I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 151

Chapter 147 work meal

For the first four papers by Shen Qitou, the expert review opinions are similar: “The author is right, you wrote very well, but the flaw is xxxx…Of course, the flaws are not concealed, I hope you can revise them.”

The reviewers of the first four papers have their own characteristics. Some people wrote several pages of review comments, while others wrote a sentence or two. But the meaning passed to Shen Qi is the same, two characters, minor repairs.

Regardless of whether the reviewer writes a few pages or a one-sentence review opinion, they will eventually tell the author of the paper two words, major repair or minor repair.

Some reviewers wrote several pages or even dozens of pages or dozens of pages of review suggestions. It is possible that the author will be told at the end that minor revisions will be fine. This situation is true. After reviewing the review comments of the reviewer, you can write a new paper. The author of the paper is lucky to meet this kind of reviewer.

Some reviewers only write one sentence, a pure text description, without any mathematical formulas or symbols, and what they may finally tell the author is: overhaul.

When encountering such a one-sentence + major revision reviewer, more than 90% of the paper authors will surrender. The society can’t afford it, disturbing the big guys, and retreat.

Shen Qi revised the first four papers, oh, one of them was co-signed by Ou Ye Xiaoxiu.

However, in the fifth paper, and the most complicated one, “Analysis of Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problems with Linear Inequality Constraints”, the reviewers’ opinions can be summarized in one sentence: “Overhaul!”

Based on the generalized Jacobian matrix of the semi-smooth equations formed by the generalized complementarity problem, it is Shen Qi’s core logic to find a linearized quadratic model with ellipsoid constraints.

Surrounding this core logic, Shen Qi completed a 15-page paper.

The reviewer holds a different point of view. He or she believes that f, g: x?r^n→r^n is continuously differentiable, x contains an n-dimensional inequality constraint set, and the use of approximation Newton method and generalized quasi-Newton method does not involve global convergence Sex.

Obviously, the reviewer’s point of view is contrary to Shen Qi’s logic.

As for who is right and who is wrong, Shen Qi thinks he is right.

Shen Qi doesn’t know who the reviewer is or which mathematics expert from which university or research institution is. Under the single-blind process, Shen Qi only knows the editor.

In fact, I have never met the editor and drank tea together. The understanding here only exists on the Internet and in the email.

The editor of “Mathematics Herald” is named Xu Weini, and Shen Qi knows such a name. Maybe it is a female editor.

Shen Qi certainly has ideas for the reviewers’ overhaul comments.

In order to write the thesis “Analysis of Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problems with Linear Inequality Constraints”, Shen Qi almost went crazy, and now you tell me, what I did was basically useless, overhauling? No, I’m not convinced by Shen Qi!


Then make sense.

Persuade people with reason.

Shen Qi created a latex document in his laptop, began typing, and wrote mathematical formulas, supplemented by text explanations.

What he has to do is clear, prove that his argument is logically correct, and point out the logical errors in the reviewer’s comments.


Here a(x) and b(x) satisfy the diagonal matrix of equation (7).

Consider the vector (a(x)-i)h(x). From its construction, we can see that its i-th component is non-zero equivalent to hi(x)≠0.

That is, one of the following situations is satisfied:

(1) fi(x)≠0 and gi(x)≠0

(2) fi(x)=0 and gi(x)<0

(3) fi(x)<0 and gi(x)=0

It can be shown that if ▽g(x)^-1▽f(x) is a p-matrix defined in linear algebra.

Then ▽g(x)^-1▽f(x)(a(x)-i)+(b(x)-i) is nonsingular.


Shen Qi's quiet codeword is stubbornly reasonable.

Ou Ye quietly read Shen Qi's codewords, and from time to time he also coded a few formulas on her computer. She was inspired. She and Shen Qi were studying the same paper and the same topic.

When he first wrote the thesis, Shen Qi had no opponents. As for the logic of his thesis, he could justify himself.

And now, Shen Qi has an opponent, and the opponent said he was wrong in logic and needs to be overhauled.

An academic paper, especially a mathematics paper, is not afraid of errors in details and partial calculation deviations, and is afraid of being accused of core logic errors.

The author's core logic is overturned, which is tantamount to being completely rejected. This paper was written in vain, and the overhaul is equivalent to writing a new paper.

Overhaul a woolen yarn, the New Year is coming soon, who is in the mood to overhaul it with you?

In order not to overhaul, Shen Qi needs to use sharper and more acute mathematical language to prove that his logic is not wrong, and to impress and conquer the reviewers.

This job lasted all morning.

Gu Gu, Shen Qi's stomach was muffled and hungry.

"Waiter, add water and provide some food." Shen Qi called the waiter.

The waiter's nose was sour, and tears were about to flow out. It was not easy. This man and woman came to our house to drink boiled water and became VIP members, and finally they were willing to order something to eat.

"Excuse me, what do I need to order?" The waiter handed the menu to Shen Qi and said: "Course b is a set meal for two couples, enjoy a discount on lunch, and it is very cost-effective. I recommend you to order this set."

Set meal b is a combination of steak + spaghetti + small bread + salad + coffee, Shen Qi said: "Then order this set meal, we only drink pure water, coffee is not needed, and the money is less."

"It's so much money without coffee." The waiter said politely.

Shen Qi: "Then I won't order the set meal. If you carry it, young people will never die of starvation."

"Fine, we don’t want coffee. I’ll count less money. I’ll explain to the store manager later. After all, you are VIP members of this store and enjoy privileges." Lose a package.

"Can the discount of the VIP card be weighted to the discount of package b?" Shen Qi asked again.

The waiter did not understand: "What weighting?"

Shen Qi explained: "The full-time discount value of the VIP card and the lunch discount value of package b will calculate a final value, which is the actual value we need to pay when we pay the order. I mean, the actual value when we pay the order. Should the amount be a weighted average? It is better to ask clearly so as not to cause disputes."

Shen Qike popularized a round of weighted average. The waiter didn’t understand it too thoroughly, but he probably understood. He said: “If you enjoy the package discount, you can no longer enjoy the VIP discount. The two have a higher discount. The one."

Shen Qi shook his head: "This is unscientific, so what use is it for me to apply for a VIP card? I can only enjoy discounts on pure water, the water card? The reason why I did not simply use the 40% multiplied by 20% algorithm, but consider the weighting algorithm. There is a scientific basis."

"It is really unfair for you to multiply 40% by 20%. A discount of 4.8% may make your store lose money, but considering the weighting coefficient, everything is reasonable. Don't fight with me. The National Bureau of Statistics also calculates this." Shen Qi said.

"I…I ask the shop manager, please wait a moment." The waiter with technical secondary school education retreated and couldn't afford it.

After a while, set b was delivered to Shen Qi and Ou Ye's booth without coffee.

"This is the weighted package Please use it slowly." The waiter maintained a polite attitude. Today he learned a knowledge point, the weighting algorithm.

"So your store manager knows mathematics?" Shen Qi asked the waiter.

"The manager graduated from university, so he has a culture." The waiter said, and then left to receive other guests.

"The spaghetti is yours, the other foods are mine, eat it, move the fork." Shen Qi put the spaghetti in front of Ou Ye, he first settled the steak, replenished his strength, and continued to fight.

Ou Ye has a small amount of rice, and one serving of spaghetti is enough.

The two of the Mathematics Department of Yan University had a working meal, discussing two sentences of mathematics from time to time, and their eyes never left the computer.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Qi finally finished writing the "Appeal Draft". He showed the draft to Ou Ye: "What do you think?"

Ou Ye studied for a long time and came to the conclusion: "Send."

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