I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 167

Chapter 162 In good condition

In the building of the academy, a conference room was set up as the venue of the defense meeting.

Three people sit on a long table, and they form the defense team.

A DV is set up at the defense meeting with a powerful sound-receiving device, and the entire defense meeting will be recorded and archived.

The defense of the dissertation is a very important and rigorous matter. The Yanda Academy of Sciences does not allow any violations of regulations and fraud. The diplomas of Yanda Academy of Sciences must be authentic.

Shen Qi strode into the defense meeting with his head high.

Momentum is very important.

Entering the room, closing the door, Shen Qi turned around and took a look. The three experts in front of him looked directly at him.

The old man in the middle has a kind face, and put a card on the table: Long Weihua.

Long Weihua is the dean of the mathematics department, the leader of the defense group, and the main defense teacher.

Director Long is the main defense teacher, and Shen Qi at least does not panic. He knows Director Long and has dealt with him several times.

The other two teachers have a surname of Ma and a surname of Xiong, both of whom are professors in the academy. Shen Qi has heard of their names but never met him.

The combination of the three teachers in the defense group, Longmaxiong, is very powerful.

The few teachers that Shen Qi is most familiar with, namely the teachers of advanced generation, mathematics, and solution, such as Professor Sun, Professor Lu, and Professor Qu, did not enter the defense group.

Shen Qi’s reply was submitted to the defense team last month. Long, Ma, and Xiong have 20 days to review the paper and set out an outline of the question.

The three defense teachers all have senior professional titles and are in line with the dissertation defense process.

“Shen Qi, let’s introduce yourself first.” Director Long presided over the defense meeting with a very regular opening.

“Okay.” Shen Qi wore a special suit today. He paid special attention to this defense meeting and entered the venue in the most solemn clothes of a man.

The respondent’s self-introduction is the first part of the defense meeting. Shen Qi stroked his suit. He was generous and calm, with a smile on his face, saying: “Dear respondent teachers, good morning! I’m Shen Qi, a freshman in the Department of Mathematics. Current student. In high school, he won the championship of IMO and ChO, got full marks in the college entrance examination, and published a mathematics paper in the “Mathematics Innovation News”.”

“Since I enrolled in Yan University, I have achieved certain results in academic studies. Of the eight courses that have been completed, seven of them have obtained full marks and one of 97 points. It has been published in the “Mathematics Herald”, “Mathematics Research News” and other national core journals A total of 6 mathematics papers have been published, including 4 Chinese core papers and one SCI.”

“At the same time, I took the initiative to serve as the monitor of the Mathematics Department. In my daily study and life, I can unite my classmates, respect teachers, and actively participate in various activities in the school.”

“Study is endless. Today, I dared to submit an application for defense of my undergraduate degree thesis, just to make every effort to make further progress and move forward on the road of mathematics. My introduction is complete, thank you.”

Shen Qi’s self-introduction is concise and powerful, self-confident and generous, and fluent in language organization. Within two minutes, he expressed his main characteristics and achievements, seeking truth from facts, and not bragging.

The three defense teachers nodded, and this link passed smoothly. Shen Qi’s language skills are strong and there is no problem.

Language experience value +1

The system flashes a message.

Making a qualified speech on important occasions can increase the value of Chinese experience.

“Okay, let’s go to the respondent’s statement. Shen Qi, please finish your statement within 15 minutes.” Director Long made a please gesture.

This is considered to enter the subject.

The self-introduction performance is good, maybe it will add some impression points.

Starting from the respondent’s statement, the respondent’s on-the-spot performance is directly linked to the academic score.

This link is very important. Shen Qi must express the background, core content, viewpoints, value outlook and other key elements of his thesis with an unhurried speaking speed and clear sentences within a limited time. Clearly.

It’s definitely not enough to read the paper once. Shen Qi’s final paper is 24 pages in total, which can’t be read in 15 minutes, and it’s more difficult to recite mathematical formulas than tongue twisters.

The key is to read according to the thesis, which is too lofty and uncompelling at all.

Real big cows give speeches without drafts and come casually.

Shen Qi brought a paper and placed it on the table. He looked at the three defending teachers and began to state: “The title of my paper is “Analysis of Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problems with Linear Inequality Constraints”. The instructor is the Academy of Sciences. Professor Sun Erxiong.”

“The background of the subject is based on the generalized Jacobian matrix of the semi-smooth equations formed by the generalized complementarity problem, to analyze the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem with linear inequality constraints.”

“Director Long, Teacher Ma, and Teacher Xiong, you are all authoritative experts in the industry, so I won’t be long-winded and just focus on the key points.”

“We all know that the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem is a classic problem, and Newton has been studying this problem since that time.”

“So today in the 21st century, is there any point in continuing to study this subject? What is the point?”

“My answer is, it makes sense.”

“After more than a semester of assiduous research and continuous exploration, I constructed the problem into a semi-smooth equation system and introduced the l2 norm of the equation system, so as to design and describe a new algorithm to solve the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem of inequality constraints.”

“So, my subject is very meaningful, I provide a new algorithm.”

“It is becoming more and more difficult to seek innovation in contemporary mathematics.”

“But we must innovate, otherwise mathematics will die one day.”

“New wine in old bottles is also an innovation.”

“Next, I will spend 10 to 11 minutes discussing my new wine. Yes, this is a good bottle, not expensive, but strong enough.”

“The first thing to discuss is the algorithm problem. Teachers can review the 5th page of the paper, the related properties of δf, the directional derivative properties and the redefinition of semi-smoothness.”

Shen Qi said in a loud voice that there was no pause within 15 minutes, and his own essays were thoroughly familiar.

Director Long, Teacher Ma, and Teacher Xiong each handed a copy of Shen Qi’s essay. They kept flipping through them, watching and listening, and unknowingly entered the rhythm of Shen Qi’s discussion.

This shows that Shen Qi speaks well, and his speech has a certain appeal, allowing the audience to quickly enter an academic state instead of a sleep state. The defense teacher is also an audience, a special audience.

In Shen Qi’s statement of the respondent, the most frequently occurring professional terms are semi-smooth equation, generalized nonlinear complementarity, local linearization approximation, quadratic model, etc.

In a discussion or speech, the central idea or core point of view is particularly important.

Skilled speakers will repeatedly instill a few core keywords, so that the audience can naturally get to the point.

Shen Qi closely followed the topic and the core keywords, UU reading www.uukanshu.com discussed in the respondent’s statement section of the flow, the logic is smooth.

The three respondent teachers kept nodding their heads, they made sense and nothing wrong.

“To sum up, my statement is over.”

Shen Qi pinched the time very accurately, no more, no less, just 15 minutes, he had practiced many times before.

“Very wonderful statement.” Director Long applauded.

“Thank you.” Shen Qi always smiled and started off well.

“Do you need to rest for a few minutes and drink some water, Shen Qi?” Director Long asked kindly, “Once you enter the question and answer session, you will be asked to answer immediately.”

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