I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 162

Chapter 157 Interview

“State-owned and national laws, teams have team rules.”

“Shen Qi, do you think the Yanda Track and Field Team will come when you want to come, or leave as soon as you want?” Teacher Wu said loudly.

“Sorry Teacher Wu, I apologize for my rude behavior yesterday.” Shen Qi also realized that it was wrong to run away without saying hello yesterday.

Honesty is the most basic quality of interpersonal interaction. Shen Qi said straightforwardly: “Teacher Wu, I will be inspired by mathematics as soon as I run, but inspiration is fleeting, so I need to record inspiration in the first place. A good brain is worse than a bad pen.”

“Although I am a physical education teacher, my mathematics is not bad, and I respect mathematicians very much.” Yan University students put their academics first, and Teacher Wu can understand.

Teacher Wu also knows that most of the members of this track and field team are between sports and their majors, and will ultimately unswervingly choose their majors and do not want to become professional athletes. Some students take track and field as their hobby, and it is their ability to play tickets to a professional level.

Talented students must not persecute them, but let the flow go. Teacher Wu and Shen Qi agreed to three chapters. First, it’s okay to find inspiration, but you have to say hello before you run away. Second, train well when you come. Third, Shen Qi is not required to come every day, at least three days a week, and the cumulative training time of one day is not less than 3 hours.

“Can it be done?” Teacher Wu asked.

“Long live understanding.”

Teacher Wu is very benevolent, Shen Qi has no reason not to choose to respect, he will not run today, stay in the team to train for long-distance running, and practice until 8 o’clock in the evening.

Sports experience value +1


Through the professional guidance of Teacher Wu, Shen Qi realized that the seemingly simple long-distance running is also skillful.

When running on the way, the cushioning needs to minimize the resistance and reduce the loss of horizontal speed.

Therefore, when the feet are on the ground, the thighs should be actively pressed down, and the ankles, knees, and hips should be flexed quickly to cushion.

The toes should always face the direction in which you are running to avoid internal and external deviation, which is very important in long-distance running.

Teacher Wu calculated the set of data and told Shen Qi that if an athlete with a foot offset of 20 degrees and a foot length of 28 cm when he touches the ground, he will lose 1.68 cm per step compared to the unbiased player. If the athlete’s average stride length is 1.8 meters, 10,000 meters will have to run an additional 93 meters, which is close to a quarter of a lap, which is terrifying.

Shen Qi understood and realized two truths in a second. First, people who are outside or inside are not suitable for long-distance running.

Second, whoever said that the physical education teacher is not good at math, I Shen Qi is anxious with him.

Data-based track and field, quantitative running, which suits Shen Qi’s appetite. Today’s mathematical inspiration has not been recorded, but Shen Qi has found an interesting gameplay.

Back in the bedroom in the evening, Shen Qi received a new email from Xu Weini, editor of Mathematics Herald.

“Editor Xu asked me to go to the editorial office of Mathematics Herald to discuss my paper. I was just about to talk to the editor. I got stuck on a paper three times. What happened? There are only three things. I need a reasonable explanation. .”

In the morning of the next day, Shen Qi came to the Mathematics Herald’s editorial office in the Mathematics Herald building as scheduled.

In a conference room, Shen Qi met the editor Xu Weini.

“Coffee or tea? The coffee in our editorial department is great.” Xu Weini asked.

“A glass of boiled water is fine, thank you.” Shen Qi said.

There was a drinking fountain in the conference room. Xu Weini took a disposable paper cup and took a glass of boiled water and handed it to Shen Qi: “I already know your basic information. A freshman student in the Mathematics Department of Yan University.”

“Yes, editor Xu, let’s get to the subject.” Shen Qi knows that most of the people who can work in this building of the academy have graduated from the Yanda Academy of Sciences. Editor Xu probably graduated from a few colleges, according to seniority, should I call her a senior sister? But editor Xu’s tone was more official, and he didn’t call me a junior, so let’s just do business.

Xu Weini opened the folder and took out a bunch of files on the desktop: “This is your paper by Shen Qi, “Analysis of Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problems with Linear Inequality Constraints”, and feedback from the reviewer and the author in the three editions. .”

When Shen Qi looked at the pile of documents, his head went big: “Editor Xu, who is this reviewer?”

“Hey, you are tempting me to violate the rules.” Xu Weini smiled without answering.

“Chinese?” Shen Qi asked.

“of course.”

“Southern or northerner?” Shen Qi asked again.

“Not sure.”

“Man or woman?”

“No comment.”

“Then I always have the right to know which university or research institution the reviewer comes from? Editor Xu, you need to find an elementary school math teacher to review my manuscript. I definitely can’t accept it.”

“Hey, Shen Qi, when you submitted your manuscript, I asked you to recommend several industry experts. We try our best to invite one or more reviewers from the list of experts recommended by you. This is the author’s right. But you did not use this right. So our journal arranges experts to be the reviewers of your paper. Now you ask me who the expert is, I really can’t answer you, please forgive me.” Xu Weini spoke without leak.

Li’er was the reason. Shen Qi didn’t worry about the identity of the reviewer. He said, “Editor Xu, just tell me, what should I do next?”

“I suggest you revise your manuscript based on the reviewer’s comments.” Xu Weini said, “Shen Qi, you don’t want a paper to be published for a long time, do you?”

Shen Qi handed a document to Xu Weini. This is his feedback draft: “Look, editor Xu, I wrote it very clearly. Under certain circumstances, this problem can be transformed into an equivalent semi-smooth equation system without constraints. Minimize the problem.”

Xu Weini: “Huh?”

“So you think I was wrong?” Shen Qi asked.

“Come on, drink water.” Xu Weini picked up Shen Qi’s paper cup and refilled him with boiled water.

“Thank you.” Shen Qi took the water cup and said: “In the review comments, the reviewer did not directly answer my question, but gave a new algorithm, let me carry out an overhaul according to this new algorithm. I am a bit dissatisfied with this. For example, I bought a Mercedes-Benz for you, but you told me, don’t don’t, I don’t want a Mercedes, Mercedes is faulty, problematic, and unsafe. I want a BMW. Pretty and safe.”

“Then please tell me clearly, what’s wrong with Mercedes-Benz? Is it a chassis problem or a body problem? Is the airbag quality poor or the brakes fail?”

“I asked three times in a row, just to learn the truth, improve it, make you happy, and give you safety. However, your answer three times is the same, no, no, I don’t want a Mercedes, I want a BMW, and you have to buy me a brand new one. BMW.”

“If it’s you, just ask if you are angry?” Shen Qi convinced people with morality, convinced people with reason, and reasoned with editor Xu.

In fact, Xu Weini didn’t understand the logic of Shen Qi’s paper very well. After all, her professional direction was not right, but she understood Shen Qi’s analogy: “There are really men who give me luxury cars, A-level ones, whether they are Mercedes-Benz or BMW, first Car, let’s drive away.”

“This…you are such an editor Xu?” Shen Qi was speechless.

“But writing a paper is not as simple as giving luxury cars to girls and making them happy.” Xu Weini looked at her phone and stood up and said, “Shen Qi, you have a rest. I have some work to deal with temporarily. Wait a moment. My colleague will come in and continue to discuss papers with you.”

“Oh.” Shen Qi was a little unhappy. You asked me to come here. Regarding the academic details in the paper, I didn’t talk a word about it, and I did not talk a word about the process, rules, and other relatively imaginary things.

Through some trials, Shen Qi, who was observant, could see that Editor Xu didn’t understand his paper very well, she was just a middleman, just coordinating. You can’t confront the reviewer, and the editor can’t give an explanation. What do you think?

After a while, a middle-aged man came in , neither tall nor short, nor fat nor thin, looking mature and stable, with the calm temperament of a successful man.

“Hello Shen Qi, I am Xu Weini’s colleague, responsible for the paper review.” The middle-aged man said.

“Hello, editor teacher.” Shen Qi doesn’t know who this person’s last name is, so he should also be an editor?

The middle-aged man didn’t grind, he said straightforwardly: “Shen Qi, I have read your paper. I only ask one question. The local convergence rate of your algorithm depends on the generalized Jacobian matrix of the potential function. How to get q- Superlinear local convergence rate?”

Shen Qi was shocked, with a slightly messy hairstyle.

Editor Xu has a mediocre academic level in the professional field, but this male editor is definitely a master!

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