I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 667 Provoked

"Good. Now, I think you could help me a little bit." said Darren with a warm smile.

"H-Help?! Y-Yes, of course." said the dwarf captain nervously.

Although Darren didn't release anything, he is actually intimidating the dwarf personally without affecting the others.

"Another of our reasons for coming here is to catch some of our vampire fugitives. We hear they seem to attend this event. I understand about the dwarf neutrality law and the non-violence rules in this place." said Darren politely.

"However, I hope you could turn a blind eye when he does our business." added Darren with a menacing smile.

"Mira, why Silver Corpse smiling weirdly." commented Anna from the side.

Her comment completely ruins the tense atmosphere, but it still pressurizes the dwarf captain.

"I-I sorry. I don't have the authority for…" replied the dwarf captain.

Before the dwarf captain could finish, "I will allow it." a voice heard from the sky.

A dwarf with metallic armor and a braided beard comes from the sky. Seeing the dwarf in the air, Angus frowned slightly as he knew this newcomer.

"We greet Elder Dumrod." said all the dwarf guards and captain.

"On behalf of the dwarf elders, I welcome Lady Mira and her faithful servant Master Darren." said Elder Dumrod while bowing his head.

Mira didn't reply, only nodded silently while staring at the dwarf elder.

"I hope Lady Mira and her servant can enjoy the event. As for this fugitive business, the dwarf will turn a blind eye to it." said Elder Dumrod.

"B-But, sir…" warned the dwarf captain.

"That's it, captain. Besides, the other elders will also agree and do the same thing as me. I just hope the Eternal Kingdom will not create too much commotion as this is still an international event." said Elder Dumrod.

"Sure. The Dwarf and Eternal Kingdom always have friendly terms. Though I don't know what the previous vampire king did to you, I don't plan to hurt any dwarf in case they get in the way." said Darren while glaring with his crimson blood eyes.

'H-He is on a completely different level from that bigotry Alfred. I hope he didn't sense anything weird from me.' thought Elder Dumrod inwardly while having a cold sweat.

"S-Sure. I will warn all the dwarf guards in the sector." said Elder Dumrod.

The whole Undermine Council is divided into eight sectors. Each sector will be handled by a dwarf elder. Although it is divided into sectors, there is no difference between one sector and the others. The sector is just to make the dwarf easier to manage the whole event.

"T-Then, if you don't have any inquiry, I will excuse myself first. My guard captain will escort and guide you during your stay." said Elder Dumrod before flying in the air again.

"P-Please follow me. We will guide you to the best inn in this sector." said the nervous guard captain.

"Ehh… Mira is not staying with Anna?" asked Anna sadly.

Mira didn't reply but only looked at Darren expressionlessly.

"Ehem… Don't worry about it. We will stay at the same place with the Heart Kingdom's delegation." said Darren.

"S-Sure. Errmm…. about this fugitive…" said the dwarf captain.

"Hmm… I believe it is our kingdom's private matter. I also suggest you return to your duty. The last time someone guided us, their fate was much worse than death." said Darren menacingly.

"Y-Yes. Then, we will go first." said the dwarf captain before leaving the area in a hurry.

On the other hand, all the passersby also left the area and didn't dare to look at Angus' group casually. Some of them didn't know about Mira and Darren. But, they know someone who could make the guard dwarf and dwarf elder fear is not ordinary people.

"It's rare for Master Darren to have difficulty in catching this fugitive." commented Angus from the side casually.

"Hohoho… Of course, they are no match for these old bones. I just take this chance to let Lenora have a more practical experience. In fact, I only notice their presence when I come to this place." said Darren with a warm smile.

"Yay!! Yay!! Hunting time!!" said Anna excitedly.

"Anna, I don't think you should pry into this matter." reminded Jayna gently.

"Ehh… why?" asked Anna sadly.

"This is the Eternal Kingdom's private matter. If we get involved in it, it will only cause more trouble when something goes wrong. It's best if we don't pry more into others' matters when they are not asking for help." lectured Jayna.

"Emm… Sure. But it is super boring." said Anna.

At this moment, a young man with luxury clothes looks at Mira and Anna bluntly.

"Woahh… You two are very beautiful. I want you." said the young man casually.

Before everyone could react, "Young Master, please don't run around." called a person not far from them, followed by a few armed people.

"Good timing. Edwin. I want them." said the young man.

*Clang* *BOOOM* Suddenly, Lenora charges forward and attacks to kill the young man. Unfortunately, her sharp enhanced nail is parried by the armed men.

"A fight?!!" replied the passerby.

"Someone stop them!!" said the nearby merchant seller.

The sudden shockwave surprised everyone and made all the sellers immediately pack their things. The commotion created a sudden panic but also gathered the nearby visitor.

"H-How dare you attack us?!!" said the man named Edwin while trying to protect the arrogant young master.

At this moment, the young master suddenly turned mute and just stood behind his men without making any ruckus.

"Stop!! Do you know who we are?!!" said Butler Edwin as Lenora was still fighting against their bodyguard.

"How about you? Do you know who we are?" asked Angus from the side casually.

"You… I don't know which nation or force you come from. But, you are attacking Prince Ilin Medral, the heir of Medral Kingdom." said the butler Edwin proudly.

"Medral kingdom? Isn't it one of the four big kingdoms of Alvan United?" said the passerby.

"So?" replied Angus coldly.

Not expecting such a reaction and answer, "You are madness. We are going to destroy you." said the Butler Edwin.

"You could try. It is not the first time a big kingdom is trying to attack us. Besides, if he is truly the heir of the Medral Kingdom, he should know about the unwritten law." added Angus.

"Urgh… You will regret this!! Alright, let's get out of here." said the butler Edwin before looking back at his young prince.

At this moment, the arrogant young prince had a blank look while still standing straight.

"Master… Young master!!" called the butler Edwin as he noticed the strangeness.

Just as he shakes the arrogant prince, the prince suddenly collapses on the spot like a doll without a string. Upon closer inspection, there is a very tiny hole between his eyebrows.

However, this tiny hole is very small that even with enhanced and trained eyes will be tough to notice. Still, Angus and the others could notice this little hole using their sharp perception.

"Y-You!! What did you do, young master?!!" roared the butler Edwin.

Hearing this sentence, Angus no longer replied and looked at Jayna. The couple looks at each other for a moment before nodding.

In contrast, Mira and Anna have been talking to each other from the start of the event. Darren even creates transparent barriers so they do not get distracted by the commotion.

*Swish* Before the bodyguard and the butler could react, Angus disappeared from the spot. *BOOM* Suddenly, a strong shockwave erupted not far from them.

"What the hell are you planning to do?" asked Angus to the familiar Stonakin before him.

At the same time, monster-minded Stonakin parries Angus' twin sword artifact with his black claw with grinning.

"Huh?! Are you dumb or what? Join the fun, of course." said the monster-minded Stonakin before releasing his dreadful aura to the surroundings.

"T-This.. Monster-minded person!!" called someone from the crowd.

Hearing this, most passersby immediately run away while the dwarf guards try to get into the location. No one realized all the people from the Medral kingdom suddenly slumped on the ground. Everyone had a tiny hole between their forehead like their Prince Ilin.

"Vile creature!! How dare you come to this place!!" roared the nearby dwarf guard captain.

In fact, the dwarf guard had already arrived long ago since the clash between Lenora and the Medral bodyguards.

However, they turn a blind eye since they already give the word to Darren to not interrupt their business. Still, they didn't expect the Medral kingdom would provoke this godly being out of nowhere.

Now, a monster-minded person is going on a rampage. They could no longer stay still. Moreover, they also notice the monster-minded Stonakin is ready to rampage from the mana he has accumulated.

As his cover is blown, the monster-minded Stoneakin decides to not hold back anymore and releases his potent miasma to the surroundings. This sudden movement immediately attracted all the sixth-grade above combatants in the Undermine Council.

"This sensation… Monster-minded person!!" said one of the visitors.

"Fuck it!! Let's get out of here!!" said one of the wealthy merchants.

"What a crazy fellow to reveal themself in this place." said one of the passersby.

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