I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 You are a Team

In the teaching building, there are more and more students coming and going upstairs and downstairs, and classes are about to begin.

“Who is this, so tugging, Tsinghua is okay, but Peking University is fine? Do you think Qingbei is yours?”

“Isn’t this who?”

“So who?”

“Shen Qi, the provincial mathematics champion!”

“The person on the banner of the administration building?”

“That’s right, it’s him, sophomore (2) class.”


A few passing girls talked a lot, looking back at Shen Qi as they walked.

“How are you girls, do you want to make an appointment?” Shen Qi waved to the girls.

giggled, the girls chuckled and ran away.

Director Nie jokingly said, “Shen Qi, you didn’t dare to tease girls in school so blatantly before.”

“I used to have bad grades, I always felt inferior.” Shen Qi told the truth.

“Even if you have good grades, you are not allowed to fall in love.” Director Nie put a smile away and said seriously.

“I know Director Nie, you should focus on your studies in high school.”

“Okay, Shen Qi, class is about to start, you should go back to the classroom first and consider the suggestion I just made.”

Back to the classroom of Grade 2 (2), Shen Qi was greeted by various worships.

“Shen Qi, full marks.”

“Please take my knees.”

“How can I get full marks every time?”

“How do I become a math champion?”

Classmates admire, praise, and ask for advice.

“This kind of thing like full score is just taking the test randomly, mainly depending on the status.” Shen Qi sat down in his seat and took out his books to prepare for class.

“If you don’t pretend to be forced, we can still be friends.” The classmates worshipped Shen Qi just now, but now they don’t want to talk to him.

The fight turns to the stars, spring is gone and summer is here.

In a blink of an eye, it was June, a hot summer.

After reaching level 4 in mathematics, Shen Qi has a deeper understanding of this subject. He is currently studying the journal “Journal of Mathematics” published by the Chinese Mathematical Society and “Journal of Mathematics” published by Wuhan University. These two professional journals are The tone of the domestic core journals is very appealing to Shen Qi.

He also read Peking University’s “Mathematics Research” and Fudan’s “Annual Journal of Mathematics A”, and the overall feeling is that the latter two are not as incisive and profound as the previous two.

The above-mentioned four professional mathematics journals are among the top four in China. If you can publish one or two mathematics papers in any of the four major mathematics journals in the country, take the journal where your paper is published and go to the school of mathematics or science at any university in China. , I said I want to come to you to study for graduate school, give me a chance… The School of Mathematics or the School of Science will definitely tell you, come on, young man, take a postgraduate.

Shen Qi’s current level of mathematics still has a certain gap between holding the journal and going to the research institute.

He just took a look, explored ideas and patterns, and studied the insights of domestic mathematics elites on mathematics.

To understand all the papers in Acta Mathematica, you must have a certain mathematical foundation, otherwise it is like reading a book, you know the words, but you don’t know what they mean.

The extracurricular interaction between Shen Qi and Zhang Wanbang continued, but Shen Qi found that Zhang Wanbang’s response rate was getting slower and slower.

Zhang Wanbang used to write something to Shen Qi every day, but now, he wrote more than a hundred words in a week, and the last sentence is “I have nothing to teach you. The subject of mathematics is mainly dependent on self-study.”

Think about it, Shen Qi’s mathematics indicators are already level 4, and Zhang Wanbang is defined by the system as a level 5 reference template. The teacher and student are one level behind. As a master, you have to keep both hands on the unique skills of the family. Zhang Wanbang said that there is nothing to do. After teaching Shen Qi, he can understand.

“So one day I will graduate from Xinren Village and embark on a new journey of loneliness alone, and this day is a few months earlier than I expected.”

On June 25, Shen Qi packed his bags and went to the northern suburbs resort 38 kilometers away from home alone, where he will receive a week-long closed training camp for the provincial team.

This Southern Guangdong Province Mathematical Competition Team has one leader, one deputy leader, one liaison officer, and six members.

All six team members have assembled in the Beijiao Resort. The oldest of them is 18 years old and the youngest is 16 years old. The six of them are the best teenagers in mathematics in this age group.

The reason why the training location is located in the suburbs is because the mountains and rivers are beautiful and quiet.

Shen Qi is quite satisfied with the logistical arrangements. There is food, drink and WIFI here, and two people live in a standard room.

The closed training was not as expected by Shen Qi. All the team members were locked in a small dark room, doing questions and doing problems for me, and I didn’t give me meals if they couldn’t solve the correct answers.

Actually, there are only 4 hours of training every day. In the rest of the time, the team members love to play mobile phones, play games and games, read novels and read novels, and have free activities.

The team leader is the vice president of the Provincial Mathematical Society, and he is responsible for the daily teaching.

“Who can tell me, what is the nature of the function? Please answer in one sentence.” The vice president asked questions in today’s lecture.

“The function is to put it plainly, it is to study the change and the unchanged.” Shen Qi took the lead to speak.

“Oh, isn’t it? Do other students have anything to add?” the vice chairman asked.

The other team members shook their heads and nodded, agreeing with Shen Qi’s point of view.

“Shen Qi is right, the function is to study the change and the unchanged. Next we enter the following part of the content, permutation and combination.”

In the past three days, the vice-chairman has taught only concepts and not specific topics. He believes that teaching students one way of thinking is more effective than teaching them to do a hundred questions.

“Well, today’s professional lectures are here. Next, I want to talk about some relaxed content. You have been learning mathematics from the first grade of elementary school or even kindergarten. Do you know the era when mathematics first appeared and who invented it? “The vice chairman is going to talk about the history of mathematics.

It was Shen Qi that was the first to speak again: “I have watched CCTV’s science and education films, aside from the way primitive people exchange objects, mathematics in the true sense first appeared around 3000 BC, or it was invented by the Babylonians. Either it was invented by the ancient Egyptians, and there is controversy in the history of mathematics. Anyway, it’s either the Babylonians or the ancient Egyptians. To build hanging gardens and pyramids, it is impossible not to use mathematical knowledge, mathematical knowledge in the true sense, instead of using It’s as simple as changing a cow for a bag of grain.”

“I personally prefer Babylonians. Of course, what I said doesn’t count. I’m just discussing with fellow students.” The vice president wrote some strange symbols on the blackboard and asked: “You know what I wrote is What?”

The other five teammates looked blank, and Shen Qi was also very puzzled. He could only guess: “Cuneiform writing?”

“Oh, Shen Qi, you can even read cuneiform writing?”

“I can’t understand it. I just guessed that this is Babylonian cuneiform writing. Teacher Tian, ​​you just said that you are biased towards the Babylonians.”

“Yes, this is Babylonian cuneiform writing.” The vice chairman’s surname is Tian, ​​and Shen Qi and the others call him Teacher Tian.

As he said, Teacher Tian was not happy: “The six of you are a Team, a team! Why is Shen Qi always speaking alone? You can also express your views and talk about your views on Babylonian mathematics. .”

“We… really don’t know, and we can’t pretend to know.” The team members expressed helplessness. If you talk about functions, just talk about functions. What the **** are you talking about cuneiform?

“Hey Teacher Tian sighed. This team is a little hopeful of achieving good results in the national arena. Only Shen Qi is the only one who has better vision, knowledge and thinking than the other five. Members, this is very important to mathematics, “Shen Qi, continue to guess, does this string of cuneiform writings that I wrote make sense? ”

After studying for a long time, Shen Qi said: “I don’t know if it makes sense, but I guess it’s related to mathematics? Judging from the cuneiform writing drawn by Mr. Tian, ​​there is a certain regularity. The first to tenth symbols are complete. It’s not the same. But some of the same patterns appear in the last few symbols, so Mr. Tian wants to teach us ten bins?”

“Do you know the ten binary system?” Teacher Tian was a little surprised, but thinking about Shen Qi as the provincial champion, there is nothing fuss about knowing the ten binary system.

Shen Qi nodded: “Know that, the protagonist in “The Martian” was trapped on Mars. Just when he was about to die, he relied on the binary system to get in touch with the earth headquarters, and finally escaped and returned to the earth. Hey, this book is pretty good-looking, it’s a big brain, and it’s reasonable. I’m particularly obsessed with science fiction, hard science fiction these days.”

“The decimal system was also invented by the Babylonians. It is not difficult to understand. Now I want to talk about the six decimal system. You should listen to it as a hobby. Expand your knowledge. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it. I know you are in each other. Schools are all learning masters, but learning masters are by no means just writing questions. Those who can only learn questions are fake ones. The real learning master must know two words—the pattern.” Teacher Tian continued to draw his The Babylonian wedge-shaped mathematical symbol. His research on ancient mathematics is similar to the word fennel in which Kong Yiji wrote fennel bean.

And now, Teacher Tian has a little friend, Shen Qizheng listened to him with relish about the dynasty of mathematics 5000 thousand years ago…

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