I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 133

Chapter 130 The body is the capital of all struggles

Shen Qi finally completed the paper “A Solution to Three-Dimensional Super-complex Numbers”. After checking it again, there was no problem and submitted the paper.

Where to vote?

Of course, you can’t vote for ann-math or acta-math. Shen Qi wrote a paper in Chinese and has not yet translated it into English.

Even if translated into English, ann-math and acta-math would not be able to accept Shen Qi’s manuscripts. Shen Qi himself knows that his current level of thesis cannot make the world’s top mathematics journals tempting.

So first vote for the domestic mathematics journal, Shen Qi locked the target, the mathematics journal “Mathematics Research News” sponsored by Zhejiang University.

Shen Qi converted the latex document of “A Solution to Three-dimensional Super-complex Numbers” into pdf format and sent an email to the editorial department of “Journal of Mathematical Research”.

In the body of the email, Shen Qi briefly introduced his identity and background and academic research results: “Dear editor, I am Shen Qi, a freshman in the Mathematics Department of Yan University. I once published a report in “Mathematics Innovation News”. This paper is the paper “Some New Solutions for Second-Order Linear Inhomogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients” published in Volume x and Issue x of “Journal of Mathematical Innovation”.”

A few words of self-introduction are enough. Shen Qi is a person who has published a paper. This is very important. He has a certain amount of academic capital, not a blank sheet of paper.

Although “Mathematics Innovation News” has not been included in sci, it does not matter. Shen Qi is currently a new academic. As long as he has published papers in domestic journals, even general journals, re-submission will at least allow the first reviewing editor to look at it.

The academic status of “Journal of Mathematical Research” has been improved compared with “Journal of Mathematical Innovation”, at least it belongs to the national core journal, and the impact factor of sci is 0.302.

If only 0.302 is too lo?

Lo just lo, mathematicians are not rare if.

There is no mathematics journal in China with an if more than 1, and the highest is the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Journal of Mathematics, with an if of 0.578.

In the world, top big cows such as ann-math and acta-math have long-term if hovering between 2.5-4. The average value in the industry is 1-5. The industry here includes journals in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering, as well as comprehensive journals.

Why is the if of mathematics journals so low?

Mr. Qiu Chengtong made an incisive summary in one sentence: “Good mathematics papers must be rarely cited, because few people can understand them.”

According to the calculation formula of if, the number of citations in three years determines the impact factor if of that year.

Good mathematics journals and real mathematics papers are not understood by readers, and they cite a woolen thread, so the if of mathematics journals is generally low.

If your math papers are cited a lot, there is only one reason: your writing is too superficial and your level is too bad.

“Nature” and “Science” are quoted so many times because they are comprehensive academic journals, those who study physics, study chemistry, study biology, and study engineering manufacturing… People from all walks of life can always Find the information you need in “Nature” and “Science”.

The reader base is too large, and readers click on “Nature” and “Science” frantically. These two journals have long occupied the top two thrones of the click list. If is between 30-40, it once soared to nearly 50 for a while.

People have absolutely no data. This is real data. “Nature” and “Science” are popular science books for the general public, and even general readers can understand some of them.

And the mathematics circle is a small circle, so the same sentence is not uncommon for mathematicians. If you love to see it, you love to quote but not to quote, stay away from me, if IQ is too low, it will be contagious.

Shen Qi sent the pdf version of the paper to the “Journal of Mathematical Research” of Zhejiang University via email, and then he waited.

If the first review of the pdf version is passed, the editor will generally ask the author to provide a typeset latex document, and then enter the peer review, the editorial board final review and other links. The whole process will last 2-3 months or even longer.

This is the case. The reviewing work of mathematics papers is so long, and experts in the same industry have to carefully derive the papers of the authors of calculations.

Mathematics is not like natural science. A bunch of experimental data and pictures are attached. There are pictures and the truth. It is clear at a glance whether it is right or wrong.

The verification and review of mathematics papers almost depends on the brains of experts. In the history of mathematics, there have been many cases in which reviewers could not understand the author’s papers.

It took more than ten years for some mathematics papers to be reviewed, and the authors died when the awards were awarded, which is regrettable.

For example, Abel, he was only 27 years old when he died, and he had never won a grand prize during his lifetime.

Playing math to the middle and late stages is to live longer and healthier than anyone else.

This also reflects the importance of physical exercise, and the body is the capital of all academic struggles.

In the evening, Zhou Yuan returned to his bedroom. He announced a set of statistics: “Men’s 5000m preliminaries. A total of 4 people ran within 18 minutes. Shen Qi ranked fourth in the preliminaries with your score of 17 minutes and 58 seconds. Ranked first. It was a sophomore in the College of Engineering, and he ran to 17 minutes and 12 seconds.”

Shen Qi was shocked: “Impossible, is that guy special enrollment for sports?”

“No, just like you, that guy is a high school student, and he almost gets full marks in all exams. Shen Qi, do you think Quan Yanda is the only one who is good at pretending to be x?”

“It’s very challenging. My fastest time of 5,000 meters in practice was 17 minutes and 28 seconds.” Shen Qi fell into deep thought and felt a mountain of pressure.

“Why, do you still want to win the championship?”

“Nonsense, if I don’t win the championship, what long-distance race do I participate in?” Shen Qi couldn’t sit still, he rushed downstairs and ran.

Sports experience value +1

Sports experience value +1

After running a round of 5 kilometers, Shen Qi’s sports experience value increased by a few points, and he was sports level 3 (524/5000).

Just run and run for one year, and the sports level can automatically rise to level 4.

Horizontally comparing the upgrading process of mathematics and physics, as well as the personal experience of participating in mathematics and physical competitions, Shen Qi believes that physical education level 3 is considered to be a relatively strong level among ordinary college students, and physical education level 4 is close to the level of professional athletes, which is equivalent to semi-professional athletes. Level it.

There is no special enrollment for sports students to participate in the long-distance running festival in Yan University, so sports level 4 should be able to beat the invincible hand of the school—only amateur level.

It’s time to strengthen a wave of physical fitness. Shen Qi used 4476 points out of the 90,000-plus Xueba points to raise his physical education to level 4.

System: “The host sports level is upgraded to level 4, and the activity of the red and white muscles is significantly improved compared to the previous level.”

“Ah! Meridians and collaterals are all broken…Ren and Du’s second meridian is being rebuilt…” Shen Qi rolled on the lawn, and the benefits of sports upgrades were the increased activity of red and white muscles.

Although the surface of the body did not seem to have changed, and the blood surging in the body was not felt, Shen Qi still played two rounds symbolically. The protagonist of the martial arts all did this after being upgraded. It was obvious that there were rituals. Sex.

Then Shen Qi went to the cafeteria to eat pasta, supplement carbohydrates, eat a banana to supplement trace elements to prevent cramps, drink a box of milk, protein intake is essential.

Given a certain amount of time for digestion and absorption of these foods and dairy products, Shen Qi returned to the bedroom to draft a second paper, “A Kind of Calculation Method for Vector Calculus.”

Except for eating and sleeping, Shen Qi didn’t waste a minute and a second, and none of the ten major indicators of the system had reached the full level 15, which is not to be allowed.

Shen Qi didn’t dare to waste time. Let the brain rest when the body is working, and the body regains energy when the brain is computing. People must always do something meaningful while alive.

At 12 midnight, Shen Qi had enough rest and his physical fitness recovered.

Taking advantage of the silence of the night, Shen Qi went downstairs and ran a round of 5 kilometers. The result was 16 minutes and 18 seconds.

Looking at the running software timer on the phone, Shen Qi couldn’t believe it: “It’s so hanging, 16 minutes and 18 seconds! After the sports level reached 4, my 5000 meters shortened by more than 1 minute, I am afraid it is a fake result. Come on, run another 5 kilometers…Forget it, I can’t run anymore, go back to sleep and do whatever it takes.”

The next day, Sunday.

A lot of spectators came to the stadium, and the men’s and women’s 5,000-meter and 10,000-meter finals were all held today.

In the corner of the stand, there were about a hundred teachers and students from the colleges. The deans and deans of the colleges went abroad for academic exchanges. An old man led the team to cheer for the long-distance runners from the colleges.

The old man named Long is the dean of the Department of Mathematics. He said to a fat man next to him: “Little Sun, this Shen Qi is very good. With all-round development of morality, intelligence, and physical fitness, he can be cultivated as a subject leader in the new era. By the way, I have approved Shen Qi’s application for completing 10 advanced credits in advance.”

Sun Erxiong smiled and said, “This kid is too energetic. It seems that the questions I gave him are not difficult enough.”

Director Long looked towards the starting line and asked: “How many athletes from our college participate in this men’s 5000m final? I know Shen Qi, and other students are not very familiar with it.”

“Teacher Long, it’s normal for you to be unfamiliar, and Shen Qi in our college made it to the finals alone.” Sun Erxiong said.

Director Long asked again: “Well, how many students from the School of Physics have entered the finals?”


“You who are professors, don’t force students to study and do questions every day. The body is the capital of the revolution. Our students in several colleges are engaged in sports, and it is impossible to be worse than the physics college, right?”

“Teacher Long, the School of Physics is not bad. Since I retired, I have never won the School of Physics in basketball and football. Ball games, track and field are not the dominant sports of the Academy.”

“Then what are the superior sports of our college?”

“Go, chess, bridge.”


Shen Qi is waiting for the starting gun to be fired on the runway, and the men’s 5000m final is about to begin.

With sharp eyes, he spotted the group of friends and relatives in the corner of the stand.

Director Long is here, Professor Sun is here Roommates are here, the students in the Department of Mathematics are basically in place, and even the home girl like Ou Ye, who has lived in simplicity, also came to the scene.

“Anti-Mu Weng! Anti-Mu Weng!” Shen Qi clenched his fists and raised his arms, yelling to the direction of the group of relatives and friends in the courtyard.

“Shen Xiaoqi, the most amazing!”

“Shen Xiaoqi, the most endurance!”

“Shen Xiaoqi, enough!”

The student cheering group headed by Zhou Yuan chanted slogans rhythmically.

Director Long was very happy: “This freshman in the academy is very energetic and great!”

Zhou Yu’an said to Ou Ye next to him: “Hey, call Ou Ye, call your male god, why don’t you call it? If you want to shout out, will you?”

Ou Ye: “go.”

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