I, invincible, started from birth

Page 70


The entire Kamikaze Mountain Range had obviously experienced a crazy and brutal massacre. The members of the Heavenly Soul Hall were all killed by terrifying supernatural powers.

Not one left!

This means!

There was an extremely powerful being who killed all the members of the Heavenly Soul Hall in the Shenfeng Mountain Range!

Think again!

Above the void sky, there are still wisps of soul power fluctuations from the ancient Celestial Soul Clan...

There is no doubt that!

The facts must be as in the rumors——

This "Heavenly Soul Temple" which is nominally organized by killers is exactly the pawn of the ancient Heavenly Soul Clan, and is responsible for harvesting the dead souls of the world!

But this time, judging from various signs, as well as the earth-shattering fluctuations in the aura of the Nirvana Overlord Spear, it is naturally not difficult to guess.

The person who took action to destroy the Heavenly Soul Palace this time is, in all likelihood, the holy son of the Chen family——Chen Junlin!

After learning of this guess, all the powerful people present were shocked and felt inconceivable.

How could Chen Junlin, the son of the Chen family, be so strong?Destroy the Heavenly Soul Palace directly?


The scariest thing is--

When a group of bigwigs noticed that Su Xun'er, Lin Yan and others were present, they questioned and investigated carefully.

These bigwigs finally knew the truth of what happened in the Kamikaze Mountains that day, and chose to make it public!

Practitioners in the world!

It is finally confirmed that the Heavenly Soul Palace and the Heavenly Soul Clan are indeed related!

Moreover, the ancestor of the ancient Heavenly Soul Clan really wanted to kill Chen Junlin.


King's Landing Son God is so powerful, his means are extraordinary!

Even if the ancestor of the ancient Heavenly Soul Clan used the clone projection, it would not be able to do anything to the Shengzi of the Chen family!

In such a huge disparity in strength!

Not only did the Shengzi of the Chen family not suffer the slightest injury, but on the contrary, relying on his own strength and magic weapon, he wiped out the projection of a real fairy's avatar in one fell swoop!

The spear pierced the sky, hanging upside down the galaxy for thousands of miles!

In fact, he is truly invincible!


Those bigwigs didn't question these things at all.


When these things were mentioned at the beginning, the faces of Su Xun'er, Lin Yan and others were obviously full of strong admiration, and they didn't seem to be lying at all.

in this way--

Regarding the truth about Su Xun'er and others!

Undoubtedly, it completely shocked those big bosses, as well as the practitioners in the entire ancient world!




Although no one knew Chen Junlin's cultivation level, but with his lethality enough to pierce the sky, at least he was no worse than a human king.

After thinking of this!

that moment--

Many powerful people present who came to investigate all looked at each other face to face, with unbelievably shocked expressions on their faces.

Only 16 years old!

It has a combat power comparable to that of a human king!

The son of the Chen family is indeed a well-deserved invincible arrogance!

For this battle alone—

It can prove that his true combat power has surpassed countless peers, and he has truly achieved the ability to stand out from all the heroes in the world! ! !

It is unimaginable!

How far will the future Chen Junlin go!



This is Su Xun'er and the others, who know that the matter is too important!

In order to prevent Chen Junlin from becoming a target of public criticism, they chose to conceal the news that Chen Junlin was the "Lord of Reincarnation in the Underworld".

if not!

Once Chen Junlin, as the master of reincarnation in the underworld, can command hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers and ghost generals in the world, and the news of reincarnation of souls and souls is known to people in the entire ancient world... then it will inevitably set off a turbulent wave.

By the time--

What will the entire ancient world be like, how those powerful immortal forces will treat Chen Junlin... I am afraid no one can imagine it!

after all!

Everyone knows that the reincarnation of the underworld was destroyed and collapsed several ancient epochs ago, and it has completely ceased to exist!

But now, there is another person who is in charge of the reincarnation of the underworld, and he is still an invincible arrogance who is talented to the extreme.

That will definitely bring many unpredictable troubles and crises to Chen Junlin and the Chen family!


Just Chen Junlin's talent and evildoer will not shock the major forces too much. Only when a genius grows up can he become a threat.


If the Chen family had a genius who was in charge of reincarnation in the underworld, the meaning would be completely different!

Everyone knows what a terrifying power it represents to have a reincarnation in the underworld!

In the ancient era, there were still fairy courts that could compete with the underworld!

But now-

The entire ancient world has experienced darkness and turmoil. In the era of the emperor's fall, there was not even a great emperor.

Just ask——

Who can compete with the reincarnation of the underworld?

Not to mention, the person who controls the reincarnation of the underworld is a guy with unimaginable talent?

and so!

Just because I know the importance of this matter, and it may bring unpredictable consequences...

Even if Chen Junlin didn't mention it, he didn't seem to care at all whether his identity as the master of reincarnation was exposed.

But Su Xun'er and Lin Yan still chose to conceal the news and swore that they would never tell anyone.


Even Su Xun'er and the others concealed the news that Chen Junlin was the "Lord of Underworld Reincarnation".

But the fact that Chen Junlin shot and killed the clone of the ancestor of the ancient Heavenly Soul clan caused a huge wave in the ancient world.

It has caused countless forces to surge undercurrents.

First of all--

Facing the ancient Celestial Soul Clan, the Chen family tried to hurt the holy son of the Chen family, and it can be said that they were outraged.

Chen Qingyun, the ancestor of the Chen family, was furious on the spot, and with his supreme cultivation, he issued a hunting order and a reward order against the entire ancient world!

"The whole Chen family will spare no effort to kill and eliminate the ancient Heavenly Soul clansmen in the ancient world!"

"Anyone who can provide vague clues to the ancient Celestial Soul Clan will be rewarded with a minimum of [-] top-grade spirit stones according to the accuracy of the clues!"

"Anyone who can provide accurate clues to the ancient Heavenly Soul Clan can choose one of the following rewards, and get a low-grade Taoist weapon, or a billion top-grade spirit stones, or a royal-grade nine-star kung fu!"


Chapter 65 The Tianjiao Come Out, The World of Great Controversy Begins


When the Chen family's hunting order and reward order came out, all the major forces in the entire Huanggu were trembling for it.

Such a big move!

almost unprecedented!

As you can imagine!

This time, the Chen family was really furious. The behavior of the ancient Heavenly Soul Clan to hurt the son of the Chen family had already offended the bottom line of the Chen family!

at the same time!

The Chen family is also taking the opportunity to warn other forces that if they dare to harm the son of the Chen family, they must be prepared for the Chen family to fight back wildly!


It seems to be to please the Chen family, or to get a share of the reward order, or just to wipe out the scum race of the Sky Soul Clan.


For a while!

Almost all the major forces in the ancient world began to join forces to search for the hiding places of the members of the ancient Heavenly Soul Clan.

Under such unprecedented scraping strength, let alone, the effect is quite obvious.

Members of the ancient Heavenly Soul Clan one after another, with various identities, hid in various places in the ancient times... They were found out one after another to exterminate and kill them!

It can be said that the loss is not light!

Not only that!

Those branches of the Tianhun Temple between the continents in the ancient world were also destroyed and destroyed by the joint efforts of the major forces.

In less than a month, the Heavenly Soul Clan and Heavenly Soul Palace have encountered a near-extinction attack and revenge!

Careful planning for thousands of years!

Once back to before liberation!

The ancestors of the ancient Heavenly Soul Clan, I am afraid that they never expected in their dreams that this time because they offended a "Chen Junlin", they would completely kill themselves!



It was also when many ancient forces were constantly chasing and killing members of the Heavenly Soul Clan and Heavenly Soul Hall.

These ancient forces have also dispatched a celestial arrogance and genius to appear on all continents to practice.

The reason for this—

In addition to wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to hone his own genius.

Another reason is that he was stimulated by Chen Junlin, the son of the Chen family!

According to the words of the ancestors of the major forces.

"Look at the holy sons of the Chen family, they are so much better than you, and they still have to set foot in the world of mortals, practice hard, and sharpen their state of mind."

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