I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Gangster, please have tea

After school in the afternoon, Shen Qi brought a plastic bag of drinks to a small classroom in the laboratory building.

Counting Shen Qi, there are twelve students gathered in the classroom. They are the twelve students with the strongest mathematics strength in Nangang No. 2 Middle School. They come from different grades and classes. There are no girls, all boys.

They are the high school math competition team of Nangang No. 2 Middle School, representing the top level of mathematics in the school.

It is not easy to be selected for this team. Those who have not scored a perfect score in maths will automatically lose their qualifications.

There are 28 science classes in Grade One, Grade Two and Grade Three. Shen Qi and their Grade Two (2) class only had him selected for the school’s math competition team. Zhang Wanbang gave Shen Qi a recommendation.

“Big brother, please have tea.”

“Big brother, please have tea.”

Shen Qi took out ice black tea, ice green tea, and lemon tea from the plastic bag, and handed tea to the other eleven team members one by one.

Shen Qi’s father taught him that in the initial stage of integrating into a new environment, no matter how awesome you are, you must first keep a low profile, observe the situation secretly, and then start to show your strength.

In fact, Shen Qi knew that there was such a mysterious team in the school. Sometimes their gathering place was in the laboratory building, sometimes in the library, they had no fixed place, and the traces were hard to find.

This morning, Zhang Wanbang informed Shen Qi to report to the small classroom of the laboratory building after school to prepare for the high school math league this weekend.

This is the first time that Shen Qi has joined the school’s math competition team. When he first arrived, he handed tea first and observed in secret.

“How many shifts are you in?” A fat man asked Shen Qi’s ice tea.

Shen Qi replied: “Shen Qi, second grade (2).”

“Oh, Shen Qi, sophomore in high school.” The fat man looked at the other students and asked them, “You are all in sophomore year, are you familiar with Shen Qi?”

“Unfamiliar.” The boys in the second year of high school shook their heads.

Anyone in this room has never got a perfect score in mathematics. Shen Qi, who has suddenly emerged in the past two months, was a scumbag, and it is normal for people to be unfamiliar with him.

Shen Qi kept an awkward and polite smile: “I’m a cute new person, and I would like to ask you brothers and colleagues to take care of me.”

“Sit down Shen Qi.” The fat man asked Shen Qi to find a place to sit down, and then introduced himself: “My name is Meng Tianqiang, and I am the captain of this team in the third grade (5). You are welcome to join, Shen Qi.”

“Big brother, please have another bottle of tea.” Shen Qi took out a bottle of Oolong tea from the bag and handed it to Meng Tianqiang.

“Don’t drink any more, lose weight.” Meng Tianqiang waved his hand and refused to answer.

Shen Qi unscrewed the cap of the oolong tea and drank it by herself.

This team gave Shen Qi the feeling that everyone did not reject him or showed special enthusiasm.

Let’s observe and observe.

Since it is a competitive team, there will definitely be a coach.

Shen Qi found that the rest of his teammates were reading books and doing questions on their own. Half an hour passed, and the coach had not yet appeared.

Is the training method of this math competition team focused on self-study?

Shen Qi didn’t dare to ask more, and continued to observe in secret.

When it was close to 7 o’clock, a person came into the small classroom. He was a little old man, thin and a little hunched.

“Hello Teacher Cao!”

“Hello Teacher Cao!”

Meng Tianqiang and others greeted the little old man one after another.

“Hello, Teacher Cao!” Shen Qi greeted him. He didn’t know the little old man, so he couldn’t be wrong to call Teacher Cao.

Although Cao Xinan is old, but his eyes are sharp, he glanced at Shen Qi: “New here? Xiao Zhang recommended?”

“Well, my name is Shen Qi, and I’m in the second year of high school, please advise Teacher Cao a lot.” Shen Qi guessed that this old man Cao is probably the coach of the team, and the Xiao Zhang in his mouth should be Zhang Wanbang.

“Mathematics relies on talent and savvy, teach me a fart.” Cao Xinan said lukewarm.

Shen Qi stopped talking. How could this old man Cao’s coaching style be the same as Zhang Wanbang, who was brought out by Cao?

There is a small blackboard in front of the classroom. Cao Xinan walked to the blackboard and wrote a question with chalk in his hand:

“Given that a is the only real root of f(x)=0, and a>0, please prove that f(x) can be divisible by (xa); if a is an imaginary root, please prove that f(x) can be ( x+a) Divide evenly.”

After writing the title, Cao Xinan said to Shen Qi: “New classmates, give you 10 minutes to write down the certification process. I smoke two cigarettes outside the classroom. If you have not completed the certification when I come in, please Where did you come back?” After speaking, he left and went to smoke outside the classroom.

There are cards in life. Teacher Cao is testing his math level. Shen Qi stood up, ready to solve the problem.

“Shen Qi, we all went through this kind of test when we first joined the team, and those who are not capable will be eliminated.” Meng Tianqiang said in a gesture of coming over.

“I understand, thank Captain Meng for reminding.” Shen Qi walked to the small blackboard, picked up the chalk but did not immediately answer, he fell into thought.

It’s right to fall into deep thought. Of course, the questions that Teacher Cao gave are somewhat difficult. Meng Tianqiang stared at Shen Qi’s back, the new junior brother, you are good and clever, but unfortunately you have no hard power.

“This question is too simple. The math team of our school is at this level?” Shen Qi muttered in his heart, shouldn’t it, can’t, if Xiao Zhang (Zhang Wanbang) was brought out by Mr. Cao, take them both Your style will not produce such a low test question, will it? I want to intensively train Chen Xiaoting for a period of time, and she can solve the problem within 10 minutes.


This must be a trap.

There are traps everywhere in life.

The rivers and lakes are sinister.

Five minutes later, Shen Qi did not write a mathematical symbol, he stood in a daze at the blackboard.

A few high school sophomores in the seat whispered: “He’s in Class 2, right?”

“The overall math level of Class 2 is average, just a little better than Class 3. Classes 2 and 3 are all taught by Mr. Zhang Wanbang.”

“A top-notch man is not a top-notch, Huang Zikun is the best in their class in math, but he can’t make it to the school team.”

“This Shen Qi should have come out of Class 2 recently. I seem to have a little impression. He got a perfect score in math in the last midterm exam?”

“Whose of us is not a perfect score in math?”

The rest of the players stopped the books and exercise books in their hands and gathered around Shen Qi. Their suspicion of Shen Qi is deepening. Why did this guy get into the team?

At this moment, Shen Qi suddenly rushed to write, brushing, chalk dancing between his fingers, mathematical symbols beating dexterously, and combined into an aggressive lineup according to a certain pattern, launching a fierce proving offensive against the hypothesis on the blackboard.

Cao Xinan’s question is related to number theory.

Number theory is one of the branches of pure mathematics, which can be traced back to the Diophantine equation in ancient Greece.

The most famous work of the Greek mathematician Diophantus is “Arithmetic”. When Fermat, the “king of amateur mathematics,” studied “Arithmetic”, he wrote a hypothesis in the blank space of the book and explained it: “This hypothesis must be If it is established, I can write the proof process, but there are too few blank spaces in the book to write.”

This is the source of the famous “Fermat’s Last Theorem” in the history of mathematics. It was not until 1995 that Fermat’s Last Theorem was proved by British mathematician Wiles.

Qin Jiushao, one of the four major mathematicians in the Song Dynasty in my country, also had a deep research on number theory. The “Jiushao Algorithm” recorded in high school mathematics textbooks came from Qin Jiushao.

The mathematician recognized by the mathematics circle to contribute the most to number theory is Fermat.

Shen Qi is using Fermat’s way to solve problems, which is the main reason why he does not write for 5 minutes of contemplation.

Among the three great gods of Diophantu, Qin Jiushao, and Fermat, Shen Qi finally chose Fermat.

Before Cao Xinan entered the classroom, Shen Qi completed the certification, then returned to his seat and sat down.

” To decompose x^2-1 into two linear factors, first set


multiply the term on the right side of the equal sign

Then make the coefficients of the same power term of x on both sides of the equal sign equal…”

The rest of the math team stared at the small blackboard with a stupid expression. They were speechless for a long time. What the newcomer wrote, I don’t understand!

Captain Meng Tianqiang was in the third year of high school. After all, he had a lot of knowledge. He was the first to understand Shen Qi’s proof idea: “So Shen Qi, you did not use Jiu Shao algorithm to prove, but introduced a new proof method to simplify the complexity. The proof process of “is refreshing for me. The finishing touch is that the transformation coefficients are equal to the power term.”

Shen Qi explained: “It’s not too new. This kind of proof already existed in France in the middle of the 17th century, and the Jiu Shao algorithm appeared in the Southern Song Dynasty in the 13th century. In fact, Qin Jiushao was involved in the study of number theory earlier than Fermat. It’s been 400 years. Perhaps Fermat has read Qin Jiushao’s “Nine Chapters of Mathematics.” From the perspective of mathematics, Fermat’s theory is more incisive, and of course he can look farther when standing on the shoulders of giants.”

“Oh, great, Shen Qi, you have taught Fermat’s number theory by yourself.” Meng Tianqiang looked at Shen Qi instantly, and he said to those high school sophomores, “Hey, you are all in sophomore year, are you really unfamiliar?”

“Once you are born and then cooked again!”

“I’m not familiar with it now.”

“Class 2 has talented people since ancient times, Shen Qi can do it, but they are late bloomers.”

“Shen Qi, after you joined our team, we are exactly twelve, and all the Golden Saints are in place!”

“Shen Qi, what constellation do you have?”

A few high school boys immediately got in touch with Shen Qi, like brothers who have been separated for many years.

“Brothers praised me. Let’s play together in the future.” Shen Qi’s secret observation has made preliminary conclusions. Among the group of people in the classroom, Meng Tianqiang has a higher level of mathematics. The other ten people are at most level 2 in mathematics. If you can give them Rating words.

“What is noisy!”

suddenly shouted, Cao Xinan returned to the classroom.

Everyone was quiet and did not speak.

Cao Xinan came to the small blackboard and just glanced briefly, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com has a judgment in mind.

There was no change in his expression. Cao Xinan looked at Shen Qi and asked, “How old is it to self-study?”

Shen Qi thought for a while and wanted to say: “The books I read are more complicated. If you insist on comparison, you should be self-taught until you reach the stage of sophomore and junior year.”


Cao Xin’an knocked on the blackboard: “Shen Qi, self-study college content is great? You remembered it to me. During the SCU matches, you are not allowed to use methods beyond the knowledge of high school textbooks. This is equivalent to cheating. What’s bad Habits, what Zhang Wanbang taught you?”

“No, no, I created it myself, I created it myself.” Shen Qi certainly can’t let Zhang Wanbang, the mentor of the industry, carry the system.

“I think you are right, give me a change!” Cao Xinan roared, and then left the classroom with his hands under his shoulders.

Shen Qi looked dazed, Cao Xinan did not comment on his proof, and left after a few curses, even more hungry than Zhang Wanbang. Are math teachers like this?

“Ms. Cao’s test, have I passed or failed? Should I go home or stay?” Shen Qi asked Meng Tianqiang.

Meng Tianqiang smiled and said: “Of course I stayed. Teacher Cao said that you must not use university knowledge to solve problems when you participate in the Mathematics League competition. Congratulations, Shen Qi, and I would like to represent the strongest mathematics team in Nangang No. I extend my warmest welcome to you! Come, come and applause!”


There was warm applause in the classroom, and all the team members formally accepted Shen Qi.

“Big brother, please have tea.” A high school boy with glasses handed Shen Qi tea and lemon tea.

“I bought this tea.” Shen Qi took the lemon tea.

“Is it too late to buy new tea, but the sense of ritual must come out. Brother Shen Qi, I have time to teach me Fermat’s number theory.” The high school boy looked humbly asking for advice.

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