I Have the Sacred Sword?

Chapter 40 – Are They Allies?

 The moment those words echoed in her mind, Camila felt something change. 

An intense heat began to spread from her chest, coursing through every corner of her body. 

It was as if a dense, unfamiliar energy flowed within her, adjusting and altering everything in its path. 

Her body, exhausted and on the brink of death, began to react in a way she had never experienced before. 

The wounds that had left her defenseless started to close slowly, though the pain remained unbearable. 

A faint dark glow appeared around her body, which immediately caught the attention of Aiden’s group as they hurried over to help her. 

“What… what’s happening?” Thorne murmured, wide-eyed as he watched the change in Camila. 

Aiden, visibly shaken, couldn’t hold back and, pointing furiously at the white-haired girl who stood indifferent, shouted: 

“What did you do to her?!” 

The girl's vacant, golden gaze drifted to Aiden for a second but did not respond. It was as if the behavior of the humans around her was irrelevant. 

‘Should I kill them...? No… maybe Eleonora will want to use them later…,’ the summoned being thought. 

Meanwhile, Camila felt her heart pounding harder, its rhythm thundering in her ears. 

The heat in Camila’s body intensified, as if every fiber of her being was burning from within. Yet, despite the scorching heat, a cold darkness enveloped her mind. 

Her consciousness began to fade, but strangely, before completely succumbing to exhaustion, her body started to move. 

Aiden watched in horror and confusion as Camila, despite being visibly injured, stood up from the ground. Her breathing was shallow and strained, but something had changed in her, something impossible to ignore. 

“What…?” Thorne stepped forward, but stopped as he noticed something strange. 

Camila’s eyes. Once vibrant and blue, they were now a deep red, glowing like blood. 

Something—or someone—was controlling her. 

Aiden swallowed nervously as he took another step toward her, but he couldn’t shake the chill that ran down his spine. 

Camila, or what seemed to be Camila, took a deep breath, as if she were inhaling fresh air for the first time in a long while. 

“Fresh air…” Eleonora whispered, her voice barely audible, but clear enough for everyone present to hear. 

Confusion quickly spread among them, including Selena and Thorne, who watched without knowing what to think. 

Selena, who was in the middle of healing Marta, glanced up for a second without stopping her healing incantation. 

Even though she had left Camila to treat her friend, she had obviously planned to save her afterward, since she couldn’t treat both at the same time, but now, in this situation… 

What should they do? 

That was the question almost everyone had in their minds. The wolves, who had been an imminent threat just moments ago, no longer approached. They watched from afar, terrified, aware that something far more dangerous was before them. 

It was clear that the two figures in front of them—the white-haired girl and the possessed Camila—posed a much greater threat. Although, for the moment, they hadn’t made a move to attack. 

But… what if they did? 

Despite his confusion, Aiden raised a hand, signaling to his companions to stay calm. 

He needed answers before acting rashly. 

With a tense but more controlled voice, he tried to reason with the situation. 

“Who are you?” Aiden asked, his gaze fixed on Camila, though it was clear he was addressing both her and the white-haired girl. 

Eleonora, inside Camila’s body, barely paid attention to his words. 

Instead of responding, she let out a small laugh—a strange sound. 

It wasn’t mockery or disdain. 

It was a sound full of… something else. 

It was a sound of pure emotion, a celebration as her senses processed everything around her. 

She felt the cold air on Camila’s skin, the smell of blood, the earth… 

But what she truly relished was the pain. 

The pain from the open wounds on Camila’s body was unlike anything else. 

She could feel every laceration, every bruise with a clarity she hadn’t experienced in her form as a sword or in that other world where she had remained for so long. 

She had missed this feeling. 

“The pain… in a physical body…” Eleonora murmured with unusual joy, a dangerous smile forming on her lips. “It’s unmatched…” 

Her tone was almost celebratory, as if she was savoring every stab of pain, every trace of suffering that Camila’s body offered. 

Of course, even she knew how ridiculous it was to think like that. 

But… damn, it felt so good to be alive again! 

The cold cutting through flesh, the sound of humans talking around her, the simple fact of hearing them with human ears instead of through the distant echoes of her sword form—everything was different. 

As she thought about this, her senses picked up on the fact that one of those humans—Aiden, it seemed—was speaking to her again, interrupting her moment of euphoria with his questions. 

Eleonora slowly shifted her attention toward him, watching as they tried to stay on guard, ready for anything. 

The wounds on Camila’s body were still slowly closing, but the palpable fear in the air was so thick that Eleonora could almost taste it. 

“Are you allies or enemies?” Aiden asked, his voice calmer this time, trying to understand the situation. 

Eleonora, with that same smile, returned his gaze, her eyes glowing with that inhuman red that didn’t belong to Camila. 

With a soft but loaded voice, she replied: 

“Allies?” She tilted her head slightly, as if considering the word with interest. “And you… are you allies?” 

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