I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 179

Chapter 173 Eating boyfriend is illegal

After the horror movie was over, Shen Qi’s suffering was finally over.

Ou Ye showed an unprecedented excitement, her face no longer showed morbid paleness, replaced by the healthy blush that a young woman of her age should have.

Shen Qi couldn’t help but shudder: “Ou Ye, is there a dark attribute hidden deep in your heart?”

Ou Ye got his ponytail: “No, I have a bright mind.”

Shen Qi asked: “If you make a boyfriend in the future, but unfortunately, he betrays you, will you kill him and eat it as you did in the movie?”

Ou Ye thought for a while and said, “Maybe.”

“Maybe? You really have this kind of idea, it’s a bright mentality?” Shen Qi sketched out the shape of the blackened version of Ou Ye in his mind, which is probably a dark female creature. She is eating her boyfriend while recording the data. , Finally shouted, for the Lich King!

“I can’t accept my boyfriend’s betrayal, no, if I have a boyfriend.” After the movie, Ou Ye said more.

“No matter what, it is illegal to eat your boyfriend. Let’s go Ou Ye, let’s eat some legal food, bright cuisine.” Shen Qi activated the holy power of light to influence Ou Ye and took Ou Ye to a vegetarian restaurant near BIT , Ate a light meal.

These days Touzhai dishes are more expensive than meat, but Shen Qi feels that the value of this meal is to transform Ou Ye not only to strengthen her language expression ability in various scenes, but also to guide her from a psychological level and care for her from a human perspective.

Shen Qi appreciates Ou Ye’s mathematics talent. Such an excellent young mathematics girl really wants to eat her boyfriend if she doesn’t agree with her.

Eating, watching movies, shopping, Shen Qi and Ou Ye’s weekends are no different from most college students.

The weather in May tended to be hot, and on the bustling street, Ou Ye had regained his pale complexion, and his life was no longer alive.

After nine o’clock in the evening, Shen Qi sent Ou Ye to the girls’ dormitory downstairs: “I want to change my thesis at night, and I won’t watch the midnight movie.”

“Oh.” Ou Yeh was not unhappy, because she was happily enough today: “What paper?”

“Professor Lu that subject.” Shen Qi said.

Ou Ye murmured: “I haven’t written a paper for a long time.”

“Then you write it.”


Ou Ye waved his hand: “Have a great time today, good night.”

It was pleasant at first, but now she looks a little unhappy again.

Shen Qi knew that Ou Ye wanted to write a thesis with him and co-signed it, but he had to be cruel: “You can’t always rely on me, O Ye, what if I go abroad next year? You must develop the habit of academic independence. The purpose of my training for you over the past month is exactly the same. I hope that one day you can become a female mathematician on your own.”

“I will.” Ou Ye bit his lip, very hard, biting his teeth.

“Hey.” Shen Qi couldn’t bear it anymore. “On Monday, I will go to the classroom to have class. Then we will discuss the invariant principle of finite-order meromorphic functions and the Diophantine equation. I hope you will do your homework in advance.”

“Okay, it’s a deal!” Ou Ye’s combat effectiveness was instantly MAX, and she waved goodbye again: “Good night Shen Qi, I am so happy today.”

“How happy are you?” Shen Qi asked with a smile.

“Super happy.” Ou Ye happily went up to the sixth floor, returned to the bedroom, stood by the window and watched Shen Qi leave with his hands until he disappeared.

Shen Qi used one night and one day time to modify and complete the English paper “Analysis of a Class of Boundedness of Strong Singular Integral Operators Along Homogeneous Curves” and sent it to the e-mail address of the Chinese Academy of Sciences “Acta Mathematica”.

Acta Mathematica Sinica is the most authoritative mathematics journal in China. The Chinese version of Series A is a bimonthly, published on the 15th of every single month and issued by the post office.

The English edition of “Acta Mathematica” Series B is a monthly publication, published on the 15th of each month by Springer-Publishing House, Germany, and is distributed to the whole world.

Shen Qi voted for the “Acta Mathematics” Series B. He needs SCI papers to brush his academic points and brush his academic research experience in the real society. The more the better.

On Monday, Shen Qi came to the classroom.

The first semester of the morning is Gaodai class, which is also the last semester of Gaodai.

“Shen Qi, why are you here?” During the break, Sun Erxiong asked Shen Qi to chat.

“Listen to Professor Sun’s teachings.” Shen Qi said.

“Come on, you, you are all starting to do postgraduate projects. My old grandson can’t teach you.”

“Professor Sun, don’t you also take graduate students?”

“They are all incompetent guys!” Sun Erxiong hates iron and steel, “I really want to recruit you to be my graduate student, but Shen Qi, you have great ambitions. I support you to go to the Princeton Department of Mathematics for further study. If you choose a graduate school, Yet?”

“Mathematics and Physics.” Shen Qi said.

“Mathematics and physics.” Sun Erxiong thought with eyebrows, “This branch is difficult, even Princeton has not many great mentors in this area, Edward Witten is one, and I can’t think of the others.”

Edward Witten, Princeton professor, Fields Medal winner, mathematician & physicist, one of the most powerful men in the field of contemporary mathematical physics.

“Then I can only report on Edward Witten’s master and PhD index?” Of course, Shen Qi knows that it is a very important thing to study a PhD tutor.

Sun Erxiong made a suggestion: “Why don’t you change the direction of Shen Qi, algebraic geometry is popular, there are a lot of famous masters mentioned by Princeton, and academician Wang of our academy is also focusing on the direction of algebraic geometry.”

“Brother Yunwei studies algebraic geometry, right?” Shen Qi asked Yunwei went to Princeton’s Department of Mathematics for master’s and doctoral studies and chose algebraic geometry. If Shen Qi you also choose the direction of algebraic geometry, I think Yunwei can give you some good suggestions, academically, and choosing a tutor, maybe it can save you a little detour. “Sun Erxiong said, “Do you need me to contact Yunwei for you?” ”

“Not for the time being, thank you Professor Sun for your concern.” Shen Qi said euphemistically, “Everyone has a different life path, and each has its own excitement.”

Sun Erxiong smiled and said: “You are not in a small tone, so you can figure it out. Since you are determined to develop in the direction of mathematics and physics, you can study in advance the works and papers of the big cows in this field around the world to find out the academic work of famous tutors. Characteristics and temperament, some mentors are selected. In case Edward Witten doesn’t want you, Princeton doesn’t want you, Shen Qi, you can still go to MIT, or you can go to Yale. If it doesn’t work, you will be a graduate student at Yan University, I will definitely want to. you.”

At this time the class bell rang, and Sun Erxiong stepped onto the podium.

Shen Qi returned to his seat. The fat old Sun said something reasonable. Why did the Philippine Prize winner recruit me as his graduate student or doctoral student? You must have some decent performance, and you need a certificate to vote for the King of Mountain.

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