I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 119

Chapter 116 Ideas

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Shen Qi volunteered to come to the stage to solve the problem.

He has studied several points, from several points i to several points iii. He had learned it before coming to Yan University.

Not to mention the basic courses of mathematics, such as mathematics, advanced generation, and solution. Even the follow-up professional courses such as complex variable functions, partial differential equations, topology, etc., Shen Qi has also completed self-study.

University is not a high school. The sky is high here. Those who have the ability and energy will work harder. If you have the ability and energy, you can learn more. No one will let you learn.

Put a few outstanding students such as Shen Qi in a large classroom and receive basic education with other students. The professors may have their own arrangements. Sun Erxiong told Shen Qi, at least in the freshman stage, Shen Qi, you want Come to the big class to listen to the lesson.

Professor Lu wrote the number points question on the blackboard a bit too much. He is embarrassing freshmen. This question has gone beyond the scope of basic education, and today’s number points class is the second session of Professor Lu. class.

In universities, especially the highest institutions such as Yantai University and Shuimu, it is not enough to rely on the dozens or hundreds of hours in the classroom. It’s time to burn the incense.

“This question is not easy to handle with the unified projection, so we need to use the facet projection.” Shen Qi combed his thoughts again and wrote his answer on the blackboard.

The equation of s is x^2+y^2=4, which is not a continuous function like z=z(x,y), and it is difficult to find the normal vector on the side of s.

If you use facet projection, the projection of the cylindrical surface on the xoy plane is a line, which is actually a circle to be precise, so?(z+l)dxdy=0

Next, Shen Qi began to calculate the value of ?-ydzdx.

Determining the range of values ​​of x and z requires drawing. Shen Qi made a plane projection on the blackboard and finally calculated i=-8π.

Shen Qi put the chalk back into the slot, patted the chalk dust on his hand, and said to Professor Lu: “The solution is complete.”

Professor Lu: “Shen Qi, you gave an answer. I will not judge your answer for the time being. Please tell us your thoughts.”

“Okay.” Shen Qi stayed on the podium, his position was professor.

Professor Lu stood on one side, holding his hand.

Boom boom.

Shen Qi knocked on the blackboard: “y is an odd function of cylindrical surface x squared plus y squared equal to 4, which is symmetrical about the plane xoz. The’s before’ I write here refers to cylindrical surface x squared plus y squared equal to 4 and y is greater than 0. So, y is equal to 4 minus the square of x and then the square. I say this, can you understand?”

“Well, it makes sense.” Zhou Yuan nodded.

“I think so too.” Luo Ji agreed.

“Shen Qi’s thinking is ok.” Cai Qing wrote and painted in the notebook.

Ou Ye took a look and didn’t speak. The result she calculated was exactly the same as Shen Qi, but the calculation method was different.

These people were on the same channel as Shen Qi. While Shen Qi answered on the blackboard, they also came up with the answer in their own way.

The other students in the Department of Mathematics took a long time, but after Shen Qi wrote out his solution process, they could see it roughly. After all, more than half of the students in the Department of Mathematics were sent to Yan University through mathematics competitions, and their mathematical foundation was relatively solid. When they participated in the golden autumn camp of mathematics last year, they had already received the education of Professor Sun Erxiong in advance, and the education of undergraduate courses in the Department of Mathematics.

From last fall to this fall, in a year’s time, Shen Qi was not the only one who enriched himself.

Every student in the Golden Autumn Camp of Mathematics, Sun Erxiong gave directional suggestions.

You can learn a lot of knowledge in one year, if you really settle down to learn.

“Shen Qi, please pause for a moment.” Professor Lu interrupted Shen Qi’s thought analysis, and clicked on a student’s name: “Zhou Yuan, you come to analyze and analyze, is Shen Qi right? You don’t need to stand up, just sit down and say .”

Zhou Yuan replied affirmatively: “Shen Qi is very right.”

“Don’t be so general, details, I need details.” Professor Lu looked at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan talked freely: “In fact, Shen Qi’s previous derivation calculations are all conventional routines. The picture he drew is a highlight. The three-dimensional picture of the second type of surface integral is very troublesome. Shen Qi simplified the complexity and drew a certain The projection of the plane determines the range of values ​​for x and z, and finally calculates that i is equal to -8π. I gave Shen Qi 99 points for this wave of operation, and the rest is not given because I don’t know whether Shen Qi’s answer is It is correct, it needs Professor Lu to judge.”

Professor Lu then asked Shen Qi: “Shen Qi, what do you want to say about Zhou Yuan’s comments?”

Shen Qi propped his hands on the podium and looked at Zhou Yuan: “Zhou Yuan, regarding your comments on me, I will give you 99 points for this wave of operations, and I will not give you one point because you are too much nonsense.”

“Cut.” Zhou Yuan smiled and made a gesture of “not accepting you to hit me”.

The subject atmosphere is very active. Professor Lu deliberately creates this atmosphere. Even mathematics professors admit that mathematics is a boring course. If a boring course is explained in a dull way, several students will really like it. Courses?

“Shen Qi’s answer and Zhou Yu’an’s comments are no problem. Shen Qi’s answer is correct, yes, it is -8π.” Professor Lu said, after finishing the matter, he said to Shen Qi: “Shen Qi, you can return. If you have a seat, please return my podium to me.”

Shen Qi stepped off the podium and returned to his seat.

Professor Lu returned to his position and returned to the middle of the podium. Boom, he took the eraser and knocked on the chalkboard. The place where he knocked was the plane projection drawn by Shen Qi: “Here is the important point, you have to remember it.”

The students in the mathematics department under the stage took pens and notebooks, ready to remember the important points.

Most students in the Department of Science and Engineering Computing are at a loss. What is the point? What is the point? Where is the point? Why did the point suddenly appear? Ah, where am I, where am I going…

There is no harm without comparison.

The overall foundation of the mathematics students is stronger than that of the science and engineering computing department.

In fact, the score is a very important course in the Department of Science and Engineering Computing. The score is almost a purely applied course. It is a mathematical calculation tool. Maybe it’s just starting school, and the students of the Department of Science and Engineering Computing have not yet entered the state.

Professor Lu asked the students to answer the questions, let the students explain their ideas, and then let other students make comments.

Let the students teach the students, so why do you need a professor?

The professor is of course the one who made the finishing touch. Professor Lu concluded: “I have already said in the last class. Now I will emphasize the symmetry of the second kind of surface integrals. Its law is the same as the strangeness of double integral and triple integral. The law of the function is just the opposite can you understand it, right?”

“If you don’t understand too much, students should spend more time thinking about themselves after class. Most of you have received early education such as the Golden Autumn Camp and Winter Camp of Yan University. Don’t tell me what you are. The genius started to get in touch with a few points.”

The students who had not participated in the training camp of Yanda University were speechless and asked the sky. They were not many, and a small number of them were admitted by the Yanda University School of Mathematics through the college entrance examination.

There are two situations for this small group of students. One is that they voluntarily fill in the mathematics major of Yan University when they fill their volunteers, and the other is that they have a very high score in the college entrance examination. They didn’t know why they came to Yandashuyuan in a daze. In both cases, half and half.

Professors sometimes have to make a choice, whether to take care of the majority or to care for a small part?

Professor Lu’s approach is to take care of the majority.

Therefore, those students who don’t understand too much can only redouble their efforts to catch up, otherwise they will fall behind, and the more they are behind, the less able to keep up with the progress of the large unit.


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