might scold his mother directly.

(End of this chapter)

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