I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 734 Silvia Condition

Chapter 734  Silvia Condition

After finding she was safe from Anna, "Please… Please no more!!" said Silvia in a pitiful manner.

Hearing Silvia's words, Angus and Jayna immediately turn cold and sharply glare at Silvia. Noticing her wrongdoing, Silvia immediately kneels on the ground in fear. For outsiders, the situation may look cruel but it is far from the truth.

Since Angus and Jayna meet this small Silvia, they have had some sort of telepathic bond through [Alliance]. Unlike Angus and Jayna's deep bond, their bond with Silvia is very superficial. It is as if they are trying to communicate and contact a mindless beast or monster.

Still, it is enough to let them know Silvia's intention. When Silvia pleaded to Angus and Jayna, they could feel a slight malicious intent from her. This makes the young couple give Silvia a cold shoulder without any remorse.

Angus' peaceful nature makes them quite tolerant of other people. As long as the other party doesn't cross their bottom line, they will not brutally kill people. However, it is a different case for two-faced people like Silvia.

Living as a high noble in the Heart Kingdom for a long time teaches them to never be half-hearted when dealing with a two-faced person. You will never know when this person will stab you in the back. Angus also hated this kind of traitorous person the most.

"I.. I am sorry. Please… Don't hurt…." said Silvia pitifully.

"Shut up!!" retorted Angus coldly.

"Yes, Master Angus." said Silvia without emotion.

Her demeanor is completely different than her previous pitiful appearance. Angus frowned at this sudden change, but after thinking for a while, he decided to probe Silvia further.

"Explain about yourself." said Angus.

"Yes, Master Angus. My name is Silvia Emerald, the last surviving royal high elf. I am also the slave of young Queen Anna, Master Angus, and Mistress Jayna. As a high elf…" explained Silvia without emotion.

After a lengthy question and explanation, Angus finally understands the gist of Silvia's current situation. The previous story about Silvia getting possessed is correct, but not the entire story.

The spirit that possesses her is not an ordinary fallen elf warrior but a fallen God Elf. This God elf is very ruthless and unstable. It becomes akin to Silvia's second personality after possessing her body for too long.

Even after being defeated by Angus, the God spirit has still not come out from her body but completely becomes her second personality. Unlike the ruthless God elf, Silvia has a kinder nature, like any peace-loving elf.

However, God Elf's ruthless influence also corrupted her mind. This makes her a natural two-faced kind person. Her kind behavior is real, but her malicious thought about stabbing in the back is also real.

Normally, her acting is impossible to see through. After getting thoroughly 'educated' and 'refurbishment', Silvia could no longer hide this malicious thought, especially towards her master.

Angus and Jayna didn't know what kind of 'training' to turn Silvia like this, but it was also good for them. They could know when Silvia had any malicious thoughts with [Alliance]. Moreover, Silvia also 'trained' to never hurt them in any possible way.

Her condition is similar when Anna turns Brigida into their slave. However, this 'training' is more sophisticated and complete than Anna's crude method.

According to Silvia's explanation, this 'training' session is important since the power of God is no joke, even for the fallen one. In fact, when Silvia lost against Angus and became his slave, [Alliance] power should already work its wonder to detect any malice and control Silvia.

Unfortunately, Silvia's God side is too strong and could fight this Ancient Power. Moreover, Angus [Alliance] still only reached the first threshold and was far from mastering it.

As for Silvia's current appearance, it is because she is no longer alive and dead. Because of the side effect of 'training', her body is no longer intact. However, her immortal trait is still there, making her take this small form similar to a small elemental spirit.

An elf is a creature born in nature and mana. There are even records that elves share the same ancestry as elemental spirits. However, unlike the usual bloodline tree, the boundary between the elf race and elemental spirit is very close, especially for the high species one.

They could change their form between these two, albeit with few restrictions. Since Silvia's real body is destroyed beyond hope. She could only take this form to greet Angus and the others.

Besides Silvia's real identity and background story, Angus also asked how to use Pocket Treasure. It turns out the weird-shaped key is really the key to entering the Pocket Treasure.

As for how to enter it, Angus needs to spend a lot of mana while holding the key and chanting a few ancient elf words. The Pocket Treasure Jewel also has a strong inhibition defense mechanism. Only the registered people could enter and recognize Pocket Treasure.

Otherwise, other people will only see a piece of an ordinary big jewel from the outside. Pocket Treasure also has a ridiculous memory-erasing function.

Anyone besides the registered person will immediately forget about Pocket Treasure's existence even if they get told by the registered person. Any form of record is also erased along with the memory.

This absurd magical function makes Angus remember the Moon Rabbit he caught back then. Still, despite its bizarre function, Angus also agreed with these mechanisms.

The strongest vault is not when it is hidden or made of impenetrable material, but it is when nobody knows its existence. When no one knows its existence, no one will have thought to search or even steal from it.

When Angus and Jayna talk with Silvia, the battle outside becomes more chaotic. Knowing his crystallized arm is rendered useless and only brings tremendous pain, the colossal monster cuts it off decisively with a sword.

Then, it destroys the crystalized arm into a distorted space like the ruby petal before. The cut arm also burst some dark corrosive blood that could melt even the strong ground below. The corrosive blood also evaporates easily when it comes into contact with the air.

This sudden action surprises everyone since a colossal monster couldn't recover or regenerate fast enough like the humanoid size monster. Even if he could restore his arm, it would take a lot of energy and affect his battle prowess.

Unfortunately, the monster already has another countermeasure for this trouble by using another artifact in his other hand. So far, the colossal monster is holding four artifacts.

One is a spear spike similar to the raining dark spike in the surrounding area. The second one is his hand axe Glamdring, which could control space.

The third one is a long sword artifact. Warchief Might and Elder Lotord may not know the power of this artifact. Still, they know it is one of the dangerous weapon artifacts from its aura.

Now, the monster uses another artifact that is being held by one of his four arms. Unlike the other artifact, this artifact didn't have a weapon appearance. It is a giant metallic rod with a huge bronze bell.

Magically, the huge bell never rang a single sound despite the colossal monster's constant movement until now. *CLING* A loud chime sound is heard from the bell [Penitence - Sacrilege]. Suddenly, the whole monster's body shines brightly and is covered by white light.

"This energy… Divine Energy!!" said Elder Lotord in surprise.

A moment later, his amputated arm slowly regenerated at a fast rate.

"Did you think I would let you recover?!! [Beastman Art 1st Fang - Ursaring]." roared Warchief Might.

Unlike when facing Angus, Warcheif Might's current Ursaring is deadlier and has a wider range. Each claw movement will produce dozens of meters wide air slash that could cut even the fortress ground without resistance.

*Swish* *Swish* *Swish* Under the barrage of sharp claw attacks, the regenerated arm again turns into a bloody stump that bursts a lot of dark blood. The monster ignored the pain and brandished his sword to attack Warchief Might.

At this moment, Lotord's giant dwarf hit the arm holding the sword and stopped its movement. Although he didn't know the power of this artifact sword, he didn't want to be careless and let Warchief Might get hit by this sword.

Lotord may hate Warchief Might, but if he falls here now, all the dwarves nearby may die. He still needs the Warchief Might to hold down this monster until the drunken dwarf below decides to come out and help them.

As a seventh grade, he is not stupid and already knows the power of these apathetic dwarves below. He knew these dwarves were not obligated to help them in this mess. However, these dwarves still need to come out to go back to their community.

During that time, these dwarves will definitely be forced to fight this monster if they want to escape this place. Until then, Lotord needs to hold on and prevent it from killing more dwarves.

Their dwarf race already had a lot of casualties from the mess before. He didn't want to further damage it. The battle continues as Warchief Might tries to worsen the amputated wound while Lotord prevents the monster from hitting Warchief Might.

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