I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 233

Chapter 226 Expand reputation

Shen Qi stayed in the United States for 106 days. In terms of his environment, the United States is a democratic, tolerant, harmonious, and safe country.

I have never encountered a shooting, and I have never even heard the sound of a gun.

The people of the world are united, and non-white people have equal status with white people.

There is no drug here, people love running, exercise and various fitness sports.

There is no need to worry about unemployment, everyone has a busy and fulfilling life.

Free speech here, you are respected because you have extraordinary wisdom and good cultivation.

United States of America, -Dream, you prosper by the power of God.

Until the 106th day, Shen Qi thought so, because in these 106 days, he had never taken a step out of the Princeton school.

However, on the 107th day, Shen Qi changed his mind. He was robbed and was in New York.

This gun robbery happened at night. The white young man holding Glock was as thin as a zombie, and he couldn’t help sucking his nose.

“I need some money, I don’t want to kill.” The white young man only said such a sentence, his eyes fierce, and he ignored his life.

Then Shen Qi gave him all the three hundred dollars in cash in his wallet.

Shen Qi admitted that he did not engage in any resistance. According to his observation, once a resisting action or a seemingly resisting action was made, the robber would shoot without hesitation.

“New York, the most prosperous city in the United States, is heaven during the day and **** at night.” Shen Qi poured champagne into the restaurant in the hotel, shocked.

“I told you long ago, don’t leave the hotel at night.” Mary complained, “I brought you alive to New York. If I bring a corpse back to Princeton, Professor Mueller will kill me.”

New York is not far from Princeton. Shen Qi and Mary arrived in New York this evening. They will attend a mathematics seminar tomorrow morning at Columbia University.

After checking into the hotel, Shen Qi went downstairs to get some cash, and then was robbed, outside the Wells Fargo Bank next to the hotel.

In fact, this was the second time Shen Qi came to New York. The first time was on August 15th. After flying to New York from China, he went directly to Princeton without stopping.

Shen Qi finally stepped out of the Princeton school gate. This was the first time he had left the University. The accompanying person was Mary.

I wanted to meet the great rivers and mountains of the United States. I saw a woolen thread and was robbed when I went out!

Shen Qi died of depression. The United States probably has a little better public security in a small city like Princeton. The big cities outside are too messy, and society, society, American society can’t afford it.

“Hey, stop drinking, hey!” Mary prevented Shen Qi from continuing to drink, and she grabbed Shen Qi’s glass: “You can drink whatever you want after the meeting tomorrow, but tonight is enough.”

“It’s just thirsty.” Shen Qi said with his hands out, and then got up: “Thank you for your concern, all in all. See you tomorrow.”

The next morning, Columbia University.

Shen Qi and his colleague Mary arrived at the meeting site of the “Ivy Number Theory Seminar” on time.

The conference gathered number theory experts and scholars from eight well-known universities in the northeastern United States. Participants discussed Riemann’s conjecture, Goldbach’s conjecture, Birch-Swinnerton-Dale conjecture, Walsh conjecture and other number theory issues. Extensive exchanges and in-depth discussions.

The academic atmosphere of the conference was very strong, and the participants expressed their opinions.

Professor Morris from Penn University spit on Professor Jeffers of Cornell, and then left angrily.

It is alleged that Professor Jeffers stole Professor Morris’s undisclosed manuscript and shamelessly took the results for his own.

Shen Qi was taken aback. I didn’t know if I didn’t come. When I was surprised, plagiarism also existed in American academic circles?

After that, Shen Qi gave a speech and the meeting was able to resume normal order.

The Riemann conjecture, the Goldbach conjecture, and the Birch-Swinnerton-Dale conjecture are still in the conjecture stage, and there is no conclusion.

Only the Walsh conjecture was proved by Shen Qi. He spoke on behalf of the Princeton Department of Mathematics and was recognized and praised by most of the participants.

“If V3 is a square number, then for any k is greater than 1, V2k+1 is not a square number, and the equation (t+1)X^4-ty^2=1 has at most two groups such that X and Y are both positive Integer solutions…”

Shen Qi wore a black suit and a red tie. He held a PPT flip pen and talked in a charming manner, answering a few questions from the delegates from time to time.

Shen Qi’s speech was wonderful, with clear logic and rigorous statements, but not boring.

Mary listened attentively. She seemed to have forgotten the unpleasant annoyances at home. Only broad and profound mathematics could make her temporarily calm.

He is improving so fast, is he really a genius? Mary couldn’t help but stared at Shen Qi. In front of mathematics, the young graduate student of the Department of Mathematics of General University of China showed a level of maturity and stability far surpassing her peers, just like a senior professor who has been in the industry for many years.

Mary didn’t have any grudges against Shen Qi, because Shen Qi’s level had surpassed her, and she continued to accelerate.

Shen Qi has become more confident since passing the test of the Mathematics Club of General University. He is an unarmed Chinese student on the streets of New York, but he has powerful self-made weapons in the field of mathematics.

“Thanks to Mr. Shen of Princeton for his speech. The coffee break is up. Please Mr. Shen to continue his speech after fifteen minutes.” The host said.

During the coffee break, Shen Qi finally met with his former idol Gong Changwei Gong Changwei is a mathematics professor and number theory expert at Columbia University. He was late for a few minutes and failed to meet Shen Qi before the meeting.

“Great God, I finally saw you a real person!” Shen Qi hugged Gong Changwei as if he was familiar with it. This was the first time he spoke Chinese in American society.

“Don’t do it, you are the god.” Gong Changwei smiled, “I have heard of you, Master Yan, Shen Qi. I am now your fan. Walsh guessed that I had studied for several years and gave up halfway. I want to be proved by you in the end.”

“We will get together another day, with Yunshen.”

“Yale is very close to New York. From now on, the three of us will keep in touch with each other, hoping to have opportunities for cooperation in the future. They should take care of each other when they learn from Yan Datong.” Gong Changwei handed Shen Qi a business card and said: “I’ll call if something happens The United States has been in the United States for many years. After all, I am more familiar with the situation than you. If you have any doubts in academic or life, you can ask me.”

“Okay, keep in touch.” Shen Qi exchanged business cards with Gong Changwei, and the seniors from the Mathematics Department of Yan University successfully met in the largest city in America.

I am very happy. I finally met a Chinese fellow in the United States. This is considered to be in contact with the organization. Shen Qi was full of energy, ready to enter the conference hall to start his second half speech.

Shen Qi attaches great importance to this “Ivy Number Theory Seminar”.

Although there are only dozens of participants from eight universities, it is not a grand seminar in the whole field of mathematics, but Shen Qi is happy to participate in this kind of academic special seminar and expand his academic reputation outside Princeton. Expanded to the New York area and surrounding Ivy League schools.

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