I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 962

Chapter 962
With 15 old players and over 100 million newcomers, Flynn's accumulated strength is close to 150 million in this battlefield alone.

In terms of numbers, Battlefield 5 is dominated by Flynn.

In terms of quality, the No. 15 battlefield with more than [-] old players should not be bad.

Therefore, Flynn is relatively reassured about Battlefield [-] and other places similar to Battlefield [-].

Flynn looked over and saw that the battlefield on the [-]th was really chaotic.

The positions on the player's side are scattered here and there, and they have nothing to do with each other.

In fact, this is not enough to fully exert its combat effectiveness. After all, as an army, it must still pay attention to some tactics.

Battlefield No. [-] has almost no unified command. Even though there are millions of players, it is still a mess and has become a side that is divided and surrounded.

He was obviously superior in military strength, and his hard power was not bad, but he was forced to be beaten by the imperial army on the battlefield.

But Flynn is not worried about this, nor will he be angry because of the poor performance of the players.

The experience made Flynn calm down day by day.

Flynn saw that in a small area of ​​the Fifth Battlefield, brothers from the [-]th Regiment gathered together to defend a granary.

Originally, the members of the [-]th regiment had no affiliation with each other, and there was no need to gather together when fighting.

But it may be because the [-] Group had a good cooperation before, so after Flynn summoned tens of millions of wage earners this time, the [-] Group actively contacted each other and gathered together again.

Although not 100% of the [-]th Regiment came, at least [-]% of the original team was there.

Flynn saw that the people of the [-] Group were mainly divided into three parts.

A part of them was led by Dangerous Wolf and was responsible for blocking the entrance to the granary—this was also the main force of the [-]th Regiment.

The Dangerous Two Wolves led more mobile players to sweep inside the granary, and were responsible for eliminating the small groups of enemy troops that jumped in from the side of the granary.

The Dangerous Three Wolves took most of the long-range players to strike on the second and third floors of the granary.

Except for the three dangerous brothers, most of the rest are newcomers, and their combat effectiveness is relatively stretched.

Such a thousand-man team is actually not strong enough to guard the granary.

But because this granary is not an important location, and the entire battlefield is currently similar to the granary of the [-] regiment.

There are many, many small battle groups like the [-] Regiment.

Under such circumstances, the attacks encountered by the [-]th Regiment were actually not too violent.

Flynn saw that an imperial heavy infantry unit launched a wave of assault on the main gate of the granary guarded by the [-]th Regiment.

The fighting power of this group of iron bumps is very strong, and the impact force is also very fierce. It is almost a charge, and they rush out a huge gap in the gate defended by the dangerous wolf.

Hundreds of heavy infantry, after tearing open their mouths, behind them, hundreds of light troops from the empire followed up in time.

If they were all allowed to rush in, the first floor of the granary would have fallen in an instant. Flynn thought that the three-five-eight group must be cold.

After all, there is no resurrection point for the three-five-eight regiment in the granary—in order to prevent the resurrection point from being lost, the resurrection point for the three-five-eight regiment is set at the rear.

Without resurrection points, it is difficult to fight an endless war of attrition.

Now that the imperial armored infantry came in, with the help of the follow-up reinforcements, they could completely kill the [-]th Regiment, and even completely wiped out the [-]th Regiment to occupy this granary.

Including the dangerous wolves, they also felt that they were cold, so they could only shout out in the end: "Brothers! Everyone in the [-] regiment! Stand firm!"

"People are in the tower, never take a step back!"

"Killing one is enough money, killing two earns one, plus we can be resurrected, rounding up is equal to earning [-] million!"

But courage alone cannot defeat the enemy—not to mention that the vast majority of the [-]th Regiment don't even have enough courage.

Unexpectedly, at the same time that the empire's heavy armored infantry successfully attacked and tore a big hole.

Dozens of elite magic cavalry players happened to kill them from here.

Acting as magic cavalry on the battlefield, players who release magic while galloping on horseback are all absolute elites. They are all for more passion and higher killing efficiency, so they are acting as magic cavalry on the battlefield.

This group of magic cavalry has been moving at high speed, casting spells while moving, and happened to pass by here, and by the way released a wave of skills at the armored infantry with their chrysanthemums exposed.


A fireball accurately exploded in the armored infantry crowd, and immediately several infantrymen were affected by the explosion and fell to the ground one after another.

Although it is impossible to judge the degree of injury of these fallen infantrymen, it doesn't matter.

Because with the explosion of the fireball in the first lesson, in the next ten seconds, more than 30 magic skills exploded in the group of armored infantry.

The armored infantry team, which was originally a hundred people, was bombarded by this round of magic, and almost all fell to the ground.

It's just that it's not clear which of the people who fell to the ground were really dead, or if most of them were just knocked to the ground by the impact of magic.

But the magic cavalry passing by, they didn't care about this at all, they were just running around and outputting crazily, how much output is in place?

Don't worry about that!
Anyway, just throw out the skills and you're done!

The magic cavalry team came and went in a hurry. After losing a wave of skills, they waved their sleeves without taking away a cloud.

They ran away like this, there have been several waves, and it is estimated that they have killed thousands of people, and the effect is very good.

This time, the magic cavalry players also went smoothly, retreating easily after throwing a wave of skills.

The magic cavalry moved to another place, and they focused on a small imperial catapult position here.

If the seven or eight catapults in this small position can be destroyed, it should be able to play a very good role in the battlefield, and the post-war system statistics credit will also be generously rewarded.

As a result, this time, the magic cavalry fell.

When they paused briefly to destroy the empire's small catapult position, some men in black robes suddenly appeared from behind the catapult.

The hands of the man in black gleamed with magical light!
At the same time, countless arrows from the flanks, combined with the magic of the black-robed man in the front, attacked the magic rangers organized by the players in a saturated manner!

After a wave, the magic cavalry team was wiped out—they enjoyed the passion, but they also paid the price of the death of their horses.

After rampaging for a while, the player's magic cavalry team was wiped out.

But this does not affect the overall situation of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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