I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 659 Weapon Demonstration

"I hope you don't mind waiting since today is the first day of the Undermine Council. We even lack personnel for this event." said Horton.

As the queue gets shorter, Angus and the others start to hear a little commotion at the admission desk.

"What did you mean by saying it is fake?!!" screamed someone in front of the admission desk.

"Tch… Listen here, you little shit. You may be able to fool the guide who sent you, but you are still ten thousand years too early to fool me. If I said it is fake, it means it is fake." replied the dwarf at the admission desk

"Now, get out before I smack your stupid face until your mommy can't recognize you!!" added the dwarf while showing his heavy warhammer.

Under the intimidation, the person could only get his things and was escorted by the nearby armored dwarfs. Similar situations also often happen at the other admission desk.

"*Sigh* Up till now, I still couldn't understand why people like to bring counterfeit items. At least, modify it or turn it into something else." commented Horton nearby.

Hearing this, Angus couldn't help but shake his head. For an outsider, the way to participate in the Undermine Council is by bringing a rare material or item. One item could grant five people entry. Besides rare things or materials, they could also bring their original made item.

However, the dwarf will become more strict when someone brings a newly made item. The dwarf will become more serious in appraising it. It is as if they feel challenged just by being shown a newly made item.

Even a great blacksmith or crafter often gets refused by the dwarf. Passing the entry with a newly made item is almost only possible if they are a skilled crafter. On the other hand, rare items are easier for them to grant entrance.

Unfortunately, not everyone could procure rare items. Some of the rare items are also needed in large quantities. Therefore, the Undermine Council could only be entered by certain people with immense backgrounds, money, or skilled crafter.

As time passed by, they slowly approached the admission desk. During this time, Angus notices Balrug is starting to shake. Seeing his face, he finds the old dwarf getting more excited while approaching the admission desk.

He was even surprised that the old dwarf could wait for the long queue as Balrug is famous for being selfish and brash. Otherwise, he will not just refuse King Leon's offer in front of his face.

'Hmm… It seems there are some unwritten rules to not create a problem during the long queue.' thought Angus inwardly as he found a few other dwarfs like Balrug.

All of these dwarves are getting excited as they get closer to the admission desk, but none of them try to cut in line or create a commotion. At most, they will start making problems in front of the admission desk.

Soon, it is time for their turn. When the person in front of Angus and the others are gone, Balrug immediately rushes towards the appraisal dwarf and shoves a golden metallic emblem into his face.

"Hurry, call the elder!! Or I will turn you into a piece of useless scrap!!" roared Balrug.

"T-This is…" said the appraisal dwarf in surprise.

Before he could finish his sentence, "Wait… When I say elder, I mean all of the elders!! If one of them is missing out, I will burn your whole stupid beard!!" roared Balrug again.

The appraisal dwarf just stood there and didn't know what to do. He knows the owner of this emblem is not an ordinary dwarf, but he also knows the dwarf elders are not someone that could be casually summoned.

"Why are you just standing there?! Did you want me to turn you into a piece of junk?!!" threatened Balrug.

"Ehem… Cousin, I know you are excited, but you should calm down first. Also, someone does as he says. Just say Balrug Goldstein is making something new." said Horton.

Seeing the person wearing golden armor, some nearby dwarfs immediately leave the desk and call the elders.

"Old dwarf, why did you want to call the dwarf elders just for appraisal?" asked Angus from the side.

"Shut up already. When the time comes, just follow this old dwarf's lead." said Balrug.

"Hmm??" asked Angus in confusion.

Unfortunately, Balrug didn't plan to speak further or explain. He just stays still while tapping his feet impatiently. Angus could only shrug at this while joining Jayna's side, who was playing with Anna. The little troublemaker keeps trying to run around after reaching this place.

Fortunately, Jayna is always watching her like a hawk and distracting her with some snacks.

A few moments later, the ground starts to shake as a few old dwarfs with long braided beards emerge from the ground and air.

"Hahaha… I hear that gold brat is making something interesting again." said one of the elders with a smile.

"Long time no see, elders. Yes. This time I made another masterpiece. I hope the elder could appraise it." said Balrug respectfully.

Seeing Balrug's sudden change of behavior, Angus couldn't help but rub his eyes in disbelief. The rash and brash old Balrug suddenly turns docile. This makes Angus look at all the old dwarf elders.

In total, there are eight elders. Angus only knows one of them, called the Elder Forgus. He is the person that helps him during his second Gate of Life.

"Everyone, please calm down. Balrug, why don't you just show us what you made this time." said Elder Forgus.

"Sure. Hehehe... Brat, catch it." said Balrug while throwing something from his pocket storage.

Seeing the thing that was thrown by Balrug, Angus finally understands what Balrug made and his meaning by following his lead. Angus grabs the weapon and twirls it around his body like dancing around.

Although the old Balrug looks like casually throwing the weapon at Angus, it contains enough force to put a dent into the enchanted fortress.

As Angus twirls around, everyone can see the weapon that looks like a thorny vine with blades on each end. The weapon is none other than Skythorn, which was already improved by Balrug.

"Hooo… Such a balanced and powerful weapon." said one of the dwarf elders.

"But, why is it riddled with small pointy spikes like Rose's prickles? This is really impractical." commented another elder dwarf.

"That's not necessary. Can't you see that human boy capable of easily handling such a weapon? It means other people couldn't hold this weapon without enough practice. This could prevent others from using it against the original user." argued another dwarf elders.

"Agreed. Although the small spike is positioned randomly at first glance, some areas exist for the hand to grip the weapon. Any untrained people will only hurt themself when handling such a weapon." said another dwarf elders.

All the eight dwarf elders analyze and comment on their thoughts about Skythorn while Angus plays it around his hands.

'As expected of the dwarf elders, they could immediately spot the proper way to use Skythorn. Let's show them a little bit more.' thought Angus inwardly.

"Crazy Old Dwarf!!" called Angus before he suddenly channeled mana into the Skythorn.

Noticing this, Balrug immediately took out his Warhammer and smashed his front.

"Horton, hold me out!!" called Balrug in a hurry.

*BOOM* The Skythorn ejected one of its bladed ends and clashed with Balrug's Warhammer. At the same time, Balrug and Horton behind him were also thrown far away into the distance. This sudden demonstration surprised everyone, even Angus himself.

He didn't expect the ejected power to be so powerful that it could launch old Balrug and Horton at the same time. He knows these two dwarves are in fifth grade and have mighty physical power.

Luckily, Angus could control the bladed end through the chain and make Balrug fly upward rather than go to the crowded place.

"Such a terrifying power!!" commented one of the Dwarf elders.

"Yes. But, that human boy's control is more absurd." said another dwarf elders.

"Ungrateful Brat!! Did you want to kill me!!" roared Balrug while in the air.

"Gezz… I just do what you want. Follow your lead, right?" said Angus as he moved the Skythorn around.

The chained blade immediately moves around like alive and attacks old Balrug in the air. Balrug immediately gripped his hammer tightly and parried the incoming attack. As the maker of the Skythorn, he knows the true power of this weapon.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* Balrug parried all the unpredictable incoming attacks with difficulty. Each time the bladed end and Balrug's warhammer clash, there will be a deafening clash. Fortunately, there is also Horton beside him that helps Balrug test Skythorn.

"This…" said Angus before he suddenly took a leap.

After using the upgraded Skythorn for a while, Angus finally understood the true power of this weapon. *BOOM* Leaping into the air, Angus ejected the other bladed end to Balrug and Horton. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Facing the two-bladed ends, the pressure on Balrug and Horton increases. Balrug couldn't even speak and was busy parrying the incoming attack. During this time, the chained-bladed ends move fast and slowly turn into some afterimages.

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