I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 664 The Monster Gathering

While Angus is observing the dwarf elder Dumrod in the shadow silently, he is also inspecting the whole room. He finds the room is a workshop but very tidy and neat. It is also littered with many simple droids and golems.

Angus also notices some cold weapons that could make everyone drool if it is revealed outside. Most are not indestructible artifact grade, but it is still very high grade and the best weapon before the artifact.

After a few minutes of observing, the door room opened suddenly and revealed a few people had come in. At this moment, Angus immediately surprised one of the newcomers. He didn't know most newcomers except for one person in the back.

Judging by his appearance, Angus assumed the man was from the Stonaron race, famous for their hard skin. The person has jagged hard skin and a slim figure wearing dirty clothes. He is also tall compared to the average human.

He also has a weak pitiful expression and holds a lot of crates in his arm, which shows that he is just a hard-labored employee or worker. No one seems to notice his presence or just disregard him.

Hard-labored workers are normal in these events since the space pouch has limited space and many restrictions. Some companies will bring a cheap laborer like this and let them earn money through special contracts.

Angus will also think he is completely harmless if it is for the familiar pitch-black darkness he senses from him. He knows this person is one of the monster-minded people he met during the day.

Suddenly, the Stonaron monster-minded person also glanced at his location with a very sharp gaze before making a grin and returning to his previous harmless expression. This change happens so fast that people need to look carefully to notice this change.

However, Angus wasn't surprised too much by such a reaction. According to his knowledge, monster-minded people like to blend in with the crowd. Sometimes they could become harmless porters, beggars, knights, or even professors in the academy.

While doing their job and acting, they will look so harmless that most people forget about their existence. This is also why monster-minded people are very hard to find. Their acting and playing roles are so perfect that even the real one loses to them.

'So, this is why Anna is very good at acting. I guess it is part of her nature.' thought Angus inwardly.

On the other hand, the leader of the newcomer, who looks like a walking humanoid locust, greets the dwarf elder Dumrod.

"You are late, Bubucha." called Elder Dumrod.

"Yap.. Grok Yum.. Yok… Those greedy goblins take their time in counting their gold. Yap. yok." replied Bubucha, the bipedal locust with his unique dialect.

"Tch… Whatever, just put those things there." replied Elder Dumrod.

"Nyok. Yam… Move, lazy fool!! Nyok Yam.. Put those things there!" said Bubucha, striking all the porters behind him with his metallic rod.

The Dwarf Elder Dumrod didn't say anything at this harsh act as if it was a natural occurrence. However, Angus knows this bipedal locust signed his own death when he struck hard the monster-minded Stonaron.

Still, the person himself didn't do anything and just put the crate in the empty area with a fearful expression. After putting the stuff, the monster–minded Stonaron stays at his place and looks around.

"Tch… Nyok Nyam… What are you lingering here for? Hurry, get out of here!! Stupid rock!!" grumbled Bubucha.

While leaving the room, the monster-minded Stonaron again looks in Angus' direction with a smirk before closing the door. Seeing his familiar smirk, Angus couldn't help but have a bad feeling about it.

After staying with Anna for a while, he knows Anna will only have this evil smirking expression when she shows her monster side. In fact, Angus is ready to escape anytime when the monster-minded Stonaron looks in his direction.

However, the Stonaron himself never reveals Angus or himself. It is like he wants to continue playing with Angus and his job. Angus knows this is what makes the monster-minded people dangerous.

No one knows when they will go crazy and start to massacre everyone. Monster-minded people may be very rare, but each one has the capability of at least sixth grade. If they survive long enough, they may be capable of fighting against the legendary seventh-grade combatant.

With their mana and miasma force in their body, they are more dangerous than ordinary combatants, even at a lower grade. Furthermore, they are not like reckless monsters. They often strike from the dark.

Still, this also makes Angus curious. Monster-minded people tend to avoid one another. Like how a monster overlord avoids other monster overlord territory. They will always ignore and avoid each other unless there is a conflict.

Yet, Angus finds a few monster-minded people gathering at this place.

As Angus contemplates this situation, "Nyam.. Nyok.. So, how is it? Is that girl also coming?" asked Bubucha.

"No. However, her little troublemaker friend is still here. There is still a chance of her coming here anytime." said Elder Dumrod.

"Hmm.. Nyok.. Yak.. Kol.. How terrible. Did we proceed with the plan?" asked Bubucha.

"Of course. Even if she comes, she may or may not interfere with us. Although it is still unclear, that girl never interfered with any conflict in the past as long as it didn't affect her." replied elder Dumrod.

"Hrm.. Nyok.. What if she suddenly appeared and interfered?" asked Bubucha.

"Then, we just could blame it on our misfortune. We even use that 'thing' to prevent other notices. If we still fail, it means we are just unlucky.'' said Elder Dumrod.

"Grr.. Nyak.. Can we Nkok.. Nkok.. Waiting for another moment?" asked Bubucha.

"Nope. If we prolong it too long, others may notice the strangeness. Don't underestimate seventh-grade intuition. They are very perspective when it comes to reading things. I bet some of them are already trying to investigate around." said Elder Dumrod.

"Mul.. Nykok!! Isn't it dangerous?" asked Bubucha.

"Not really. Without the interference of Fate, they will be like searching for needles inside the haystack. At most, they only feel something weird." replied elder Dumrod.

While the dwarf elder and the bipedal locust were talking to each other, Angus couldn't help but be interested in their conversation.

'According to their previous talk, they can somehow prevent others from reading Fate or sensing danger. It is also probably why few monster overlords somehow reach here.'

'Their senses must be messed up and they cannot sense each other before reaching here. As for why they stay here, I guess they want to see what will happen. A people of chaos indeed.' thought Angus.

'I don't know how far this inhibition is and what scale it is, but they must be planning something dangerous to hide it from all the high-grade people in this place.'

'The next question is, why now? Why do they plan to do something when there are a lot of high-grade people gathering here. Urgh… It seems it is more troublesome than I thought.' thought Angus.

Unbeknown to the dwarf elder Dumrod and the bipedal locust, they are already attracting danger to themself by preventing Fate.

While Angus is spying on the dwarf elder Dumrod, Anna and Jayna sleep in the room. To be exact, Anna sleeps peacefully while Jayna communicates with Angus through their bond.

After a while, Jayna opens her eyes and glances at Anna. To her surprise, the little troublemaker is not sleeping and opens her pitch-black eyes while staring at the ceiling. She is also unusually silent, unlike her usual cheerful behavior.

"Anna, is something wrong?" asked Jayna worriedly.

"Big sis, Is Angus back yet?" asked Anna.

"He is.. still in the middle of something. Don't worry, Angus is strong." said Jayna.

"Did he leave us?" asked Anna again.

"Hush… Anna. Angus never leaves us. Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen. Just go back to sleep." reassured Jayna.

"Okay." said Anna shortly before snuggling into Jayna's arm while hugging her fluffy pillow.

Unbeknownst to Jayna, a few people were looking at their room from far away. All these people are none other than monster-minded people. Their expressions keep changing from angry, sad, fearful, and happy.

"Kekeke…. So, she is the queen, huh?" said a beggar in the alleyway before disappearing into the darkness.

"Terrible.. Ohh… So terrible. I feel like I want to blast everything." said a worker while closing his shop.

"Kahahahaha…. This is good. The fallen arise and the Faker dies. Hahahahaha…" laughed a performer while dancing in the middle of the street.

"Damn… Damn… It really gives me a goosebump. I couldn't wait for what happened next." said the monster-minded Stonaron as his surroundings were littered with the corpse of another Stonaron worker.

"The Queen call… And the headless shall answer." said a naked person surrounded by luxury and unconscious prostitutes.

All these people have the same maniac smile and a crazy smirk. Despite this, most people only thought of them as crazy or just eccentric people. It is not rare to find people with eccentric behavior in this event.

Unfortunately, Angus didn't know this sudden change as he couldn't spread his mana while hiding in the shadow. He is also located in a highly enchanted room. He needed to go outside before he could spread his [Mana Echolocation] without being found out.

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