I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Xiongguan Mandao is like iron

Wait for Shen Qi to finish the second question in 10 minutes, and look back at the first question. It was really difficult. The difficult part was thought and logic.

The first question is dead. Fortunately, Shen Qi switched to another logic in time and solved it easily.

If the eight bridge problem of the first question is a difficult problem, Shen Qi thinks that the second question is simply a sub-question.

The second question is an algebra question. A bunch of Arabic numerals, English and Greek symbols are listed on the volume, so that the answerer can find the law and prove it.

Shen Qi didn’t even think about it. He didn’t write any drafts. He picked up a pen to answer the questions directly on the test paper. Cantor’s set theory is simple and easy, giving away 7 points for nothing.

“14 points, the last question.”

Shen Qi started to answer the last question, he still has 1 hour and 40 minutes, plenty.

The geometry question of the last question is theoretically the finale question. It took Shen Qi half an hour to solve it.

is sorted by difficulty, the most difficult is the first question, followed by the third question, and the easiest is the second question.

“Nothing wrong, hand in the paper.”

checked three times, Shen Qi handed in the paper 40 minutes early and left classroom 101.

After leaving the examination room, Shen Qi discovered that he was not the first person to hand in the paper.

Several groups of people gathered outside the examination room. They were relaxed, talking and laughing. It seemed that they were not here to participate in the National Mathematical League, but to travel.

This picture made Shen Qi’s heart tremble, and the chrysanthemum shrank, master, so many masters!

The group of students in uniform white shirts came from the Shonan Provincial Number Competition Team. Counting, one, two, three, four, five, six, all six members of their team handed in their papers in advance, earlier than Shen Qi’s.

The group of students wearing white short sleeves came from the Eastern Zhejiang Provincial Number Competition Team. The count was also one, two, three, four, five, and all six members of their team handed in their papers in advance.

The most interesting is the Northern Hubei Provincial Number Competition Team. Their six players not only turned in their papers in advance, but also played the game in pairs.

“The car enters three in eight.”

“Two guns and one level.”

The game played by the players of the Northern Hubei Provincial Number Competition Team is chess, but without the chess pieces, they closed their eyes and shouted and played blind chess.

“Strong, really so strong, Zhongyuan Wubai is not blowing, their overall mathematics is really super strong, they can’t accept it.” Shen Qi is very nervous, he looks forward to it, expecting his five pig teammates to explode. .

However, the results disappointed Shen Qi. None of the five pig teammates came out. They are probably dying in the examination room.

“Hey, it’s a waste of it, how can I be awesome, this is reality, not a game, I thought I could really play five at a time?” Shen Qi was lost and leaning against a tree, lonely and lonely. People’s North Hubei team has small friends who play together, but for me, I only have a few pig teammates, and the people are more popular than others.

Shen Qi looked to the second teacher, are the pig teammates still insisting?

“Look, that guy is spying on us.” Not far away, a member of the Hubei team spotted Shen Qi.

“Look at the words on his short sleeves… The Southern Guangdong Provincial Digital Competition Team, this guy is not bad, and he turned his paper ten minutes later than us.” Another member of the Northern Hubei team said.

“The Nanyue team is not a strong team.”

“He may have handed in a blank paper.”

“Leave him alone, a trivial team, come on, let’s continue, and the horse will make three advances.”

“Handsome five and six…”

Shen Qi heard the conversation between the team members in Northern Hubei Province.

At this time, students successively walked out of the Second Education Building. The three-hour answering time has come, and everyone has turned in the paper.

“The first question is super difficult. I guessed it. I said that there is no one-stroke path that can connect the eight bridges. The proof process is all scribble. It all depends on YY. The second question is simpler, and the third question is difficult. I may not get 10 points in the national preparatory examination paper. If Shen Qi beats me, you can’t save it!” Qi Jianhong of the Nanyue Provincial Number Competition Team said as he walked, his face full of nervousness.

“Dare he?” Luo Ming, another player, was a little bit more confident.

“Luo Ming, how many questions did you do right?” Qi Jianhong asked cautiously.

“At least two questions.” Luo obviously regretted, “Give me another 10 minutes, only 10 minutes is enough, I should be able to get full marks. It is a pity, it is a pity that there is not enough time.”

“Hehehehe.” A strange laughter sounded, and Shen Qi appeared behind the five teammates like a ghost.


“What the hell?”

“Shen Qi!”

“Why do you submit your papers in advance?”

The five teammates were frightened and looked up at the sky. The sun was originally scorching, but now it was overcast.

“Hehehehe.” Shen Qi’s smile was hard to figure out, “Stop talking, go back to the dormitory and talk again.”

“Hehe your sister.” Several teammates scolded, and walked towards the dormitory behind Shen Qi.

Teacher    Tian is already waiting in the dormitory. He has 6 national preparatory exam papers and 6 standard answers in his hand.

The paper cup temporarily used as an ashtray was filled with cigarette butts. Teacher Tian pinched out a cigarette he was smoking, turned off the air conditioner, and opened doors and windows.

“Hmm, it smells like smoke.” Qi Jianhong pinched his nose and frowned.

“Teacher Tian, ​​you smoked so much, this is our dormitory…” Luo Ming complained.

“I’m sorry, I can’t help but pay attention later.” Teacher Tian said sorry that he was under a lot of pressure.

Shen Qi moved a chair and sat by the window, looking into the distance, without speaking.

“I just got the national preparatory exam papers and standard answers from the organizing committee. You have the correct answers and estimate your score so that I can know it.” Teacher Tian began to distribute the exam papers and answers.

Qi Jianhong and other 5 people got the test papers and answers, and immediately checked the answers.

just finished the national preparatory exam, so they can clearly remember the content of their answers.

‘S mood for the answer is nervous, nervous, but expectant, just like playing a lottery.

“In the first question of the eight bridge problem, there really is no one-stroke path, I got it right! If you don’t give me 7 points, why should I give two points?”

“The second question is right again!”

“The third question, hey, the calculation is wrong, but the previous 90% of the derivations are correct, that is, the last step is wrong.”

“I guess I can get 10 points, 11 points, twelve three points?” Qi Jianhong was able to accept this result, which was a bit higher than he expected.

“I should be able to score more than 14 points. The Yahashi problem scoring teacher may give me one or two points as appropriate.” Luo Ming is still regretful. For 10 minutes, all I need is 10 minutes.

“Oh, you two are pretty good.” Teacher Tian was a little surprised, UU reading www. uukahnshu. com was slightly more optimistic than he expected, “Shu Minbo, Yang Huan, Cheng Le, what’s your situation?”

“Fuck, I made a crit! At least 17 points!”

“I can get a fourteen-five point or so.”

“I left the first question blank, and the next two questions are all correct, 14 points.”

The other three teammates have calculated their own estimates.

“Yes, you can. Except Qi Jianhong, the accuracy of the answers of other students is above 66%. Although it is an estimate, I believe that you have just finished the test and the estimate should be accurate. There is hope, we still have hope!” Teacher Tian saw a trace of it. Hope of promotion finally showed a smile.

Only Shen Qi didn’t say a word after entering the dormitory. He kept looking out the window, thoughtfully.

“Shen Qi, what are you looking at? What is the estimated score?” Teacher Tian walked to Shen Qi and asked very concerned. Shen Qi is Teacher Tian’s last and only trump card, so don’t go wrong.

Shen Qi stared at the distance without turning his eyes, and slowly said: “I’m looking at poetry and the distance.”

Teacher Tian: “…”

Everyone: “…”

“It’s over, Shen Qi is crazy. I thought he was wrong when I was outside just now.” Qi Jianhong walked to Shen Qi anxiously, and said in shame: “Shen Qi is all wrong with me, I know you want to enter the country. I have a strong desire. My level is limited and I can’t get too high scores. I didn’t expect you to suffer such a heavy blow. Yes, you’re right, I’m a spicy chicken.”

“It used to be, not now.” Shen Qi stood up and looked indoors: “10+14+14+14+17+21, we can get at least 90 points, so you are not a spicy chicken, you do your best. By the way, I should be able to get a full score of 21 points. We still have hope.”

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