I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 229

Chapter 223 I can’t stand it

The project of “Orbifold Fundamental Group Characterization of Symplectic Orbifold Group Feature Problem” was approved by Professor Mueller and will be in charge of Shen Qi.

Shen Qi has entered the stage of full force, and he has several projects on hand.

“The Proof of the Walsh Conjecture of Diophantine Equation” is basically done, and it should be published soon.

The “Riemann zeta function ζ (2n+1) problem” was voted for Ann-Math, which has the highest IF value and the most prestigious among mathematics journals, which is currently in the peer review stage.

The project “Orbifold Basic Groups Depicting Symptom Orbifold Group Embryos” project has just started, and Shen Qi is conceiving a detailed exposition logic.

Riemann guessed that this is a long-term project.

Although it is uncertain at present, Shen Qi made an oath that he must fully prove Riemann’s conjecture in his lifetime.

Number theory, algebraic geometry, group theory, Shen Qi takes everything, but his choice of Depth Mathematical Physics has not yet started.

It’s not that there is no inspiration, but the inspiration in the field of mathematics and physics is terrible, just look at Professor Witten. Shen Qi didn’t dare to easily apply for topics in mathematics and physics, because of limited energy and insufficient level.

Shen Qi has become the busiest person in the team, and there are not many people who can help him, or not even one.

Professor Muller will not discuss too specific details with Shen Qi, and it is even more impossible to write a part of the thesis for Shen Qi.

Mary, she can cooperate with Shen Qi on an equal footing, but she cannot be Shen Qi’s subordinate. She is no less possessive of a work than Shen Qi.

Jonas, can this buddy count on him?

It is said that Princeton is full of talents. Where is the talent?

Talented people can’t be surrendered.

Source mapping s: G1→G0 is the submerged mapping

Target mapping t: G1→G0 is the submerged mapping

Inverse mapping i: G1→G1, g→g^-1

Let y=(G0, G1) be the Lie groupoid, if (s, t): G1×G0 is the intrinsic mapping, and s and t are all local diffeomorphisms, then…

…… It won’t come out!

“It’s useless to be too busy, it’s so annoying!”

Shen Qi irritably tore up a pile of draft paper, and wrote something about it, **** doesn’t make sense!


Shen Qi threw the scraps of draft paper into the air and looked at the shredded paper scattered all over the apartment. At this moment, he missed Ou Ye very much: “If Ou Ye was there, she could help me more or less…”

“But algebraic geometry is not the field that Ouye is good at. Among the people I know, Zhou Yuan is slightly involved in algebraic geometry.”

Shen Qi, who is alone in a foreign land, is deeply aware that the foreign aid team is unreliable, and the most reliable is the all-China class.

In a set of all-China class lineup, talents in all positions of the backcourt, midfielder, and forward must be complete in order to be able to work hard.

“I’m alone, it takes three months to find information!” Shen Qi stared at the scraps of scrap paper all over the floor in a daze, and muttered: “If Ou Ye is by my side, she at least has the ability to find information for me… …”

This kind of brain supplement is simple to say. It really hurts your brain every day, because it may cause mental illness if you are not careful.

“Can’t take it, I can’t take it anymore, I need to release it.”

Shen Qi felt uncomfortable. Alcohol and running are now useless. He needs a new way to relieve pressure.

“I want to go home, I want to see my parents, I want to see my girlfriend, let me go back! I don’t pretend to be B anymore, from now on I will be honest, and I will never pretend to be B anymore!”

Shen Qi grabbed a few changing clothes and stuffed them into the travel bag from the closet, rushed downstairs, and ran madly towards the school gate.

“Our soldier!”

“What’s the difference!”

“Since leaving home!”

“It’s hard to see my parents!”

Shen Qi ran wildly, roaring as he ran, who knows how sad and sad.

Everything goes well for a person abroad. Once faced with adversity, people are especially likely to miss their family and their fathers and villagers.

Princeton students saw a young man with an eastern face running and roaring, and they all sighed. They had seen someone who went mad, and had never seen such a madness.

Shen Qi ran to the gate of Pu, only one meter away, he would step out of the school gate and escape the mathematics sacred place he had dreamed of.

But he stopped, one meter away from the school gate.

“Ha ha, ha ha ha ha…” Shen Qi burst into laughter, then turned and walked towards the depths of the campus. After all, he still did not escape from Princeton.

It has been more than three months from August 15 to today, and Shen Qi has not taken a step at school.

Since he chose to come to Princeton and didn’t make any achievements, what face would he face to face Jiang Dong’s father?

“Achievements, what grades do I have now, shit! I haven’t won a prize, why did I go back to China? I was beaten in the face?”

“I, Shen Qi, are a decent person.”

“Forced, I have to continue to pretend.”

“Even if the brain is burned out, there is nothing to fear.”

Shen Qi went back to the apartment and pasted up the scrap paper he tore in angrily to restore it to its original state. This took him three whole days.

No one knows that Shen Qi is now in a dangerous mental state.

He tried his best to suppress the desire in his heart, he wanted to achieve results too much, and produced an earth-shattering result.

Finally, on the day before Thanksgiving, a gift made Shen Qi a little relieved, and his restless heart calmed down.

The sample issue of the Journal of the American Mathematical Society was delivered to Shen Qi. This is the last issue of the Journal of the American Mathematical Society this year.

The paper “The Proof of the Walsh Conjecture of Diophantine Equation” co-signed by Shen Qi and Ou Ye is published in this issue of “Journal of the American Mathematical Society”.

“You are so beautiful, so beautiful…” Shen Qi touched the “Journal of the American Mathematical Society” emotionally, saying the same sentence repeatedly, so beautiful, you so beautiful…

System: “New achievement! The host publishes a paper in the four major international mathematics journals. The basic reward is 50,000 points, multiplied by the IF value of 3.612, and then multiplied by the mathematics master talent coefficient of 2.0, and the final reward is 361200 points. Master points. The balance of 468,749 Xueba points, please confirm with the host.”

“You are so beautiful!” Shen Qi jumped up like he was hit by lightning.

Sober, he was completely awake.

The IF of the Journal of the American Mathematical Society this year is 3.612, second only to the Annals of Mathematics and Acta Mathematica.

IF×2.0×50,000, this is so beautiful!

The reward value of a paper in the four major international mathematics journals has reached more than 300,000 Xueba points!

If you publish another paper in the four major journals, you will be upgraded to level 10 in mathematics, which is close to the master level!

At present, it seems that Shen Qi can only fight alone. The stronger his personal strength, the more secure he feels.

China, the capital, Yanda University.

Sun Erxiong has a copy of the latest “Journal of the American Mathematical Society”. He is very excited. He has never published a paper in the four major international mathematics journals, but his two students did.

This shows that the teacher taught well!

“Shen Qi Ou Ye, these young couples have proved Walsh’s conjecture!” Sun Erxiong was very addicted. I made an evaluation during the Jinqiu Camp of Yanda University a few years ago. Shen Qi’s comprehensive potential ranking First, Ou Ye is ranked in the top five, but Ou Ye can be ranked first in the field of number theory.

There is always a Maxima, but Bole does not often have it. My grandson’s wise eyes are absolutely magnificent.

Sun Erxiong repeatedly studied Shen Qi and Ou Ye’s proof of Walsh’s conjecture. It was wonderful, wonderful, and the proof was too perfect.

At this time, Professor Lu Guozhen sneaked into Sun Erxiong’s office sneakily, and wanted to order good tea and smoke.

“Lu Guozhen, robber, country thief!” Sun Erxiong found Lu Guozhen and shouted angrily.

“It’s too much, old Sun, a Zhongnanhai is only 100 yuan.” Lu Guozhen laughed, and prepared to leave with his hands.

“Wait!” Sun Erxiong shouted to Lu Guozhen and handed the Journal of the American Mathematical Society to Lao Lu: “Shen Qi and Ou Ye jointly proved the Walsh conjecture, which was published in the latest issue of JAMS, including them. During my sophomore year, I completed the key subject papers with me. I suggest that we jointly recommend Shen Qi and Ou Ye to compete for the Chen Shengshen Mathematics Award. We are both full professors and qualified for recommendation.”

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