I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 546

Chapter 524 Fuck, there is an ambush!

As it goes deeper into Maduo County, the desertification phenomenon becomes more and more serious.

Shen Qi saw large and small sand pits, these pits are dry lakes.

“There were more than 4,000 lakes in Maduo County in the 1960s, but now only one-fourth is left. The fish is gone, the grass is gone, the gold has been snatched away, and what is left is large deserts, ecological refugees and national level. Poor county.” Shen Qi is very distressed. Human beings unrestrainedly ask for resources from nature. In the end, it is human beings who are punished.

“It’s not good.” The driver sighed, and he expressed regret: “Look, Professor Shen, the big pit on the left was a lake before, and the lake was crystal clear. A small net can catch more than 100 catties of fish. Naked carp. It is a specialty of the source of the Yellow River. This fish grows slowly. A seven or eight catties of the Yellow River naked carp will grow more than ten to twenty years. Nowadays, there are almost no naked carp in the wild, and the ecological damage is too serious.”

“Once the ecology in the headwaters of the Yellow River is out of balance, the middle and lower reaches will suffer more damage.” Shen Qi photographed the devastated desert and said: “Master Zhang, stop, I will take a sample.”

The car is parked on the side of the road. There is no traffic police and no passing vehicles can be seen here, so don’t worry too much about illegal parking.

Shen Qi got off the car and took samples, and two graduate students helped.

Two graduate students come from the School of Literature and History and the School of Physics of Yantai University. They have one art and one science. They volunteered to come to the western part of the motherland to become support teachers.

Shen Qi uses a portable microwave radiometer and wind profiler to detect and collect the temperature, humidity, meridional and latitude wind directions in this area.

Two graduate students took soil and vegetation samples and put them into sealed bags.

“Xiao Gan, Xiao Meng, have not yet arrived in Maduo County, you still have time to change your mind.” Shen Qi said to two graduate student volunteers.

“I have come here, I never thought of being a deserter.” The liberal arts student Xiao Gan is firm.

“Golden hills and silver hills are not as good as green mountains and green mountains. There is a vast world to do.” Science student Xiao Meng expressed his strong determination to contribute to the construction of the western region.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and no one pushes them. These two graduate students voluntarily volunteered to support teaching. They used their knowledge to do what they could in the places where the motherland needed them the most.

Shen Qi nodded and said: “Okay, during the teaching support period, if you encounter any problems or obstacles, you can contact me directly.”

In this age of entertainment to death and material supremacy, there are many outstanding young people who want to go to developed regions and developed countries, and the educated youth who volunteer to come to poor areas are especially valuable.

“That cluster should be Oxytropis, Xiao Meng, take a sample.” Shen Qi pointed not far away.

“OK.” Xiao Meng’s major is astronomy, and sampling vegetation can’t bother him.

Due to overgrazing, disorderly gold mining and cordyceps excavation, and the impact of natural factors such as global warming, a large amount of vegetation in this area has been destroyed and grassland degradation is very serious.

Man-made disasters and natural disasters have caused Maduo County’s desert gravel and bare land without vegetation to cover more than half of the county’s land area.

Looking around, the khaki of the desert is the main hue of this once fertile land.

The desert is dotted with green grass, and the average height of the grass is not more than 5 cm.

Moreover, the grass is mixed with oxtropis poisonous weeds. It can be clearly judged that there is no grazing here, no valuable human production activities can be carried out here, desolation is still spreading, and it is no longer suitable for human survival.

Xiao Meng was collecting oxtrope plants, and suddenly an animal jumped out of the cave under the plant.

“Fuck, there is an ambush!” Xiao Meng, who was caught off guard, was taken aback and almost flashed.

The female crouching in the grass is round in shape, a little smaller than a rabbit, and a little bigger than a field mouse.

Yin goods have no tails and small ears. They look like rabbits and mice.

The animal stood up on the ground and stood upright, his eyes rolled around. It didn’t seem to have any offensive power, but rather cute.

After receiving the signal from his teammates, Shen Qi quickly supported Xiao Meng to capture the cute animals.

“Squeak!” The little animals finally reacted. The group of biped humanoid monsters who broke into their territory wanted to do something!

Shen Qi stunned the small animal with a punch, then dislocated it and executed it.

“There are controls and outbreaks, Professor Shen is so skilled!” Xiaomeng witnessed Professor Shen’s amazing combat power. He looked at the executed animal and asked, “Is this guy a rabbit or a mouse?”

“This is a pika, a kind of creature that is closer to rabbits, and it lives in high altitude areas.” Shen Qi sampled pikas for scientific research purposes.

“Pikas are not protected animals, right?” Xiao Meng asked.

“This cute little animal is a pest in this area.” Shen Qi looked around for a week and saw many caves on the ground: “Look, those caves are pikas’ caves. They eat grass and shave grass roots. The reproductive ability is super strong, which has made the already severely degraded grassland worse. The pika’s natural enemies are eagles, lynxes, leopards, and clouded leopards. However, the pika’s natural enemies in this area have been hunted and killed by humans in more than ten years. Most of it was done by poachers.”

“The food chain is broken, the ecology is unbalanced, pikas multiply, the grass is eaten up by them, and the cattle and sheep are not eaten. They threaten the living environment of mankind.” Xiaomeng hates poachers very much poaching The elements were frantically hunting and killing precious wild animals, and the local aborigines in Maduo County were punished by nature.

“If there is no business, there is no harm.” Shen Qi patted Xiao Meng on the shoulder, ready to continue on his way.

At this time, countless heads popped up from the caves in the surrounding land, big and small, gray and white, all pikas.

The heads of the rabbits are moving, densely packed.

A pika is a cute thing, but thousands of pikas are crowded together, staring at the four humans with a certain uniform and strange posture and eyes, making Shen Qi and others scalp numb.

Xiao Meng, who has intensive phobia, no longer thinks that pikas are cute anymore. He ran into the car and slammed the door tightly: “Retreat and retreat, don’t start a group with them!”

The driver started the car and drove along the highway towards Maduo County.

toot toot!


The driver, Master Zhang, honked the car horn hastily, fleeing the pika legion that was about to start.

is still the old master Zhang with experience, and the rat is the rat, so how dare you really just face the humans?



During the driving, within 500 meters, Master Zhang’s car killed more than a dozen pikas.

The pikas who ran away in a panic couldn’t tell the direction, they ran under the wheel to die.

“These pikas are very annoying. It can be said that a rat disaster has formed. In Maduo County, the forage that is eaten by pikas and voles every year is equivalent to the amount of forage for all cattle and sheep in the county for three years.” Master Zhang In the eyes, these rats and rabbits are pests.

drove a few hundred meters to kill a dozen pikas, showing that this area is indeed infested with rats.

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