I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Our crystal is being attacked, we will g

“Go back to the high ground, oh soul! A group of spicy chicken teammates!”

Behind the dining hall of the high school of Nangang No. 2 Middle School, Shen Qi squatted on the ground to play mobile games. He lost his emotions and sweated on his forehead.

“Shen Qi, class is in.” Suddenly, a man called from behind Shen Qi.

“Last wool, our crystal is being attacked!” Shen Qi yelled, excited, completely ignoring the man behind him.

“Shen Qi, it’s time for class, math class.” The middle-aged man is not angry or angry, he is uncharacteristically calm and peaceful.

“The pig teammates are unreliable, I want to play five in one…Huh, right, math class?” Shen Qi, who is very addicted to the Internet, was playing Zhenghe, suddenly realized something was wrong, the voice of the man behind him was so familiar.

Looking back suddenly, Shen Qi chrysanthemum tightly: “Zhang… Teacher Zhang!”

Zhang Wanbang is a mathematics teacher in Nangang No. 2 Middle School, and also serves as the head teacher of the second grade (2) class. Shen Qi is a student in his class.

“The school does not allow students to bring mobile phones into the school gate, Shen Qi, do you know the school rules?” Zhang Wanbang asked.

“I know.” Shen Qi quit the game forcibly, preparing for the arrival of the storm.

Zhang Wanbang asked again: “I just passed by here and found you playing a game. If I don’t call you, you will definitely go to class after the game, right?”

“Uh…” Shen Qixin said, yes.

“Give it to me.” Zhang Wanbang opened his palm.

Shen Qi obediently handed in his mobile phone, he was fully stolen, and there was no point in resisting.

“Let’s go, follow me back to the classroom.” Zhang Wanbang put his mobile phone away and walked towards the teaching building.

With heavy steps, Shen Qi followed Zhang Wanbang. He boldly asked: “Mr. Zhang, why didn’t you scold me this time?”

“There is no more grief than death, what can I do after scolding.” Zhang Wanbang shook his head, seeming to be angry with himself: “Of course, I didn’t teach you well. I, the teacher in charge, have the greatest responsibility.”

At this moment, Shen Qi’s heart trembled, and he felt a very uncomfortable feeling. Not knowing why, he felt that Zhang Wanbang’s scolding of himself was better than this kind of inexplicable feeling.

Because of his indulge in games, Shen Qi’s academic performance is very poor, and the exams are basically counted backwards.

It’s normal for the scumbag to be scolded by the teacher for violating the school rules. If one day the teacher does not scold the scumbag, Shen Qi feels that this is abnormal.

We were speechless all the way, and the teachers and students returned to the teaching building.

Zhang Wanbang started the class, math class.

“F(x)=-1? Li Bo, do you have intellectual problems? I will ask you, how can f(x) be equal to -1?”

“For such a simple geometric problem, how can you calculate the length of the straight line AD to 25? Chen Xiaoting, I think you should add a zero, two hundred and five!”

Zhang Wanbang roared and scolded, a girl was scolded and cried by him in class because he had solved a geometric problem wrong.

Zhang Wanbang in the class was like a change of person, scolding whenever he didn’t agree with him, and had a grumpy temper.


I saw the blackboard eraser leave the podium like a cannonball, and hit a certain desk directly.


The blackboard eraser hit the target accurately and knocked down the half-meter-high books on the desk.

The owner of the desk is a boy. He woke up from his sleep with a dazed expression on his face.

“Xu Rui, you never passed the math test, so you still dare to sleep in my class? Get out of here, wash your face and wake up, and then write a profound review!” Zhang Wanbang slammed the podium fiercely. Like a beast.

Xu Rui fled in panic and rolled out of the classroom.

The whole class was silent, and the atmosphere did not dare to make a sound.

Actually, Shen Qi thinks this is the true nature of Teacher Zhang. From the first year to the second year of high school, he was scolded by Zhang Wanbang countless times.

Playing mobile games in school is more serious than dozing off in class. Zhang Wanbang only confiscated Shen Qi’s mobile phone and did not ask Shen Qi to write a review. He did not even scold him.

“So Teacher Zhang completely gave up on me.” Shen Qi felt a trace of sorrow. In the eyes of Teacher Zhang, I am probably an idiot who can’t help.

“It’s all this game that hurt me. I want to become a hero, quit the game, study hard, and become a master! After all, the college entrance examination is more than a year away, and I have time to start over again!” Unprecedented passion and lofty ambition.

“I remembered that the coordinates of the two vector sums are equal to the sum of these two vector coordinates, and the coordinates of the two vector differences can also be deduced by analogy. This is a knowledge point for the college entrance examination. If you want to pass College, just give me a snack! If you want to move bricks after graduating from high school, do as you like!” Zhang Wanbang explained the mathematics knowledge points, not forgetting a few words of encouragement. .

Shen Qi is determined to start all over again, study hard, and try to catch up. He opened his notebook and listened to the class seriously.

Ran goose, Shen Qi’s passion for learning was soon thrown cold water.

“MMP, I don’t understand!” Frozen three feet is not a day’s cold. In the past two years, Shen Qi has lost too many homework, and it is definitely not a math class that can be immediately restored.

Jingle Bell.

The bell rang after class, and Zhang Wanbang left the classroom blankly with his teaching plan in his hands.

Shen Qi looked up at the ceiling, not understanding, not understanding, not understanding at all, what can I do, I am also desperate!

At this moment, a line of text suddenly flashed in front of Shen Qi: “Listen to a math class carefully, and learn how to score +1.”

“What the hell?” Shen Qi rubbed his eyes, dazzled?

The strange text reappeared: “Repeat it again, the host listens carefully to a math class, and Xueba points +1. The remaining Xueba points are 1 point.”

“This is… Is this… the legendary system possession?” Shen Qi’s chicken froze. Could it be that my eagerness for knowledge moved God?

“Hey, system, you give me rough, how do you call you? What do you mean by Xueba points?” Shen Qi shouted in his heart, he was eager to communicate more deeply with the system.

But the system did not reply.

The second session in the morning was a chemistry class. Shen Qi listened carefully. He didn’t really understand the use of sp hybrid orbitals, so he bit the bullet and finished the chemistry class.

Another text appeared in front of his eyes: “The host listens carefully to a chemistry class, and the Xueba points are +1. The remaining Xueba points are 2 points.”

Therefore, as long as you listen carefully, you can earn Xueba points, although Shen Qi doesn’t understand it very well.

As for the purpose of Xueba points, the system will reveal the answer sooner or later.

After listening to the next two Chinese lessons and biology lessons, Shen Qi got another 2 points for Xueba.

All four classes in the morning are over, and Shen Qi has accumulated 4 Xueba points.

It’s March, the second semester of high school, Shen Qi and the rest of their second year of high school are four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. They also have classes on Saturdays, one day off on Sunday, and the legal holidays will be closed as appropriate.

The three classes in the afternoon are a little easier, they are physics, English and history.

The reason why it is easy is because the last section is a history class, and Shen Qi and his science class students do not take history in the college entrance examination.

In addition to the six compulsory subjects for the college entrance examination of Chinese, Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry, the science class of Senior Two also sets up four courses of history, geography, politics, and physical education.

In the first semester of high school, history, geography, and politics will withdraw from the science class. In the second semester of senior high school, the physical education class is gone, leaving only six courses in Chinese, Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry.

“The host listens carefully to a physics class, and the Xueba points are +1. The remaining Xueba points are 5 points.”

“The host listens carefully to an English lesson, and the Xueba points are +1. The remaining Xueba points are 6 points.”

“The host listens carefully to a history lesson, and the Xueba points +1. The remaining Xueba points are 7 points.”

At the end of seven classes a day, Shen Qi got a total of 7 Xueba points: “System, hurry up and tell me what’s the use of Xueba points? Wait online, very urgent!”

The system brushed out the text: “Turn on the query mode, the host can query by itself, and the host can operate the system through brain waves.”

An interface similar to a holographic image appeared in front of Shen Qi, only he could see it, and the other students in the classroom were indifferent.

System interface display:

Host Shen Qi

age, 17 years old

Language Level 0 (0/100)

Mathematics Level 0 (0/100)

English Level 0 (0/100)

Physics Level 0 (0/100)

Chemistry Level 0 (0/100)

biological level 0 (0/100)

History Level 0 (0/100)

Balance Xueba points: 7 points

Xueba points can be used in any subject by adding points, UU reading www. As the subject level of uukanshu.com increases, the actual combat ability of the host in that subject will increase accordingly.

Subject level is set as:

Grade 0, spicy chicken

Level 1, beginner

Level 2 4, advanced

5 7, occupation

8 10 level, elite

11 13 level, master

14th level, almost invincible

15, invincible I am so lonely

15th level or above, invincible in non-human domains (theoretically, humans cannot reach this level)

In order to facilitate the host to understand the settings of this system, some reference templates in real society are given, taking mathematics as an example:

Level 0 (chicken level), the scumbag in the field of mathematics, the current status of the host.

Level 1 (entry level), the average level of high school mathematics.

level 5 (professional level), can rely on mathematics for a living, reference template: host’s class teacher Zhang Wanbang.

Level 8 (elite level), higher-end mathematics workers, such as mathematics professors, full-time mathematics researchers.

Level 11 (Master Level), a rare mathematics master, a top authoritative scholar.

Level 14 (almost invincible), reference template: Fields Medal winner Tao Zhexuan.

Level 15 (invincible I am so lonely), there is no mathematician of level 15 in the contemporary era. The historical reference template is: Gauss.

Level 15 and above: There is no reference template in human history

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