I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Olympiad National Team Training

Shen Qi took the quick-acting Jiuxin pill and fed it to Gu Gu.

There was too much movement, Xiao Wen, an assistant in the office next door, ran over.

Upon seeing this situation, he was speechless and asked the heavens: “Guoru Liu, you…Shen Qi, it’s you again!”

Shen Qi looked dazed: “Why do you want to say it again? I just came to report, and it’s only an hour.”

Officer Liu waved his hand hard, and said, “No… let’s not say…”

Xiaowen helped Liu Gufu to get along, and said very worried: “Liu Gu, take the medicine, right? I will drive your car to take you home.”

“No…no need…” Liu Gu shook his head and said: “Small Wen…you send him…stay…I think…quietly…”

“That’s all right, Mr. Liu, you just fell ill and just rested in the office. If you have something to say, I will be there on call.” Xiaowen took Shen Qi’s suitcase and took Shen Qi out of the office and walked towards the training team’s dormitory. .

“Liu Guguo’s heart is not good and cannot be stimulated.” Xiaowen said to Shen Qi.

“I see, I must pay attention in the future, it scared me to death just now.” Shen Qi said with lingering fear.

Xiaowen asked: “By the way, what irritated you to Liu Guan?”

“As soon as I met, he asked me to do the question, and I was not allowed to eat if I couldn’t do it, and then I…” Shen Qi explained the general process.

“Hey, Shen Qi, I don’t know how to evaluate you. Forget it, I’ll take you to the dormitory to put your luggage, and then go to the cafeteria to eat.” Xiaowen is not very old, not tall, and his appearance is relatively easy-going. .

“Brother Wen, are you a college student?” Shen Qi’s 1.7-meter high school student is a bit taller than Xiao Wen’s 1.7-meter.

“Beijing Institute of Technology, a junior in junior year, the senior year started in September, and is currently an intern at the Chinese Mathematical Society to accumulate some social experience.”

“Oh, is Brother Wen from the Department of Mathematics?”

“No, I am studying information engineering. The mathematics major of BIT is not strong.”

“Information engineering also has to learn advanced mathematics, line generation, etc., right?”

“Of course, advanced mathematics and line generation are required courses. But I am ashamed, my mathematics level may not be better than Shen Qi you, I don’t understand the maximum and minimum boundary conditions of Lagrangian indefinite integral, but you do. Since ancient times, a hero has been a young man, and it’s impossible for us college students to refuse to accept the old.”

“Brother Wen is humble, so I’m better at math, and other subjects are pretty average.”

The two walked and chatted, and soon arrived at the dormitory building.

There is a small canteen on the first floor, and the dormitory above the second floor.

The dormitory is a two-person room. The room has a high and low floor. It has a private bathroom, balcony, water heater, air-conditioning, wardrobe, computer desk, and the whole building is covered with WIFI. Basically, all the necessary facilities are available, and the living is quite comfortable.

After Shen Qi entered the 307 dormitory, he found that the room was clean and tidy, and no one lived.

“Where is my roommate?” Shen Qi asked.

“You have no roommates, you live alone. There are 21 people in this training team. You are the last to report, so there are no roommates for the time being.” Xiao Wen put Shen Qi’s suitcase away.

“Alright, live alone quietly.” Shen Qi put his backpack on the bed, took the key to the dormitory door from Xiaowen, and received a meal card, and then went downstairs to the cafeteria for dinner.

That night, Shen Qi was reading in the dormitory alone.

“My mathematics index is at level 5. According to the system setting, level 5 belongs to the professional level. Then I will try the professional level questions.”

Shen Qi found a problem, which he had never dared to touch before, but tonight, he tried it.

“Some numbers have special properties. They cannot be expressed as the product of two smaller numbers, such as 2, 3, 5, 7, etc. Such numbers are called prime numbers (or prime numbers).

In the fields of pure mathematics and applied mathematics, prime numbers play an important role, and the distribution of all prime numbers does not follow any laws.

150 years ago, the German mathematician Riemann put forward the hypothesis that the frequency of prime numbers is closely related to a complex function. This function is called the zeta function. Riemann believes that all prime numbers can be expressed by the zeta function according to a certain law. To this day, the Riemann hypothesis has not been fully proven. ”

Shen Qi tried to solve the Riemann hypothesis, one of the seven unsolved mathematical problems in the world. Of course, it is now called the “big six” more accurately. The Poincaré conjecture was solved by the Russian mathematician Perelman in 2006.

Facing Riemann’s hypothesis, Shen Qi was in a daze for three full hours, then took a bath and went to bed. He felt like a fool.

“It’s floating, I’m still floating a bit.” Shen Qi lay on the lower bunk, staring at the wooden board on the upper bunk.

It is true that the recent smooth sailing, invincible and invincible, but in the face of real mathematical problems, Shen Qi feels that he has nothing to do, even the threshold cannot be touched.

Level 5 mathematics to solve the thousand-year-old problem of Riemann’s hypothesis is tantamount to a little friend who has just learned to walk running against Bolt and defeating Bolt. nonexistent.

“I don’t know what kind of experience it is to rise to level 15. Maybe only the math level of 15 can solve the millennium puzzle…” Shen Qi fell asleep.

The next day, a total of 21 members of the national training team for the 20XX Olympic Mathematics Competition completed the first assembly.

The young faces were a little bit childish, saying that they were immature and they looked more mature than most middle school students. The 21 players were all boys, not a single girl. This was a monk team.

“Dear members, in fifteen days we will send our troops to Britain to represent the Chinese Olympic Team in this IMO.” The deputy team leader said loudly.

“You should know the meaning and weight of IMO, yes, the Olympic Mathematics Competition, it is the Olympic Games in mathematics.”

“But not everyone can go to the UK. The six strongest of you will take on the mission of winning glory for the country and enjoy the unparalleled glory.”

“Opportunities will not be given to anyone in vain You need to fight for your dreams. For the next 15 days, the team will arrange a test every day and record scores. The six people with the highest total score will become Official member of this Olympics National Team.”

“Okay, I have said everything that should be said, and then the geometry coach Su will teach.”

The deputy team leader handed over the scene to Teacher Su, who was responsible for intensive training in the field of geometry.

The scope of IMO competition generally includes algebra, geometry, number theory, combinatorial mathematics, probability theory and other fields. For each branch of the competition, the Chinese National Olympic Mathematical Team has arranged professional coaches.

Teacher Su, who teaches geometry, talked all morning. At noon, each team member had a meal and a lunch break for a total of 1 hour. In the afternoon, another coach was changed to talk about number theory.

The training intensity is very high, and the coach does not matter whether the players can understand or absorb or digest, I will talk about mine, and it is your own business whether to understand or not.

Shen Qi doesn’t like the forced teaching atmosphere of the national team, he prefers the style of their provincial team.

After the intensive training of the day, it was 6:30 in the evening, and the test of the day was followed immediately.

The    test lasted for two hours. At 8:30, the tired boys could finally have dinner.

In the early hours of the morning, a member of the team had a fever of 39.7 degrees and foamed at the mouth and became unconscious, and was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

On the second day, another team member couldn’t handle the devil’s training, dizzy and fainted, and then he was rushed to the hospital for rescue.

Witnessing the two teammates leaving the team one after another, Shen Qi discovered a conspiracy: “I know, why do we need 15 days of devil training, because this national training team has 21 players, one a day, and the last six will be alive. Representing China at the IMO International Arena…”

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