I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 215

Chapter 209 Familiar with the environment and system

Shen Qi paced on the campus of the University. He walked very slowly, observing the trees, the passing pedestrians, and the flying birds.

Pu covers an area of ​​2.4 square kilometers, which is just a little larger than half the size of Yan.

Although the scale of enrollment has been expanded in recent years, the total number of undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students at UPU has not exceeded 8,000.

Regardless of the size or the number of students compared to other colleges and universities, PKU is regarded as a “pocket university”.

However, this pocket-sized university attracts the best students from all over the world rushing to come, it must have its uniqueness.

Ranked No. 1 in the United States is the golden sign of Universal University.

The ratio of professors to students is 1:5.9, which is rare in the United States and rare in the world.

With fewer students and more professors, students can receive a better education. Professors have the time and energy to tutor students one-on-one.

What’s more, among these professors, there are no shortage of Nobel Prizes, Philippine Prizes, and MacArthur Scholars Prize winners.

Walking downhill along Nassau Avenue, stands the Flint Library on the side of the road. This library has a collection of 8 million books and is the soul of Princeton.

The core of a university is her library. Shen Qi stands at the entrance of the Flint Library for 1 minute and pays attention to it. This is a respect for knowledge.

Moving on, Shen Qi saw the gothic round top tower and the ancient Greek cloister column style retro buildings. Their spires are tall and magnificent, the coupons are beautiful and exquisite, the columns are round and thick, and the corridors are full of constants. Ivy.

Princeton is a beautiful university. The entire campus complex shows an ancient and solemn cultural atmosphere and historical atmosphere.

There is no bustling Boston, where Harvard and mit are located, but it is a place where many students dream of studying.

Shen Qi arrived at the Graduate Residential College. He had booked an apartment before coming to Pudong University.

Clean, tidy, and bright. Shen Qi likes this apartment. His favorite furniture is an old bookcase with a sense of time, although the cabinet is empty.

Shen Qi will fill up the bookcase in three, five or more years. Of course, he hopes that he will return to China from school as soon as possible, and he cares about the motherland.

Shen Qi spent half a month working on jet lag and familiarized himself with the environment on the campus of PKU.

In this research university with deep academic background, everyone seems to be very knowledgeable and talkative.

For example, Jack, the administrator of the graduate residence college, is a white uncle.

“Hey, Shen, you are a rich man.” Jack said to Shen Qi.

“No, I’m not a rich man.” Shen Qi shook his head. He was already familiar with Jack. He would chat with Jack every day when he first arrived, and he would become more familiar with every detail of Puda.

“But you don’t have a girlfriend or family, but you live in an apartment.” Jack said.

There are five residential colleges for undergraduate students and one residential college for graduate students. Generally, there are two types of rooms, double-bed multi-person suites, or apartments.

The accommodation fee for an apartment is twice that of a suite. The tuition and accommodation fees that Shen Qi borne in the first year are not cheap, reaching 50,000 US dollars.

The scholarship given by Universal University and the U.S. government is exactly 50,000 US dollars. What Shen Qi wants is a quiet private space.

“I like to live in an apartment.” Shen Qi said, and asked: “Jack, today is September 1st, the autumn entrance day for graduate students, how can I enroll?”

“Who is your mentor?” Jack asked.

Shen Qi: “Professor Allen Muller, Department of Mathematics.”

“Then you go to Professor Alan Muller.” Jack said of course.

“There is no entrance ceremony?”

“not at all.”

“Well, thank you Jack, I know what to do.”

Shen Qi walked to the office building of the Department of Mathematics. There were no counselors in this university. When Shen Qi encountered a question he didn’t understand, he asked Jack, the administrator of the residential college, and Jack can often give reliable answers.

Luther Hall, here is the office building of the Department of Mathematics, a neo-Gothic building.

Before coming to Pudong University, Shen Qi was in awe of Luther Hall. A little old man who walked out of this building might be a famous mathematician.

In recent years, although the great cows in the Princeton Department of Mathematics have retired and returned to China, there are still double-digit Philippine Prize winners teaching and doing research here.

I came to Princeton for half a month. Shen Qi passed by Luther Hall more than once and saw the three Philippine Prize winners with his own eyes.

Although he has seen the Philippine Prize winner, Shen Qi has not seen his mentor, Professor Mueller.

Today, in an office in the Luther Hall, Shen Qi finally had the first formal meeting with his mentor.

“Hello Professor Muller, I am Shen Qi, I am glad to meet you.” Shen Qi has seen pictures of Muller on the Internet. The real person is similar to the picture, a thin old German man with white hair.

“Good morning, Shen, sign.” This was the first sentence Mueller said after seeing Shen Qi. He handed Shen Qi a piece of paper.

Sign as soon as they meet. What is the rule?

Shen Qi took the white paper and carefully reviewed it. This is the “Princeton Honor Regulations Guarantee”.

The Honor Regulations guarantee letter reads: “I promise that I will never plagiarize or violate other ethics in all written assignments, examinations, research topics, and academic papers during the school.”

Then there is the signature column.

The Princeton school motto in Latin is attached.

Since 1893, every new student enrolled at the University of Commonwealth has to sign a Princeton Honors Regulations Guarantee, as a written guarantee of their integrity.

Because of the “honor rules”, there are no invigilators for various exams at PKU, and it is entirely dependent on students’ self-discipline and self-consciousness.

Although there is no invigilator, almost no students cheat.

Once caught, the school will impose extremely severe penalties on students who cheat, plagiarize or violate other morals, up to the maximum being expelled.

Shen Qi signed the letter of guarantee and handed the letter of guarantee to Professor Mueller. This is the end of the freshman admission process.

“Edward will not recruit graduate students this year. The Graduate Department will arrange you to be my student. Would you like to, Shen?” Mueller asked.

Edward Mueller refers to Edward Witten, the most authoritative expert in mathematical physics in the world today, and the Fields Medal winner.

Edward Witten came from a physics background and accidentally won the Fields Medal. This is his personal profile.

Shen Qi’s one-way choice in the application documents is Witten, he wants to be a student of Witten.

Unfortunately, Mr. Witten did not recruit graduate students this year, so Shen Qi became a student of Mr. Mueller.

I have come all the way, so what can I do if I don’t want to?

“Dear Professor Muller Your name resounds in the mathematics world. I am very willing to be your student and spend a good few years with you.” Shen Qi said.

To integrate into a new environment, the first thing to do is to keep a low profile.

Shen Qi does not have a friend in the United States. He needs to observe secretly and act by chance.

When it is not a last resort, it is not easy to install b, because Shen Qi does not understand the specific operation of Puda’s installation system, and what is the difference between it and the domestic system?

It takes time to get familiar, to experience, and to feel attentively.

“Then which direction do you choose for your depth?” Mueller went straight to the subject.

The Graduate School of Mathematics Department of General University has 18 research directions. In this year, no mathematician can be proficient in all 18 research directions, and it is considered to be a talented person who is proficient in more than two.

After discussing with the tutor, the newly enrolled graduate student chooses one of the 18 directions as his depth.

depth can be understood as the main attack direction, in this main attack research direction, you must be thorough, otherwise you will not be able to graduate.

“I choose mathematics and physics as the main direction.” Shen Qi has decided on his own depth, of course, this must also be combined with the professional research direction of the tutor.

If the instructor is not proficient in mathematics and physics, if you choose the depth, choose it for nothing.

Professor Muller has profound research capabilities in mathematical physics, number theory, algebraic geometry, group theory and other fields, and has made outstanding research results… This is written on the official website of the Department of Mathematics of General University. Shen Qilai has done homework before. So this old German man is still a generalist in mathematics, but his biggest award is the “German Science Progress Award”, which is only a domestic award commended in Germany. …

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