I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Complete the answer sheet

Shen Qi knows that the people who issue the test papers for the National Federation of Jurisprudence are all well-known mathematics experts in China, and the people who issue the IMO international test papers are internationally renowned mathematics experts.

Last year’s national competition papers were jointly issued by the deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua Mathematics Professors, and Fudan Mathematics Professors. Last year, the IMO finals exam papers were jointly issued by Princeton Mathematics Professors, Cambridge Trinity College Mathematics Professors, and Tokyo University Mathematics Professors.

The person who made the test papers for this provincial semi-final must be a well-established expert in mathematics in the province.

The deputy chairman of the Provincial Mathematical Society is a little over 1.6 meters tall, with a few strands of sparse dry hair hanging on his forehead, and thin lips. As soon as he opens his mouth, he reveals a mouth of smoked yellow teeth. He is obviously an old smoker.

said he was the uncle of the bargaining market, Shen Qixin. Shen Qi felt sad that he was a mathematics expert in the province. Is it possible that people who engage in mathematics will become like this in the later stages of their careers, the higher the academic level, the lower the image?

“This expert, since you made the paper, look at it.” Shen Qi compromised, you love to see it, this is your site, what can I do?

The vice chairman smiled without talking, took two steps back and kept a safe distance.

Shen Qi stabilized his emotions and continued to do the last geometry problem.

This question is difficult and very interesting.

The question surface requires the respondent to draw a schematic diagram of the planetary motion of the solar system. The graphics used can only contain ellipses, straight lines and points.

At first glance, this is a physics problem or an astronomy problem.

But if you don’t understand mathematics, it’s difficult for the respondent to draw a correct diagram.

If you only understand mathematics, you have no knowledge of the most basic physics or astronomy, and you cannot give a correct diagram.

“It’s interesting, quite interesting.” After Shen Qi drew the first ellipse, he thought about the next step.

To give the correct answer, you need at least three basic knowledge of physics or astronomy: there are eight planets in the solar system, they all revolve around the sun while rotating, and Kepler’s first law.

It’s common knowledge that there are eight planets in the solar system. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union defined Pluto as an asteroid and removed its name from the nine planets in the solar system, so the solar system has eight planets.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, earth, Neptune, and Uranus all revolve around the sun. This is of course common sense, and elementary school students know it.

The explanation of Kepler’s first law is: “The orbit of each planet is not the result of a combination of moving circles but an ellipse, and the sun is at one of its focal points.” This law is recorded in high school physics textbooks.

In fact, many high school students have a large amount of knowledge and information stored in various disciplines. This information is scattered in their brains and stored in fragmented ways. If they can’t connect them in a logical and effective way, they will find it distressingly. I have read a lot of books, but I still can’t do problems. I can’t write about that kind of comprehensive problems.

This reflects the importance of mathematics. Mathematics is a universal and powerful tool. It serves various natural sciences. It provides a concise and effective mathematical description and a series of focused thinking logic.

Even Newton could not perfectly explain astronomy, mechanics and optical phenomena in pure physical language, so he invented integral, he used mathematical language to explain physical phenomena and celestial motion. The same is true for Einstein, and Kepler.

The textual description of Kepler’s first law is only one sentence. Kepler derives this sentence using a lot of mathematical theories. He is an all-round scholar with extremely high attainments in astronomy, mathematics, and optics.

In addition to mathematics, Shen Qi’s other subject indicators are level 1, including physics.

The physical indicators of level 1 are just enough. What Shen Qi has to do is to use geometric drawing to explain Kepler’s first law. He takes point S to represent the sun, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H eight points respectively represent the eight planets in the solar system.

The use of geometrical drawing to explain the motion of the planets in the solar system also involves some algebraic calculations, such as taking the earth’s revolution period and its semi-principle to the sun as the unit of time and distance. This actually constitutes a system of equations. Kepler used complicated algebraic methods to solve this system of equations, which took him seven years. On the day of Kepler’s death, Newton and Leibniz had not yet been born, so Kepler did not know the open-ended existence of points.

On the day Newton and Leibniz died, Shen Qi had not yet been born, so Shen Qi knew how to use points technically.

Through the combination of geometrical drawing method and integral calculation, Shen Qi has obtained the law of motion of the planets in the solar system and described it in his mathematical way.

Of course, two-dimensional drawing is simply quantitative and qualitative. What the two-dimensional element can explain is a schematic diagram. A higher-dimensional precise explanation cannot be done with Shen Qi’s current level of mathematics.

Seeing that Shen Qi was about to solve the last question, the vice chairman was in a mixed mood: “This young man named Shen Qi in Nangang No. 2 Middle School is a talent! I remember eight years ago, a math prodigy appeared in their second middle school. The second middle school that had been silent for many years finally broke out.”

It took a total of 2 hours and 35 minutes. Shen Qi completed the answers to all three questions in the rematch examination paper. After checking it, he handed in the paper and left the examination room.

Five minutes later, the vice president announced: “The 3-hour answering time is up. Please submit your papers.”


“too difficult!”

“I did a 5-point quiz in 3 hours, and the rest of the time was in a daze!”


The remaining 11 players complained about the difficulty of the rematch test paper, and no one was sure to get full marks.

12 contestants, including Shen Qi, stayed in the headquarters building of the Provincial Mathematical Society for lunch.

At the same time, the scoring work is in full swing.

Including the vice president, 12 judges reviewed 12 semi-final exam papers at the same time, and one person approved one.

The scoring progress is very fast, and the preliminary results will be obtained after 10 minutes.

“He Tao, Zhudao No. 1 High School, 5 points.”

“Luo Ming Nangang Foreign Language School, 35 points.”

“Qian Shengyi, Qingjiao Experimental Middle School, 20 points.”

“Tang Zhengwei, Zhanyang Middle School, 20 points.”


“Shen Qi, Nangang No. 2 Middle School, 60 points.” The vice chairman personally reviewed Shen Qi’s rematch test papers.

“Shen Qi, is it him again?”

“He actually got full marks again?”

“This classmate Shen Qi is really so amazing?”

“The difficulty of the semi-final examination paper is several times that of the first try.”

The rest of the judges expressed their surprise. Among the 12 contestants, only Shen Qi got a perfect score of 60, and the second place was 35 points. A total of 3 people got 35 points, tied for second place.

The vice chairman nodded and said: “The result of the preliminary review is indeed the case. Only Shen Qi got full marks and led the second place by as much as 25 points. The review will begin below, and the judges will exchange their examination papers.”

“Give me Shen Qi’s test paper, and I will review him.”

“Give me, Shen Qi’s papers for me!”

“Old Qin, I remember that Shen Qi’s first test paper was approved by you. It should be someone else’s turn for the rematch test paper, right?”

“Old song, this pack of cigarettes is for you, and the world, the store sells more than one hundred packs. Shen Qi’s rematch test papers will be reviewed by me.”

“It’s great with the world? Lao Qin, you think I am very poor and can’t afford good cigarettes, right?”

“Laoqu, why do you always love me? I think you should change your name to Laozhu.”

“What’s wrong with you, slam you to death!”

The judges quarreled for Shen Qi’s right to review the retest papers.

The vice chairman was furious: “What quality, what quality! You are all high-level intellectuals, what is the noise! ​​Aping, take Shen Qi’s paper and copy 11 copies, one for each judge, and review them at the same time. “

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