I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Welcome, do the questions first

Shen Zhishan arrived in the capital that night, and the father and son met.

The next day, Shen Zhishan invited Mr. Tian to have lunch, and then Mr. Tian returned to Nangang City. The father and son continued to stay in the capital.

“Shen Qi, can you tell me a clear goal, which university I want to go to, so I can talk to them.”

“Domestic, Tsinghua University and Peking University choose one, foreign, I haven’t thought about it yet.”

“Is that domestic or foreign?”

“Don’t force me, Dad, you have to make me think about such a big thing for a few months. I still have a year to graduate from high school.”

“I don’t force you, no matter what your choice is, I will support you. I know it, let’s drag it. Tsinghua University and Peking University can’t be guilty, and no one should be flattered, drag them for a few months.”

In the afternoon, the Admissions Office of Peking University found Shen Qi and his son and offered a clear invitation, hoping that Shen Qi would sign a contract with Peking University immediately and become a special enrollment student of Peking University.

“My son wants to study mathematics. He has been good at math since he was a child. Their teacher said he was a math genius.” Shen Zhishan sipped his coffee and said calmly.

The person in charge of the Admissions Office of Peking University vowed: “Mr. Shen, there is no problem. As long as Shen Qi signs with us at Peking University, he can choose what major he wants to study. Moreover, our Department of Mathematics at Peking University is No. 1 in the country, and some colleges follow us. Although Peking University is just across the street, the difference in cultural heritage and scientific strength is more than eight streets. What they train is nothing more than high-level skilled workers, and what we train at Peking University are academic masters.”

Shen Zhishan did not answer, but asked Shen Qi: “Shen Qi, only for mathematics, which university ranks first in the world?”

Shen Qi: “Princeton.”

“What about the second?”

“Massachusetts Institute of Technology.”

“Third to fifth?”

“Paris Normal University, Stanford, Cambridge.”

“Sixth to tenth?”

“Oxford, Berkeley, Harvard…”

Shen Qi and his son answered each question. Director Tang of the Admissions Office of Peking University’s expression became more and more ugly. He felt that the rhythm was not right and that the routines of the Shen Qi father and son were unconventional.

“Seventeen-seventh, our Department of Mathematics at Peking University is ranked 17th in the world.” Director Tang said straightforwardly, and we met frankly, and never forgot to add: “The Department of Mathematics at Tsinghua University ranks 42nd in the world.”

“The structure is bigger, don’t always compare with Tsinghua University.” Shen Zhishan stood up and said to Shen Qi: “Let’s go, I’ll send you to the Olympic National Team to report.”

Shen Qi double-clicked 666 for his father in his heart. There are probably not many people in China who can talk to the Admissions Office of Peking University. Shen Zhishan is one of them.

After Shen Qi and his son left, Director Tang was alone in a coffee shop in Wudaokou, feeling uneasy for a long time.

Director Tang took out his cell phone and dialed a number: “Shen Qi, the gold medalist in the United Nations Finals this time, the only full score. This kid is full of spirituality and is a rare talent. Listen to me, at all costs, we must let him Shen Qi comes to Peking University! Can you use your brain to think of a way to play family card, friendship card or something?”

“Beauty? It’s your uncle, he’s still a child! Did you know that Shen Qi has been selected for the Olympiad National Team? He is likely to represent China to participate in the IMO. We are running out of time and we must not let Tsinghua succeed! I **** would rather Shen Qi go to Fudan than see him go next door, I can’t afford to lose this person!”

Before going to the headquarters of the Chinese Mathematical Society, Shen Zhishan took Shen Qi to the mall to buy a bunch of food, drink, clothing, and use, and gave him a dual-currency credit card secondary card.

“Shen Qi, you have never been out alone for so long and take care of yourself. In fact, you can go out alone to exercise. All in all, pay attention to safety.”

“Don’t worry, you must go home safely.”

“miss home?”

“Yes! I really want to go home and pretend to be forced, so I can’t pretend to be for my friends at home. It’s so boring. Also, I miss my mother, why didn’t she come?”

“Your mother’s hospital is too busy to come. Shen Qi, you are waiting here, I will buy you some fruit. The climate in the north is dry, so you should eat more fruit.”

“Don’t buy oranges, Dad, or I will cry, I’m afraid of acid.”

Shen Zhishan sent Shen Qi to the Chinese Mathematical Society, and then immediately rushed to the airport and went home.

On the plane, Shen Zhishan thought something was wrong. He came to the capital by himself, but he didn’t actually help Shen Qi with anything meaningful. Tsinghua and Peking University did not sign.

Perhaps Shen Qi has really grown up. He has his own opinions. What his parents can do is probably to prepare the tuition for him…

Headquarters of the Chinese Mathematical Society.

Shen Qi came here to report, alone, without companions.

The things that I bring with me are half daily necessities and half books.

The one who received Shen Qi was a young man in his early twenties. He was an intern at the Chinese Mathematical Society.

“Shen Qi, come on, let me take your luggage.” Xiaowen took Shen Qi’s suitcase, “Oh, it’s heavy! What’s in the suitcase?”

“Book.” Shen Qi carried a bag on his back, carrying a bag in his hand, and a lot of luggage.

“No wonder it is so heavy, knowledge is weight.” Xiaowen took Shen Qi into the headquarters building of the Chinese Mathematical Society.

“Brother Wen, where are we going now? Is the place to live here? I want to put my luggage first, there are too many things.” Shen Qi looked around and observed, UU reading www.uukánshu.com This is an administrative office and accommodation. I don’t know where it is. He has moved out of the Tsinghua dormitory and has no place to live temporarily.

Anecdote: “The dormitory of your training team is not far away. I will take you there. I will tell you briefly about the situation in the team. Including you, there are 21 people in this Olympics National Training Team for 10 years. After five days of training, six of you will represent China to participate in the IMO. The annual IMO is fixed in July. This year’s IMO will be held in the United Kingdom and will start at the end of July. I am just an assistant, responsible for your daily life and passports. The coach will tell you about daily affairs such as visas and professional training regulations in the team.”

Shen Qi nodded: “I understand, thank you, Brother Wen.”

Xiaowen led Shen Qi into an office. Inside was a man, middle-aged, with little hair and a face with Chinese characters.

“Gueran Liu, this is Shen Qi, who came to the training team to report.” Xiaowen handed Shen Qi to Chief Liu and left the office.

“Guoguan Liu, we met again, what a coincidence.” Shen Qi recognized him when she saw Guan Guan. Isn’t this Guan Guan an invigilator for the National Judicial Judgment.

“Shen Qi, yes, it is not easy to get a full score in the national finals. I reviewed your national final exam papers.” When Liu Guan reviewed Shen Qi’s test papers two days ago, he suddenly suffered a heart attack. Maybe it’s still in the recovery period, but Mr. Liu’s expression is not very good today.

“Thank you Mr. Liu, you gave me full marks.”

“Don’t thank me, the test score is based on strength.”

Officer Liu opened the drawer, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Shen Qi: “As one of the coaches of the training team, I welcome you to join this national training team. Come on, do the questions first and get familiar with the environment.”

Shen Qi: “…”

This kind of greeting is really special, and it is worthy of the Olympics national team.

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