I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 238

Chapter 231 Chern Mathematics Award Presentation


Shen Qiruo cleared his cough twice.

Academia also pays attention to respecting elders. After Huang Weifeng, the elder, had published his academic views, it was Shen Qi’s turn.

“Shen Qi, as the youngest winner in history, known as a mathematics genius, how do you evaluate yourself?” The reporters’ attention shifted to Shen Qi.

“Once, I was just an ordinary person.” Shen Qi said modestly, “Now, I am equally ordinary, but an ordinary person who likes mathematics.”

Kakaka, ordinary people, reporters take pictures like crazy.

Professor Huang drew a Ph.D. in MIT mathematics, an elite talent recruited by the state, and a full professor at the Fudan Department of Mathematics. His style is that people do not pretend to be forced.

Shen Qi, an ordinary person, won the Chern Mathematical Prize at the age of 21. His style is to pretend to be B invisible.

I’m not afraid to pretend to fly to the sky, I’m afraid you don’t like acting.

Reporters are willing to interview people who pretend to be B-ass. They have hot spots and gimmicks, which are conducive to the later news dissemination and traffic operation.

“But Shen Qi, the outside world generally thinks that you are not ordinary. You won the highest honor in Chinese mathematics at the age of 21. You published the amount of papers that other scholars could only complete in ten years in two years. Some media commented that your life was broken. , What do you think of this?” the reporter asked again.

Shen Qi shook his head: “No comment.”

The reporter continued to ask: “Opening up is just a metaphor. Let’s put it another way. Walsh guesses that since it was put forward, it has not been conquered for 37 years, and you have accomplished this remarkable achievement. Shen Qi, how did you do it?”

“Wash’s conjecture is one of the Diophantine equation series of conjectures. This involves the confidential procedures of national and international research institutions, and I cannot disclose it.” Shen Qi said seriously, turning to a slightly soothing tone. : “I can only say that once the series of conjectures are completely cracked, the rules of the game in the entire mathematics world will be re-enacted.”

Shen Qi’s entire mathematics circle, including Professor Huang’s options circle and applied mathematics circle, is very high-end and worth looking forward to.

Shen Qi has become a new academic star in the eyes of reporters, and the interview atmosphere has reached Chao Chao.

Since Baijia forums and similar popular science programs became popular, “academic stars” have become a new concept.

Contemporary academic stars must not only have a solid academic foundation, but also have to be good at expressing.

The award ceremony is about to begin, and the pre-conference media briefing will end here.

In the winners’ lounge, Huang Weifeng stared at Shen Qi for a long time, and finally said: “Young man, you can really blow.”

“Professor Huang, each other.” Shen Qi replied, and he looked humbly for advice: “Even if the BS model project is successfully completed by Professor Huang, it will not change the rules of the options industry, right? All the research that can be done is done by Black and Scholes is done, it is difficult to award another Nobel Prize in Economics in this field.”

“Young man, telling the truth.” Huang Weifeng was not upset, but smiled: “With these reporters, do I dare to talk about my real research topic? But the study of the BS model still has its meaning, Shen Qi, your distress Conjecture of the series of graph equations, in fact, there is only one BSD left.”

“Professor Huang is also interested in basic theories?” Shen Qi asked.

“If there is no theory, how can there be application? The height of the theory determines the level of application. I choose application because my family is poor. I can’t help it. I have to support my family. People who are poor are short-sighted.” Huang Weifeng sighed.

It turned out to be Professor Huang Xiaoqiang.

Shen Qi suddenly developed a feeling of favor with Huang Weifeng. This acting, this temperament, is like a fellow.

Huang Weifeng added: “Although I am involved in the application field, I actually like to do theoretical research and do research in my spare time. Although BSD is difficult, even if it is cracked, what should the mathematics world do? Seven millennial puzzles In my opinion, there are only two topics that can really change the mathematics world and the entire scientific world, the N versus NP problem and the NS equation.”

“I don’t plan to contact BSD in the near future. To these reporters, do I dare to talk about my real research topic? It’s just a show.” Shen Qi said.

“Hahaha!” Professor Huang laughed up to the sky and handed Shen Qi a business card: “You are studying basic mathematics. I am good at applied fields. We can seek cooperation if we have the opportunity. Although I know the possibility of academic cooperation between the two of us. It’s not very sexual. After all, our professional fields have almost no intersection, but you can ask me for a drink.”

The two winners who are alone in a small room come and go, chatting more and more happily without getting acquainted with each other.

Shen Qi and Huang Weifeng spoke freely on topics that were inconvenient to talk to reporters.

Huang Weifeng talked about some of his views on Li Chai and Ge Chai, and there was some truth in it, which inspired Shen Qi.

Shen Qi talked about his views on obeying the differential equations of risk-free investment, which is not a golden rule, but it also made Huang Weifeng exclaimed after a moment of contemplation.

“Stones from other hills, can learn.”

Shen Qi and Huang Weifeng spoke in unison, unconsciously giving birth to the feeling of being heroes and cherishing heroes. The Yan University School and Fudan School progressed in harmony in the collision of ideas, and the theory and application of mutual respect are only for proof.

Father, like son.

Sometimes the opinions of non-professionals inspire professionals.

“It’s too late to meet.”

Shen Qi and Huang Weifeng chatted for a while and went to the venue side by side.

The auditorium is full of people, and mathematics experts from the three sides of the strait gather here.

The president of the Chinese Mathematical Society first summarized the development trend of Chinese mathematics in the past two years and the great achievements it has made.

Then began the awards.

Each of the two winners will receive a certificate of honor and a bonus of RMB 100,000.

“The first winner is Professor Huang Weifeng from the Department of Mathematics of Fudan University! He has made outstanding contributions in the field of applied mathematics, and is specially awarded the Chern Mathematics Prize. Professor Huang Weifeng will be invited to the stage.”

Huang Weifeng stood up on stage to receive the certificate. In his acceptance speech, he said: “Actually, people who study mathematics have worked very hard. My mortgage has not yet been repaid…”

Professor Huang’s words resonated with many mathematicians in the audience.

Only Shen Qi knew that Professor Huang had several houses in the Mo, with assets of tens of millions. This was revealed by Professor Huang inadvertently in the private chat just now.

Professor Huang quoted actual cases of capital market and real estate operation, and vividly explained Mankiw’s economic principles to Shen Qi in a few words.

Prof. Huang is short of people with poor ambitions, capital market traders, Jingan Huangpu and Changning, do not have to worry about rolling development.

“…But I think mathematics is our greatest asset, and I will continue to work hard to find breakthroughs, thank you!”

After Huang Weifeng delivered his acceptance speech, he bowed and thanked him, and the audience roared with applause.

“Thank you, thank you Professor Huang Weifeng for his acceptance speech. Now I invite the youngest winner of the Chern Mathematics Prize to come to the stage. He is Shen Qi!”

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