I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 There is actually this kind of operation

Shen Qi’s math indicators have been upgraded to two consecutive levels in one day, and he has reached level 2.

According to the systematic explanation, the effect of level 2 mathematics indicators compared with level 1 mapping in actual combat is that Shen Qi’s derivation, insight, judgment, and memory in the field of mathematics have been greatly improved.

The literal explanation is not difficult to understand. To learn mathematics well, deduction, insight, judgment, and memory are the main ability indicators.

Shen Qi continued to do math exercises, XX middle school secret papers.

The difficulty of this test paper is very high, and Shen Qi rises to the challenge. He finds that his logic of solving the problem suddenly becomes extremely smooth and clear.

The auxiliary lines that were once impossible to draw are smoothly drawn, and the image of the function y=tanx dances in Shen Qi’s pen.

A kind of inspiration that has never been seen before came to life spontaneously, called “the writing is like a god”.

It took less than an hour. Shen Qi finished this 150-point mock test. He didn’t turn over the book or copy the answers during the whole process, so he broke the question heartily, broken the question to the end, and broke the question.

A pair of answers, Shen Qi was stunned: “Fuck, if you made a mistake, it was a wrong multiple choice question, 147 points!”

Shen Qi’s math test has a maximum score of 82 points, a minimum score of 17 points, and an average score of 67.5.

More than 140 points was a high-end existence that once Shen Qi didn’t even dare to think of, and it was a symbol of exclusive learning.

Tonight, Shen Qi scored 147 points in just tens of minutes, which is a very difficult secret scroll.

He thought it was a bit fake, so he made a new paper.

On the second math test paper, Shen Qi scored 149 points, but he was afraid of being proud of not giving one point.

“Advanced Mathematics Level 2 is reflected in actual combat, which is the level of mathematics!”

Shen Qi felt the joy of learning, and Spicy Chicken became a master of school, which was very happy.

In the next few days, Shen Qi can earn 7-10 points of Xueba points every day by carefully listening to lectures, doing questions, and self-study.

It is worth noting that the subjects that provide 7 10 Xueba points do not include mathematics.

Shen Qi has reached level 2 in mathematics, self-study high school mathematics textbooks, do high school mathematics exercises, and can no longer get the points.

So Shen Qi entered a new field-“Advanced Algebra”.

“Advanced Algebra” is one of the compulsory courses for undergraduates in the Department of Mathematics. Shen Qi bought the “Advanced Algebra” textbook in the bookstore.

The reason why I bought Gaodai is because the book is on sale. The original price is 32 yuan, and the discount price is 6 yuan4. Buy three copies and get one free, which is almost sold by the catty.

With the improvement of derivation, insight, judgment, and memory, Shen Qi’s self-study of “Advanced Algebra” is not so difficult, of course, it is not easy.

Self-study for advanced generations for more than 3 hours a day, Shen Qi can earn a stable income of 8-12 points, which is almost equal to the sum of the points provided by other subjects.

By the beginning of April, the system opened a total of ten subject indicators:

Mathematics Level 2 (0/3000)

Language Level 0 (0/100)

English Level 0 (0/100)

Physics Level 0 (0/100)

Chemistry Level 0 (0/100)

biological level 0 (0/100)

History Level 0 (0/100)

Geography Level 0 (0/100)

Political level 0 (0/100)

Sports Level 1 (0/1000)

Balance Xueba points: 1127 points

These ten subjects are all the curriculum settings for the second stage of high school. Except for mathematics and physical education, Shen Qi’s other eight subjects are all at level 0.

Shen Qi did not invest a little bit of academic points in sports. The system opened the sports indicators for him after the last physical education class. The default level is level 1.

It means that Shen Qi once did not reach the high school average in other cultural classes except for sports which was the average level of high school students.

But now it’s different. At least Shen Qi’s mathematics has been smashed to level 2, the top level of high school students.

Shen Qi is also facing severe challenges. Even if he learns his undergraduate mathematics textbooks by himself, the speed of acquiring the points for learning masters is still too slow.

Every day I’m tired, I get 22 points in the most one day, including the remaining 1127 points. Shen Qi needs to brush more than 16,000 points to get the mathematics to level 5. This process will be Lasted for more than two years. There is no rest day, I have to do this every day for more than two years.

And Shen Qi is only 15 months away from graduating from high school.

“The road of learning to dominate is very difficult.”

Shen Qizheng was depressed, the class bell rang, and Zhang Wanbang walked into the classroom of the second grade (2) class with a stack of test papers in his hand.

“Examination.” Zhang Wanbang spit out two words concisely. This math class will have a test in class.

“Take another test?”

“I’m so irritable!”

The students under the stage complained.

“I feel that the second party in the high school is more bitter than the third party in the high school!” A girl named Chen Xiaoting said, her views were approved by all the students in class 2.

At this stage in April, the third party of high school is not so hard pressed, because there are still two months of college entrance examination, the results of the third party of high school are basically stable, no matter how hard the teacher pushes it, it is difficult to make a qualitative leap. At most, it is a sprint to maintain the state. The second party in the high school may force them to perform miracles in a year, so the second party in the high school is the hardest to force them at this time.

“That’s not right, the next period is history class, math class is not two consecutive sessions, how can it be possible to finish a paper in tens of minutes?” A boy found the doubt.

“Yes, the next lesson is history!”

The students suddenly realized that they were holding a trace of luck. Teacher Zhang probably remembered it wrong. He also brought the math class of the second grade (3) class. Today, it should be 3 classes of math class doing on-the-spot tests, right?

“I played cards last night, and the history class teacher Ma lost the next history class to me, so the next period is also a math class, two consecutive exams. Are there any questions? If there is no UU reading www.uukanshu.com, start the test. “Zhang Wanbang answered the students’ questions and asked the math class representatives to distribute test papers.

“There is such an operation?”

“Can you still bet on playing cards?”

“Teacher Ma, you are irrational, you are a history teacher, can you beat the math teacher in playing cards?”

“People’s teachers don’t seem to allow gambling!”

The frying pan is in the classroom. The students have seen it when the class is changed, and have never heard of the gambling class.

“Keep me quiet!” Zhang Wanbang slammed the podium. “The people’s teacher has the right to play cards in his spare time. We don’t have any money to gamble, which is not considered gambling. You choose to study in Nangang No. 2 Middle School, and this is you. You can go out if you don’t want to take exams, whatever you want.”

Having said that, none of the students in the class dared to go out. They hated the history class teacher Ma. Teacher Ma, your card skills are too stinky, so if you can beat Teacher Zhang!

Shen Qi didn’t make a sound. He must have followed suit in the past, but he was very calm at the moment.

Isn’t it just a math test, ha ha.

Shen Qi rolled out the draft paper, with the ballpoint pen in his hand, ready to challenge.

Soon, the math test papers were distributed to each student, and the class test began.


The classroom is very quiet, only the rubbing of pen and paper can be heard.

All the students in the second grade (2) of high school vomit and return to vomit. After vomiting, they still have to face the exam and meet the college entrance examination. This is their destiny and cannot escape.

Zhang Wanbang stood on the podium with his hand in his hand, condescending to monitor everything. Every few minutes, he would walk off the podium and walk through the classroom, and stand randomly behind a certain student for a while, closely monitoring the exam.

Behind    stood a grumpy math teacher, which made the students nervous and shivering.

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